Are You A Spanish Speaker Learning English Palabras Inglés Ep 269

Laguna Salada in Torrevieja, Spain. Salted lake at sunset. Learning English can be beautiful.

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Palabras inglés

If you are a Spanish speaker, then I begin this audio English lesson by asking your forgiveness, speaking English words is easy for me but Palabras inglés well you need to listen to the whole podcast to understand why, trust me when I say it is worth it! This English lesson is all about pronunciation and why speaking a new language is difficult for everyone not just you.

Changing the way you do things is hard. This is true for just about everything, but something that we do every day like speaking to people in your native language is just a little harder to change. You get used to the way you pronounce things, like Rrrr’s or you expect to see punctuation at the start of a sentence not at the end. It’s these little things that are so natural to us we have almost forgotten they exist, and then you move on to aprender inglés, a new language, and it’s all a big change.

So today I take the time to show you it is the same for everyone, not just you. I take some time to explain how those differences are all well understood and you are not the first to experience them. I offer some ideas about how you might go about learning from other language learners experiences who are coming from your native language, in this case Spanish.

Most Unusual Words:


Most common 2 word phrases:

In English11
If You’Re7
In Spanish6
Spanish Speakers6
A Spanish5

Listen To The Audio Lesson Now

The mp3 audio and pdf transcript for this lesson is now part of the Adept English back catalogue . You can still download and listen to this lesson as part of one of our podcast bundles.

Transcript: Are You A Spanish Speaker Learning English Palabras Inglés

Hi there and welcome to this latest podcast from Adept English. Hola y bienvenidos a este último podcast de Adept English. There you are – a welcome in Spanish! Palabras inglés – English words. This may be what you want to understand, if you’re a Spanish speaker and learning English. I don’t speak Spanish, so just stay with me, if Spanish is your language. I think it’s good for you to hear me struggle with a different language. You hear me speaking English fluently all the time – so this is to remind you that it’s really normal to struggle with an unfamiliar language. We all find it more difficult outside of our own language – so when you hear me speaking Spanish so badly, you’ll realise that you don’t need to worry so much about your accent when you speak English! So there we go again. Hola y bienvenidos a este último podcast de Adept English! Now for some palabras en inglés!

Spanish Spoken All Over The World

So if you’re a Spanish speaker, what is it like for you to learn English? This is of interest if you are one of the half a billion people worldwide who’re Spanish speakers. In Europe, we think of course of Spain, when we think of Spanish being spoken, but of course, there are even more Spanish speakers outside of Spain, mostly in South America, of course. What we call the Latin American countries. Mexico, Columbia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Argentina, Bolivia – hello to you all! Spanish speakers come from many different countries and many different cultures and traditions.

English Video

What’s Helpful/Not Helpful for Spanish Speakers Learning English

One of the advantages of Spanish speaking cultures – people usually don’t feel the need to have absolutely perfect English before they start to speak to people. The culture in Spanish speaking countries tends to be very outgoing, warm and friendly. People ‘come out to meet you’, they are not reserved. So learning English through listening and speaking can really suit Spanish speakers very well. People like to speak with other people – so this might be a good motivation for improving your spoken English.

Seek Out English Films and TV with English Soundtracks

If you’re living in a Spanish speaking country, you probably have television programmes and films, which were made as English speaking. But often these will have been ‘dubbed’ into Spanish. ‘Dubbed’, D-U-B-B-E-D, just means that the Spanish words are recorded as a soundtrack over the top of the original words, the original English words. So it’s a good idea to find familiar television programmes or films, but in the original English – and perhaps watch them with English subtitles. One of the advantages that people in the Scandinavian countries have - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark – is that much of their televsion is already in English, maybe with subtitles in their own language. So go out to look for television programmes which are English speaking.

English To Spanish Translation Video

Spelling and Pronunciation Challenges

Sometimes Spanish speakers find English difficult, because the pronunciation in English is rather random shall we say…. There are set rules, but then English breaks the rules all the time. Whereas Spanish as a language – once you learn how to pronounce a certain word or syllable, it’s logical, it’s always the same, it’s consistent. So sorry to you, if you’re Spanish speaking – that English isn’t like this. And this may be part of what is difficult and what you’ll need particular help with! It’s similar for spelling – in Spanish, spelling is fairly consistent. But in English it’s difficult because spelling rules vary and it doesn’t follow the rules a lot of the time.

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If you’re Spanish and learning English, there can be challenges with pronunciation. Our ‘r’ sound is different.Your ‘r’ sound is more rrrrr, more rolled than in English – apparently. And you might like to practise the English ‘r’ with a sentence like this:-

‘Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.’ That’s a bit of a tongue twister. Don’t worry about what it means – but just use it to practice your r sounds!

And you may need to practice the English ‘j’ sound – ‘jjjjj’ - because it’s different to the pronunciation in Spanish. So here’s another sentence for you to practise with:-

‘A gentle judge judges justly’.

Some Differences between Spanish and English Languages

If you’re a Spanish speaker – your nouns are all masculine and feminine – and in English nouns are neuter, unless they have an actual gender, say like a bull or a cow. So that’s easier at least! And in Spanish, the adjective comes after the noun – in English it comes before. But you probably know that already!

Finally, if you’re a Spanish speaker, you’ll need to work on punctuation, because it works differently in English. So for example in Spanish, question marks are at the beginning and the end of the sentence – and upside down, or the other way up – at the beginning. In English, the question mark is just there at the end of the sentence. And what we call in English ‘commas’ and ‘full stops’ (or ‘periods’ in US English)? Well, they’re used differently too. So again something else that you’ll find yourself focusing on. I’m learning more about Spanish too, in this podcast!


Such a lovely city to visit, a Valencia Sunset. Motivation to learn to speak Spanish.

©️ Adept English 2019

Las 500 Palabras Más Communes En Inglés Or Las 500 Palabras Más Usadas En Inglés. Or Las 500 Palabras Más Utilizadas hehe oh let me go again Las 500 Palabras Más Utilizadas En Inglés. There are hundreds of thousands words in English. But you don’t need all of those – you only need a fraction of those words to start speaking fluently. So starting with the 500 Most Common Words is a good way to learn and help you to start speaking English with confidence. You can work on your vocabulario ingles!

Download The Podcast Audio & Transcript


If you want to go further with your English language learning, then have a look at our 500 Most Common Words Course. This course uses only the most common 500 words in English.

So there you are – your Palabras inglés for today! Suficiente por ahora. Tener un día precioso. Hablamos pronto. Adiós. What lovely Spanish! Enough for now. have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

PS: I speak French reasonably well, my German is passable, Spanish eludes me :)

Having listened to my Spanish pronunciation after I recorded it I nearly switched to use my French or German to stress the point I am trying to make today. I feel like I’ve got to a point where my spoken French and German pronunciation is passable, at the very least understandable to those who listen.

For me speaking in Spanish took me back to when I started with French and German, it felt uncomfortable; it felt hard. It reminded me of what English language students are going through and in part to keep some solidarity with my students and partly because it’s just funny to listen to I kept the Spanish recordings.

They say that the more languages you know the easier the next one to learn is.

Even though I speak several languages at different levels and I find it easier to learn new ones, the feeling of discomfort never really leaves you. There is a deep social conditioning that bonds people together, language is one of those deep bonds. When you don’t speak a language but are trying to join into a group that do all speak that language, you feel odd, an outsider and it’s hard to put those feelings to one side and just jump in and start speaking.

So before I recorded my Spanish I spent a lot of time listening to people using the sentences I would use. It made things easier and I’m sure that if I listened to them 20 or even 30 times, I would have trained my brain to accept the changes needed to get that pronunciation spot on. Maybe next time :)



The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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