🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Phrasal Verbs 58

We found 58 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #phrasal verbs. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 phrases

People dressed in old fashioned medieval costumes. As we examine English phrases used in a story about the British royal family and the BBC.

British Royal Family And BBC Scandal In This English Phrases Lesson Ep 437

Today we look into the world of the British monarchy. We talk about lords, earls and princes involved in a recent story of lies and scandal from one of the most respected journalistic organisation in the UK and by far one of the most popular royal members Diana, Princess of Wales.


May 27, 2021

💬 Words: 2334

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of a farther with his son drinking cider in apple orchard in autumn. What English phrases go into your favourite alcohol?

English Phrases And Alcohol From Around The World Ep 427

Today we discover what goes into alcohol from around the world as we explore the associated English phrases used in and around alcohol in the UK. There is a lot going on inside this English lesson which uses the Adept English listen and learn approach to learning to speak English fluently.


April 22, 2021

💬 Words: 2267

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

A lady sits on a sofa with a laptop filling out the UK 2021 census. Today we practice English phrases and vocabulary related to filling in forms.

English Phrases And Vocabulary Used In The UK 2021 Census Ep 420

With so much of our time spent trying to protect our private data, especially online. It may come as a surprise to you that UK law requires us citizens to complete a rather intrusive census once every 10 years. So we go from being a checkbox ninja, trying to keep our names and email from being used to having to pay a big fine if we don’t tell all of our private details to the government.


March 29, 2021

💬 Words: 2053

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of people drinking from champagne glasses. Happy New year 2021 from Adept English. We talk about English phrases in this lesson.

English Phrases For A Happy New Year 2021 Ep 395

Well, as we say goodbye to 2020, and are on the eve of welcoming 2021, I wish you all a better year from now on. In the UK, we are preparing for the least festive and celebratory New Year’s eve in my lifetime. 2020 is going to go out with a whimper for many people. 2020 was a great year for Adept English. Today we continue helping people learn new English phrases as we learn to speak English through listening.


December 31, 2020

💬 Words: 2020

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

Red and ripe British apples on a tree, one of the many foods and drinks made in Britain. Discussed as part of this English food phrases lesson.

Provenance And Other English Phrases Related To British Food Ep 387

Today we talk about provenance, and other food related English phrases. Provenance, which is from the Latin “pro-venire” and later the French “provenir” the phrase is now a well-used part of the English language.


December 03, 2020

💬 Words: 2031

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of vanilla ice-cream, a classic comfort food. Used to help with our English lesson on English phrases about comfort food.

English Phrases - What Is Your Comfort Food? Ep 353

In today’s English lesson we explore some everyday English phrases in and around comfort foods. I have a few favourite foods, depending on the situation. So listen to this English audio lesson to help improve your spoken English fluency and find out what type of food I like on a cold rainy day in Britain.


August 06, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma