🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#English Speaking Download 24

We found 24 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english speaking download. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 speaking

A photo of a new born baby. IELTS speaking practice, for people targeting a band 7 or higher.

How To Get A Perfect IELTS Speaking Band Score Ep 548

IELTS speaking practice, for people targeting band 7 and above. For those who don’t know what IELTS is, well it’s an internationally recognised English testing system that assesses your English language skills in four areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. They give each of these skills a band score between 0-9, 9 being the best you can get.


June 20, 2022

💬 Words: 2617

Length 14 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a lady holding an umbrella in a rain storm. This podcast teaches you the polite greetings used in everyday UK life and gives you the opportunity to practice them in a fun way.

What Hello Do I Use? - English Speaking Practice Ep 545

Authentic everyday British greetings: This is a fun English Speaking practice podcast that teaches you the polite greetings used in everyday UK life. It’s broken into sections, each one focusing on a different scenario. In every section, there are a few 'Hello' focused conversations designed to let you hear these practical everyday greetings in action! And if you're from the USA or 'Down under', I do some awful impressions at the end of the podcast!


June 09, 2022

💬 Words: 2079

Length 11 min

📮 speaking

A photo of a lady being comforted by another lady, at a coffee table. An English speaking practice lesson focuses on the concept of empathy, a topic to help you improve your listening comprehension and pronunciation all you have to do is listen.

Today An English Speaking Practice Lesson On Empathy Ep 536

Today’s English speaking practice lesson, the topic I’m going to talk about is the concept of empathy. And because this is Adept English, you can increase your English vocabulary while also bettering your pronunciation and listening comprehension. So that’s the advantage of our listen and learn method, all you have to do is listen to improve your English fluency.


May 09, 2022

💬 Words: 2518

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

US Military personnel using communications equipment. Learn English speaking Fluency with the Adept English language learning podcast. Giving you the confidence to speak English fluently.

A Sensible Attitude To Achieving Your English Speaking Fluency Goals Ep 529

If you want to learn to speak English fluently as quickly as possible, listening to this English podcast is a great place for you to start. We offer practical, free and proven English language learning techniques that hundreds of thousands of English language students listen to every month. Today we talk about what your expectations of how long it takes to learn to speak English fluently should be.


April 14, 2022

💬 Words: 3083

Length 16 min

📮 speaking

Sunset orange shines through some decorated trainers in a field. Today we are going to learn, practice and test your understanding of some very common English modal verbs as we improve your spoken English.

Test Your Modal Verbs And Enhance Your English Speaking Skills Ep 516

Learn how to use commonly used modal verbs correctly. Today we practice and test your understanding of some very common English modal verbs as we improve your spoken English. It’s an important part of improving your spoken English. So I’m going to use a quiz to make sure you have grasped the concept solidly. I explain the answers to the quiz right at the end - so stick around for that!


February 28, 2022

💬 Words: 2598

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of the Dom and the TV Tower in Berlin . If you’re interested in hearing the difference between understanding English and speaking it, then the next few minutes is for you. I’m going to show you what moving from understanding English to speaking it sounds like.

English Speaking-How To Go From Understanding English To Speaking It Ep 505

Today we move from understanding English to speaking it. I will show you, with the permission of one of our German listeners, what moving to speaking English sounds like. And just to be fair, I will show you what I sound speaking German, as I move from understanding German to speaking it. If you’re at this stage of learning to speak English, it’s definitely worth listening to the end of today’s podcast.


January 20, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma