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๐Ÿ“ฎ listening

An image of a developing mind, represented by a brain with building works and scaffold. Uncover how songs mirror your relationships.

What Your Favourite Songs Say About Your Relationships Ep 711

Explore the fascinating intersection of music, emotions, and relationships in our unique English lesson. Dive into the world of popular songs and discover how they mirror various attachment styles, from secure to anxious and avoidant, influenced by John Bowlby's Attachment Theory. Our lesson is more than a typical language courseโ€”it's an engaging journey through relationship psychology, exploring the influence of Mary Ainsworth and Harry Harlow's work on our understanding of human connections. Enhance your English vocabulary, phrases, and listening skills while analysing love songs and grasping psychotherapy concepts. Perfect for beginners to advanced learners, this Adept English podcast lesson offers practical English language skills, tips, and insights into psychology in popular culture. Join us for a unique blend of learning English through music and delving into the psychology of relationships in 2024. Discover, learn, and grow with Adept English!


January 22, 2024

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma