🔖 English Pronunciation Topic

#Pronunciation 29

We found 29 items which have been tagged with #pronunciation. Click on one to jump into that resource.

📮 pronunciation

Bas-relief, statue and sculpture details in stone of Roman Gods and Emperors

Tips And Tricks To Help You With Shn-Words In This English Tutorial Ep 306

Today we will look at nouns and verbs related through a common word stem. English has a lot of words that end in -ion, over 3000, so today we have some helpful tips on working with -ion or ‘shn’ words.


February 24, 2020

💬 Words: 2037

Length 11 min

📮 pronunciation

An iconic photograph of the British houses of Parliament. This lesson is focused on helping you understand British accents and the accent used is from a Welsh MP speaking in Parliament

British Accent Practice 2-Learning English Speaking Accents Ep 276

To speak English fluently with a British accent, you need a lot of listening practice. Not just any old listening, you will need to listen to natural English speakers with variations in accent. Today we focus on a Welsh accent, but as the lesson explains, even Welsh has several accent variations. So listen to this podcast and test your English listening skills!


November 11, 2019

💬 Words: 3441

Length 18 min

📮 pronunciation

Laguna Salada in Torrevieja, Spain. Salted lake at sunset. Learning English can be beautiful.

Are You A Spanish Speaker Learning English Palabras Inglés Ep 269

If you are a Spanish speaker, then I begin this audio English lesson by asking your forgiveness, speaking English words is easy for me but Palabras inglés well you need to listen to the whole podcast to understand why, trust me when I say it is worth it! This English lesson is all about pronunciation and why speaking a new language is difficult for everyone not just you.


October 17, 2019

💬 Words: 1839

Length 10 min

📮 pronunciation

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Practise English Pronunciation Like There Is No Tomorrow Ep 257

Today we have a short podcast lesson which explains an adverbial phrase in an interesting and fun way. While we turn that rather dry and boring linguistics topic into something interesting you can use in everyday English conversation. We also practice English pronunciation and pick up some interesting English vocabulary along the way.


September 05, 2019

💬 Words: 1557

Length 8 min

📮 pronunciation

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

English Accent Words New Nyoo and Noo Ep 241

Once we have trained our brains to listen to a language and we mimic the pronunciation of that language we forget or just don’t notice that we all pronounce words differently depending on where we are on the planet. So today we cover some English accent word pronunciation.


July 11, 2019

💬 Words: 2279

Length 12 min

📮 pronunciation

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

English Water Pronunciation And Idioms Ep 235

There are a lot of English water idioms and you hear some popular ones regularly in everyday English conversation. So today we learn two of the most common and importantly we practice our water pronunciation.


June 20, 2019

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma