🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 6 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english listening mp3 with script. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 6 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english listening mp3 with script. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
So there are many things we all spend our money on regardless of where you live in the world. But the cost of those things varies hugely. Today we have an Adept English listening lesson which talks about what things in the UK cost. Things like a beer, or some minced beef, things you probably buy where you live and can compare the costs.
July 15, 2021
I think it says quite a lot about our societies that we have emoji icons for anxiety. Worrying is a part of everyone’s life, without exception. For some, worry can spill over into a dominating force in their lives. Today we are going to practice English listening comprehension skills and the topic we will talk about is anxiety.
March 18, 2021
Over the years we have had many comments and conversations about which language has the most words, or the biggest vocabulary. The topic is complicated. There is no simple answer because it is a question which is not specific enough to get a correct answer. In today’s English listening lesson, we talk about how you need to focus on the words that matter in speaking English. We talk about the most efficient approach to learning what you actually need in order to speak English fluently.
March 01, 2021
Today’s English listening mp3 lesson is going to talk about the English language used when talking about taxes and how people in the UK are discussing who is and how we are going to pay for the enormous costs associated with dealing with the pandemic and the impact of shutting the UK economy down.
January 07, 2021
This weeks speaking English podcast is different to last weeks English podcast. We have had quite a number of questions asking how to? or how do I? use the English podcasts and we thought it would be best to produce a dedicated explanation of how to get the best out of our podcasts.
May 14, 2018
As you know, we (and 250,000 other English students) believe listening to English conversation is the best place to start when learning to speak English fluently. Each of our podcasts provides you with great listening English practice.
May 13, 2018