🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Speaking 79

We found 79 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #speaking. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 speaking

A photo of a young Girl scared in bed. When you're learning a new language, don't make the mistake of overusing generic vocabulary in all your English conversations. Sounding boring or dull is never a good idea.

Be More Interesting And Memorable When You Talk About Something Bad In An English Conversation Ep 521

Today we are going to be more creative in our English conversations. We will help you spice up your English vocabulary skills. It is a really common thing to talk about good or bad in everyday conversations. In podcast 498 we showed you how to be more interesting talking about good. Today, we will make your conversation more thought-provoking when talking about bad things.


March 17, 2022

💬 Words: 2847

Length 15 min

📮 speaking

An amazing view of an alpine lake, a wonder of nature. Today we will look at many different examples of common English words and phrases that you can use more effectively to sound more natural when speaking English.

STOP Using Boring Words And Say What You Mean In Your English Conversations Ep 498

Today we will learn about a quick and easy way to sound more natural when speaking English. Improving your vocabulary for the most commonly used English words and phrases will make a tremendous difference to how engaging and articulate you sound. Listen to this English lesson and what you say will immediately sound more appealing. Listeners will understand what you are saying more clearly and want to hear more.


December 27, 2021

💬 Words: 2627

Length 14 min

📮 speaking

Photograph of a man looking confused. Join us, and discover tips, tricks and techniques while we learn how to better understand native English speakers who speak too fast

Understanding Native English Speakers Who Speak Too Fast Ep 495

Today I will show you a common mistake students make when trying to understand English native speakers and also when they do the IELTS listening test. You are going to discover why learning to comprehend spoken English, listening to a language teacher, is simply not enough, and what you can do about it. Improve your English fluency today, listen to the Adept English podcast.


December 16, 2021

💬 Words: 2113

Length 11 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of twin boys. Everything about Homophone. Confusing Words In English. This is a great place to go when you are stuck with grammar or confused by homophones.

Homophones-Avoid Mistakes With Confusing Words As We Learn The English Language Ep 494

Not knowing what a homophone is or what the common ones are could leave you sounding silly in your next English conversation. In today’s English grammar podcast we explain the problem, we help you practice spotting common homophones and we test you just to keep you on your toes as we learn how to speak the English language.


December 13, 2021

💬 Words: 2169

Length 11 min

📮 fluency

A young woman calling an uber at night. If you are serious about learning to speak the English language, you need to use proven strategies.

What My Uber Driver Reminded Me About Learning English Language Fluency Ep 490

Learning English or any other language as a second language is more about motivation, and the time you commit to learning, and what you are doing with that time than just about any other criteria. Today we talk about an Uber driver in Amsterdam, proof you or anyone can learn 2 or 3 new languages if you want or need too. The question is: Will you? We’ll help you find the motivation and the time to do it.


November 29, 2021

💬 Words: 2534

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

A signpost pointing to destinations that are thousands of miles away. Improve your English with this tutorial on how to give and take navigation directions in British English.

Learn British English Conversation And Vocabulary On How To Give And Take Navigation Directions Ep 480

English conversation about the language of finding your way and giving directions in the UK. You're in the UK it’s morning and you want to go to Starbucks for a coffee. You fire up your mobile phone and have found a map of the area and it’s all good; you have planned your route. But soon enough, your Sat-nav map tells you have reached your destination but no Starbucks! And then it happens, your phone’s battery dies. This is where things can get tricky. How do you ask for directions in a foreign language?


October 25, 2021

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma