🗃️ Download English Phrases Lessons

We have 83 English speaking audio lessons and pdf transcripts in the English phrases section. All ready to be downloaded right now.

All of our English audio lessons and transcripts are free. We encourage you to download these files to your mobile phone so you can keep learning to speak English on the move with no mobile data charges.

To help prevent automated downloading we have to ask you a simple maths question to make sure your a human, we hope you don't mind. If you want to download a lot of files all in one go then you should take a look at our podcast bundles, where for a small fee (to cover our network costs) you can download 50 lessons (both lesson audio and pdf transcript) for a few pounds.

A while ago we were asked to how to get the best out of each of these lessons, and we produced a dedicated lesson which helps you maximize the benefits of listening to a lesson, you can jump to that great article here.
A photograph of people communicating online, used to help highlight the challenges for new English language learners.

Common english words as more of us work online ep 325

🛒Older Podcasts

Communication in English is much more stressful when you do it online. Even for native English speak…...

Young Hispanic Girl Messaging With Cell Phone On Sofa English Podcast About Acronyms

Relax your fomo and other english acronyms ep 315

🛒Older Podcasts

Today we will talk about English acronyms and abbreviations. This is something we all experience dai…...

A lady stretching on a mat in front of a pretty pond as part of her yoga workout. Used to help explain the English vocabulary stretch.

Speaking english is simple once you know how to. english speaking made easier ep 294

🛒Older Podcasts

You can speed up your spoken English learning. Adept English has a free English language course call…...

A photograph of a group of happy millennials having a lot of fun on their getaway road trip. Used to highlight the use of the getaway phrasal verb.

Get phrasal verbs much more than a list of prepositions ep 282

🛒Older Podcasts

Why, oh why, do English speakers make simple vocabulary so much more difficult to learn than it need…...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

What is a low hanging fruit ep 263

🛒Older Podcasts

The expression **low-hanging fruit** is used to describe achieving a result with little effort. This…...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

How to learn spoken english deja vu ep 261

🛒Older Podcasts

If you are here reading this, then you probably want to learn to **speak English**. Learning how to …...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Spoken english conversation staycation ep 255

🛒Older Podcasts

In today’s lesson we practice spoken English conversation and explain the _portmanteau_ word **Stayc…...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

English words for hair colour ep 253

🛒Older Podcasts

Today’s English podcast lesson we will talk about the English words used to describe the colour of y…...

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma