๐ English Fluency Topic
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We found 88 items which have been tagged with #fluency. Click on one to jump into that resource.
A lesson on vaping? Not really, today the lessons topic might be on e-cigarettes but really this English lesson is about how you learn English conversation. The key to improving your English conversation skills is listening to native English speakers in conversation and not just once but listening to English being spoken lots of times.
November 21, 2019
How to become more confident when you speak English? If you want to learn to speak the English Language, you need to listen to it being spoken by native English speakers. You need to listen and be able to understand what is being said, this needs to be a smooth operation, fast, fluid and automatic with no translation.
October 28, 2019
One of the least talked about parts of improving your English-speaking skills, is the self belief and self esteem needed to do that. If you donโt feel confident in yourself and your abilities, then you will find speaking in English for the first time, very hard. Much harder than it needs to be.
October 10, 2019
You want to learn how to speak English fluently, but do not know where to start? Rather than force you to read a lot, I will give you the answer up front. To improve your English-speaking skills, you need to listen to native English speakers.
October 07, 2019
Iย will not lecture you on how to talk in English today, if you are interested in why we are so popular for learning to speak English then check out our free 7 rules course https://7rules.adeptenglish.com/ Although it is tempting to jump into a massive monologue about why our learning system works, like those bad guy monologues in the movies where they explain the plan to the good guys :)
October 03, 2019
One of the biggest problems with the modern internet is that people often assume bigger is better. Iโm here to argue that when learning how to improve your English language learning, quality is more important than quantity.
September 23, 2019