🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Article 551

We found 551 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #Article. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 grammar

A photograph of the BBC Media City Buildings In Manchester. Adept English learn grammar naturally.

Listen And Learn English - Learn Grammar The Natural Way Ep 358

In today’s podcast we will focus on your English comprehension. Your ability to listen to English being spoken and your understanding of the conversation. The conversation is about something very British, the BBC, so there will be lots of interesting vocabulary and grammar terms to learn.


August 24, 2020

💬 Words: 2201

Length 12 min

📮 speaking

A landscape photograph of the medieval village Saint Cirque La Popie in France, close to where my sister lives in France.

British English Speaking Practice A Journey To France Ep 357

For the briefest moment this summer, it was possible to travel by plane within Europe from the UK. As tempting as it is to make this English-speaking practice conversation about the nightmare journey, I will resist temptation and talk about a more positive aspect of the trip.


August 20, 2020

💬 Words: 2083

Length 11 min

📮 listening

A photograph of A level students getting their results, part of this practice conversation in English lesson.

Practice Conversations In English - How To Mess Up Your Exams Ep 356

Today we will talk about the slow motion train wreak that is the UK A Level exam results for England. Although we will have a measured conversation in English, I really want to shout and scream, because it’s just so unfair.


August 17, 2020

💬 Words: 1935

Length 10 min

📮 listening

A photograph of colourful vintage soda bottles, an example of antiques, in this English listening practice lesson.

Discover What I Do For Fun While We Do Some English Listening Practice Ep 355

We’ve done quite a lot of English grammar recently, and although we try to make it interesting, it’s grammar, so for most people it’s a bit boring. Today we will just pick a British topic and talk about something interesting, and all you have to do is listen and practice your English listening skills.


August 13, 2020

💬 Words: 1890

Length 10 min

📮 grammar

A close up photograph of our tomato plant, home grown from seeds. Used to help practice English grammar.

Listen And Learn To Speak English - Learn Grammar The Easy Way Ep 354

It’s hot here in the UK. Much hotter than we British feel comfortable in. Add to the sunny weather a lot of working from home and you end up with a very good looking garden, or plant pots. A while back we mentioned that during lock down we would try to grow some vegetables from seeds and in today’s English grammar lesson we give you an update on how we got on.


August 10, 2020

💬 Words: 1851

Length 10 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of vanilla ice-cream, a classic comfort food. Used to help with our English lesson on English phrases about comfort food.

English Phrases - What Is Your Comfort Food? Ep 353

In today’s English lesson we explore some everyday English phrases in and around comfort foods. I have a few favourite foods, depending on the situation. So listen to this English audio lesson to help improve your spoken English fluency and find out what type of food I like on a cold rainy day in Britain.


August 06, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma