Do Ghosts Really Haunt Houses In The Uk Ep 689

A woman dressed up for Halloween. Get a sneak peek into a real UK TV series about ghosts that will send shivers down your spine!

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Slow English Listening Practice: Ghosts & Halloween

Ready to unravel the mysteries of British and American Halloween culture WHILE boosting your English fluency? You can't miss this!🎃 Adept English brings you a Halloween special that’s so much more than your average English lesson.

Here’s why you'll want to hit "Play" right away:

  • 👉 Ghost Stories Galore: Dive into real-life, spine-chilling stories that unveil British and American Halloween traditions.
  • 👉 Language Meets Lifestyle: Master English vocabulary, phrases, and idioms that revolve around hauntings and estate agents struggling to sell 'haunted' houses.
  • 👉 Fluency Through Immersion: The Seven Rules of Adept English break down language barriers and fast-track you to fluency.
  • 👉 Cultural Insights: Get an in-depth look at Halloween traditions, from trick or treating to pumpkin carving, in both the UK and America.
  • 👉 Expert Tips: Gain actionable study tips to ace your English tests and exams.

✔Lesson transcript:

There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.
⭐ Robert Brault

Ever wondered how Halloween, haunted houses, and ghosts can help you master the English language? Intrigued? You should be. In this eye-opening podcast episode, we don't just rattle chains and tell spooky tales.

We delve deep into British and American culture, demystifying the words and phrases surrounding these chilling topics. It's not just about learning—it's about immersion. Get ready for an English lesson that could send shivers down your spine and elevate your fluency to new heights. Stick around; this is one story you won't want to ghost.

I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe places can be haunted by meaning. Places change us, and we change places.
⭐ Emma Donoghue

Unveil the supernatural while enhancing your language skills! Master English the Adept way—speaking and listening at your best. This isn’t just another tutorial. It’s a deep dive into language, culture, and the Uncanny. Hit "Subscribe" and step into a world where learning English meets spooky fun! 🎧💀📚

Don’t ghost on this chance to elevate your English—grab our FREE course, "The Seven Rules of Adept English" now! Learn today, lead tomorrow. Join Adept English and speak fluently by listening intently. 🎤🇬🇧🇺🇸

More About This Lesson

Welcome to a special Halloween episode by Adept English! We don't just share ghost stories; we offer a full English learning experience. Learn about Halloween in the UK and the US, build your vocabulary, and get to know the culture. Stick around, because this is one English lesson you won't want to skip.

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.
⭐ Gerry Spence

Things you will learn from listening to today's English listening lesson:

  1. Vocabulary Enhancement: The lesson delves into specific words like "spooky," "haunted," and "trick or treat," boosting your English vocabulary.
  2. Cultural Insight: Learn about how British and American people celebrate Halloween, offering you a richer understanding of the culture.
  3. Real-World Context: By discussing real estate issues around haunted houses, the podcast adds a real-world dimension to your language learning.
  4. Listening Skills: The podcast format allows you to practice listening, a key component for mastering spoken English.
  5. Storytelling: The lesson uses engaging ghost stories to keep you hooked, making the learning experience enjoyable.
  6. Repeat Exposure: The host suggests listening multiple times for better understanding, reinforcing language acquisition.
  7. Everyday Language: The host speaks in a natural, conversational tone, helping you adapt to authentic English usage.
  8. Practical Tips: The podcast mentions the importance of their free course, The Seven Rules of Adept English, guiding you on how to learn effectively.
  9. Spelling: Words are spelled out, like 'H A L L O W E E N,' aiding in your written English skills.
  10. Community Engagement: Encouragement to share your own ghost stories fosters a sense of community and provides more opportunities to practice English.
Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done.
⭐ Amelia Earhart

Benefits of our listen & learn approach to learning

  • Boost Your Vocabulary: Learn words like "haunted," "spooky," and "trick or treating" to talk about ghosts and Halloween like a pro.
  • Dive Into Culture: Understand the importance of Halloween in British and American cultures. Blend into conversations about this spooky holiday.
  • Think in English: Our lesson helps you understand and think in English, not just memorize it. We offer real-world examples that make learning fun.

Why You Should Listen:

  1. Beat Your Fears: Worried about missing out on cultural talks or not having a rich vocabulary? This podcast has you covered.
  2. Real-World Context: Learn how estate agents deal with haunted houses and how Halloween affects people's choices.
  3. Fun Learning: Who says language learning has to be boring? Our ghost stories make sure you're hooked till the end.
  4. Deep Dive: Discover historical and economic facts, like the origins of "trick or treating" and how haunted houses impact real estate prices.

Interested in ghost stories but also want to improve your English? Now you can do both. #LearnEnglishWithGhosts 👻📚

  • Unlock the mystery behind British Halloween traditions like pumpkins and ghosts.
  • Peek into a real UK ghost TV series that will make you feel chills.

Ready for a unique language journey? Follow and subscribe to Adept English now. Boost your English skills while diving into the richness of British and American culture!

Questions You Might Have...

Imagine this English lesson as a flash light-guided journey through a mysterious, centuries-old British manor at Halloween. With each step, you uncover secret chambers of vocabulary and cultural nuances, all while thrilling ghost stories keep your mind captivated. It's not just a lesson; it's an enthralling adventure that educates and entertains, turning the cobwebbed corners of language into intriguing passages of knowledge and lore.

  1. What is the primary aim of this Adept English podcast? The primary aim of this podcast is to give you an in-depth understanding of how Halloween and ghost stories are celebrated and perceived in British and American cultures. Not only does it enrich your cultural knowledge, but it also enhances your English vocabulary. Dive right in to explore this exciting aspect of British and American life.
  2. Does the podcast only focus on Halloween? While the podcast talks extensively about Halloween, it broadens the scope to cover ghost stories, haunted houses, and the challenges they pose in real estate in the U.S. So, it's more than just jack-o-lanterns and costumes; it's an immersive experience into the mysterious and spooky.
  3. What can I expect to gain by listening to this podcast? By tuning into this podcast, you're embarking on a journey that will bolster your understanding of English vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The podcast aims to ignite your interest and engage the English part of your brain, a key strategy for achieving fluency according to Adept English's "listen & learn" system.
  4. Is this podcast beneficial for English language learners? Absolutely! This podcast serves as a treasure trove for English language learners. From understanding common terms like "trick or treat" to learning the meaning of "haunted," you'll expand your vocabulary while also getting a taste of cultural elements. If you're keen on mastering English, this podcast can be your stepping stone to fluency.
  5. How does this podcast relate to the free course, The Seven Rules of Adept English? The podcast provides a practical application of Adept English's Seven Rules, specifically the "listen & learn" rule. By engaging with the podcast, you're getting firsthand experience in understanding conversational English, which dovetails nicely with the principles laid out in the free course. Remember, understanding the process accelerates your journey to fluency.

Most Unusual Words:

  • Podcast: An online audio show that you can listen to anytime.
  • Phenomenon: Something that happens and is interesting or unusual.
  • Realtor: A person who helps you buy or sell a house.
  • Insular: When people keep to themselves and don't talk much to others.
  • Commercialised: When businesses use something to make money.
  • Supernatural: Things that cannot be explained by science, like ghosts.
  • Vibe: The feeling you get from a place or person.
  • Spooky: When something is a little scary or makes you feel nervous.
  • Haunted: A place where people believe ghosts live.
  • Compelling: Something that is very interesting and grabs your attention.

Most Frequently Used Words:


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The mp3 audio and pdf transcript for this lesson is now part of the Adept English back catalogue . You can still download and listen to this lesson as part of one of our podcast bundles.

Transcript: Do Ghosts Really Haunt Houses In The UK

Learn all about British culture around Halloween

Hi there. As this podcast goes out, Halloween 31st of October is tomorrow. I've talked about Halloween before in the podcast. It's something that we celebrate in the UK. But how about we change things today? Are you ready to dive into the world of ghosts and ghost stories with me?

This is definitely something that you will come across as part of British culture. And who knows, it may be part of your culture too. I'm interested to know whether this is something that you talk about in your country or whether it's just a British and American phenomenon.

And if you listen to this podcast, you'll find out how ghosts and haunted houses are a problem for estate agents or realtors selling houses in the US. And what they do about it.

This podcast will give you insight into this aspect of British and American culture. It'll make sure that you know how the British celebrate Halloween and what we mean when we talk about ghosts and ghost stories. And it'll give you the English vocabulary that you need to understand people's conversation about these things. And hopefully it will be interesting in its own right too.

Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

Fascination with 'real-life' ghost stories!

I know it fascinates me. And it will be exercising the English part of your brain. And that's what we do with Adept English.

Stick around until the end of this podcast and I'll talk about a real-life story, uncovered by a UK TV series about ghosts that might just send shivers down your spine.

Check out The Seven Rules of Adept English for valuable advice on language learning - don't miss out!

If you're finding our podcast helpful for your English learning journey, you should definitely check out our free course, The Seven Rules of Adept English. This free course really helps you understand the process of language learning and how you arrive at fluency. What helps and what doesn't help, why you make progress and why you don't make progress. Without this knowledge, learning English could take much longer. But help is here - it's all in The Seven Rules of Adept English Course. So go to our website and our Courses page to find out more. And remember, this is a free course, so what have you got to lose?

Boost Your Learning With Adept English

What's Halloween - and how do we celebrate in the UK?

You probably know what Halloween is, I think? That's Halloween, H A L L O W E E N. It's the festival that happens on the 31st of October and we celebrate by carving or cutting pumpkins, that's P U M P K I N S. A 'pumpkin' is a big orange vegetable, although I'm sure someone's going to message and say, 'No, it's a fruit because it's got seeds'! We cut out the middle of the pumpkin and then we carve holes in the side to make a face. So that when you put a lit candle inside, it makes a Halloween lantern. That's L A N T E R N. And this is meant to scare away the evil spirits.

Another Halloween tradition is that children go 'trick or treating'. This means that they dress up in Halloween costumes - witches, ghosts, zombies, whatever you like, and then they go and knock on people's front doors. And they say 'Trick or treat?'

This means either the children will 'play a trick' on you, like putting eggs or flour on your car, or you give them a treat, in the form of a sweet or a lollipop. Most people prefer the 'treat' option. And it's really rather unpopular and perhaps seen as unsociable to play tricks.

If your house is one that welcomes 'trick or treaters' on the 31st of October, then the tradition is you put a lit pumpkin lantern outside on your doorstep, to show that you're willing to hand out sweets and join in.


A photograph of Autumn leaves. Unlock the mysteries of British Halloween! Learn how pumpkins, ghosts, and trick or treating shape this spooky festival.

©️ Adept English 2023

Halloween makes people more sociable!

I have to admit, I do enjoy these sorts of community events. I don't think we do enough of these sorts of things in the UK and particularly in the south of England, people can be quite insular, that's I N S U L A R. That means 'they keep themselves to themselves'.

But Halloween gets people joining in and talking to one another. And where I live, sometimes people go to a lot of trouble decorating the outside of their houses. And making it fun and scary for the children who come to 'trick or treat'.

The British v. the American version of Halloween

There are lots of people in the UK who don't quite like Halloween that much. They see it as 'very commercialised'. That means it's used by businesses to sell us things, which is also true.

And people also see it as very American, American-influenced. And that's true. When I was a child, we didn't carve pumpkins, though people did go 'trick or treating', perhaps. Because my family and upbringing were largely Christian, there was more focus on 1st of November, All Souls Day, instead. I'm not Christian now, but that was how I was brought up.

I do quite like Halloween. I've got a lot of enjoyment over the years over how much my children have loved it. And the eldest, even now, who is certainly an adult, still carves a pumpkin every Halloween.

A long-held tradition of 'ghost stories' and 'things that go bump in the night'

So Halloween is seen as 'an American import' to some degree, but a tradition amongst British people for Halloween is the telling of ghost stories. A ghost, G H O S T, is meant to be what's left over when someone dies. A representation, if you like, of someone who has died, usually a long time ago. Ghosts usually appear in old houses. That's where people claim to have seen them or have heard them, perhaps.

So more often than someone seeing a ghost, they hear strange noises, 'bumps in the night' that they can't explain. Or things in their house move around without explanation. And the human emotion that we associate with all of this? Fear, of course. F E A R.

Words associated with ghosts and ghost stories?

The word we often use to describe this sort of situation? We call it 'spooky'. S P O O K Y. Or we might even use the verb 'to spook' or 'to be spooked', if you're frightened.

And the adjective that we use to describe buildings where this happens, we say they are 'haunted', H A U N T E D.

As I say, it's usually old houses or even pubs in the UK are popular hauntings - haunted places for ghosts.

And of course there's a whole tradition of entertainment around this. As I say, people love ghost stories and being scared. And some people really do believe in the possibility of ghosts.

My personal experience?

So are you fascinated by ghosts and the supernatural? I certainly am! In my whole life, I've never seen anything or heard anything which might make me think of ghosts. But I do know some very rational and sensible people, who have seen things that they can't explain. That includes members of my own family and a friend I can think of too. They say, 'I don't believe in ghosts, but I know what I saw, and I can't explain it'. So, I do find this fascinating.

And one thing I have certainly experienced - certain houses that I've known, visited, stayed in, make me feel uncomfortable. They make me feel like there's something there or I'm being watched.

There's a very old and large house that my family have stayed in a number of times in France near my sister. This house is beautiful, but it is certainly spooky. All three of my children agree with me. They like it, but it's very spooky! For example, in this particular house in France, I would not sit downstairs on my own, late at night, reading. I would do that perfectly happily in my house at home, but not there in that house.

I can't explain it, but I know what I feel. And there are certain rooms in that very large old French house that I don't particularly like, don't feel comfortable in. And there are others which feel fine. And there are certain houses that I've known from my childhood, where I've had similar experiences. Often it's just one part of a house or just one room that has an uncomfortable feeling, spooky, as though something bad has happened there, perhaps.

Problems selling 'haunted houses' or houses with negative vibes

So I was really interested this week to read an article in the Washington Post with the title, 'How to Sell a Haunted House'. I know from films that in the US, there is also a tradition around the belief in ghosts. I've linked this article from the Washington Post so that you can read it, too. And it talks about the challenge of selling expensive properties in Los Angeles, where 'something bad' is known to have happened, or there is a suggestion that the place is haunted.

And apparently this is a known problem for estate agents or realtors who sell houses, not necessarily where 'something bad is known to have happened', but some houses just feel spooky. And buyers often sense this. Different buyers - it's consistent. It's a problem with some houses and not others. People going into that house have a similar experience, it's uncomfortable and they don't want to buy the house.

What I hadn't realised was apparently that real estate agents in the US, realtors, can find this a challenge. And the Washington Post article talks about how they have to make special efforts to stage certain houses, that won't sell because of a bad feeling, a negative vibe. They even employ 'clearers' - people who perform actions, rituals to clear out the bad energy, the negative energy.

One commenter in this article talks about a basement that no one wanted to go into, even the household's cats! They refused to go down there too. It's not a proof, but it's interesting when different people have the same reaction to a particular room or a particular house.

A UK TV series about people's 'ghostly experiences'

And there's a short series which is showing on UK TV at the moment, called 'Uncanny' by someone called Danny Robins. Apparently, Danny Robins did a radio podcast - is still doing a radio podcast, on ghosts and ghost stories in the UK, which are supplied by his listeners. Danny Robbins says he didn't believe in ghosts or any of this, but now he's heard so many ghost stories from his podcast audience that he's not sure. And like me, he finds it extremely interesting.

Download The Podcast Audio & Transcript

An example of a ghostly experience investigated

In the first episode of this short series, he interviews someone who experienced a ghost repeatedly in the house where she grew up. This ghost had a name. She was called 'Miss Howard'.

The person speaking didn't know how she knew this. She just did. When Danny Robins investigated, other people got in touch, adults who'd lived in this house as a child, at a different time, and who had also experienced the presence of 'Miss Howard'. She was part of their childhood too.

Danny Robins then sets about trying to investigate who the real Miss Howard might have been and when she lived - with some success. And right at the end of the episode - I'll not spoil it for you in case you get to watch it - there's a piece of evidence that is really compelling, which really makes the story much more believable and convincing. And which no one in this investigation knew until that point.

It really is an entertaining series. And I hope an entertaining subject for the podcast today, too.

Why Do Experts Trash This Bestseller?

Are ghosts and ghost stories part of your culture too?

So do you have any stories or local traditions about ghosts and ghost stories or haunted houses where you're from? I'd love to know. I've no idea whether this is just a British and American phenomenon or whether it's something that's talked about and experienced the world over. You let us know.


Don't forget to listen to this podcast a number of times until you understand all of the words. I focused a little on what I think may be new vocabulary for you, so hopefully that's helpful as well.

Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at



The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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