🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Learning English Grammar 87

We found 87 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #learning english grammar. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 grammar

A photo of neighbourhood street party. In this lesson you will learn about conditionals: what they are, what their forms and meanings are, how to practice using them in conversation and how to avoid common mistakes that others make.

ESL English Grammar-The 4 Conditionals Explained Ep 540

English language learners often struggle with the English grammar concept of conditionals. In this lesson, I’ll explain the 4 conditional types in a straightforward way, along with examples of each type and its use. As a bonus, there is even a quiz at the end of the lesson to check you have improved your understanding.


May 23, 2022

💬 Words: 2578

Length 13 min

📮 grammar

Two Alaskan brown bare fishing in a river. Want to improve your English skills? Perfect your pronunciation? Learn more about grammar and homonyms? Start today for free.

Yet Another Part Of Speech English Learners Struggle With-Homonyms Ep 537

English has some words which sound similar when you say them, and can even have the same spelling, but have a different meaning. Today we are going to talk about homonyms in our English grammar lesson, what they are, and why they are problematic for new English language learners. As usual, we provide lots of English listening practice to help you spot them and avoid confusion when you communicate with people using them.


May 12, 2022

💬 Words: 2499

Length 13 min

📮 grammar

A photo of a woman with a brightly coloured umbrella. This podcast will help you get to know modals better so you can use them confidently and correctly in your own speech and writing.

Parts Of Speech-English Modal Verbs Ep 535

Modal verbs are everywhere! They are a big part of speech in the English language. Frankly, in English we use them so much that after a while they become invisible to us native speakers. Which is why we need to make them visible again. That’s what this podcast is all about. Start learning English grammar the easy way, through listening.


May 05, 2022

💬 Words: 2743

Length 14 min

📮 fluency

A photo of a gas meter and coins piled up. Do you want to learn how to speak English well? Then we can offer the most effective strategies to develop your English language skills.

If You Want To Speak English Fluently And Confidently-You Need To Listen Ep 534

Today we talk about living costs, rising energy bills and the impact of this on people’s lives. Whether you’re preparing for IELTS exams or just want to learn some new English vocabulary, we fill our podcast with tips and advice that will help you enhance your English-speaking skills.


May 02, 2022

💬 Words: 2722

Length 14 min

📮 grammar

A visit to a green spring garden on an Easter weekend. Every day, we use countless verb tenses in English conversation. In today’s lesson, I’ll walk you through how native English speakers use tenses.

Learn English Verb Tenses Needed To Talk About Your Plans With Others Ep 531

Are you looking for the perfect resource to help you get confident in all those English verb tenses? In this lesson, you’ll find ALL the verb tenses typically used during an everyday English conversation. It’s crammed to capacity with examples of present simple and present perfect verbs, past simple forms, modal verbs and many more.


April 21, 2022

💬 Words: 3443

Length 18 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of a confused woman. If you are looking for a great way to master the use of TO and FOR in English, you can learn everything that you need to know from this English grammar podcast lesson.

How To Use TO And FOR Correctly And Improve Your ESL English Grammar Ep 501

Today we will make sure you use TO and FOR correctly in your English. So, if you are looking to avoid mistakes that make you sound like an English language learner or you are looking for high scores in your IELTS exams both written and spoken, this is the podcast English lesson for you!


January 06, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma