🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 89 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #learning english grammar. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 89 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #learning english grammar. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
Are you looking for the perfect resource to help you get confident in all those English verb tenses? In this lesson, you’ll find ALL the verb tenses typically used during an everyday English conversation. It’s crammed to capacity with examples of present simple and present perfect verbs, past simple forms, modal verbs and many more.
April 21, 2022
Today we will make sure you use TO and FOR correctly in your English. So, if you are looking to avoid mistakes that make you sound like an English language learner or you are looking for high scores in your IELTS exams both written and spoken, this is the podcast English lesson for you!
January 06, 2022
Not knowing what a homophone is or what the common ones are could leave you sounding silly in your next English conversation. In today’s English grammar podcast we explain the problem, we help you practice spotting common homophones and we test you just to keep you on your toes as we learn how to speak the English language.
December 13, 2021
Learning English or any other language as a second language is more about motivation, and the time you commit to learning, and what you are doing with that time than just about any other criteria. Today we talk about an Uber driver in Amsterdam, proof you or anyone can learn 2 or 3 new languages if you want or need too. The question is: Will you? We’ll help you find the motivation and the time to do it.
November 29, 2021
Learning English grammar in a simple and fun way. Today we are helping ESL students learn proper English grammar without getting too technical. We use plain everyday English language, and walk you through lots of examples and all you need to do is listen.
September 13, 2021
Learning the English language to a level where you can use and understand the subtlety of vocabulary, sentence structure and ESL English grammar. Just like a native English speaker, is our goal here at Adept English. When you can listen to and start English conversations that you might have with a close friend or a partner, this is a key part of being fluent in English. The subtlety of English language contractions is what we work on in today’s English language listening lesson.
August 09, 2021