🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 108 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #vocabulary. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 108 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #vocabulary. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
This podcast is a chance to improve your English language skills with an easy to follow conversation for English language learners. The best way to learn the English language is by listening to native English speakers. This podcast will give you just that opportunity. Start listening today and prepare your brain for English language learning success. You will learn English quicker, but in a fun way!
February 17, 2022
In this lesson, I’m going to help you learn a lot of unfamiliar English words that are in the UK news right now. I will explain what they mean and how to use them in everyday English conversations. While you listen and learn, I will also explain why people are so worried about the cost of living in the UK. So start listening and find out what us British are so worried about.
February 07, 2022
Everyday English Idioms and expressions you will hear at work. We explain, with lots of examples, the most popular English idioms you will encounter at work in 2022. An English podcast lesson which only focuses on the most common idioms you, your boss or work colleagues will use at work. No long lists to remember, just the best idioms. Great for English language learners. Which ones do you use?
January 31, 2022
Today, we will help English language learners who are searching for a new job. We explain what makes a great CV/resume. Covering all the English phrases , vocabulary and language used in a modern, professional job application. We are going to help you answer the question- How do you get employers to choose you over all those other people who want the same job?
January 17, 2022
Looking to improve your language skills this holiday season? Check out this curated list of common English words and phrases that we’ll prove useful during the holidays. In today’s English podcast, we cover festive vocabulary and common English phrases used at this time of year.
December 23, 2021
In today’s English language podcast lesson, we explain and practice using some common English phrases and expressions that use the word sense. Why do we say I don’t have a sense of humour, but I get the sense you don’t like me? Does sense really mean 5 different things? What is nonsense? Find out in this English phrases lesson. Using our easy to use listen and learn approach to improving your English comprehension skills, we will have you speaking English like a native in no time.
November 25, 2021