๐Ÿท๏ธ English Articles By Tag

#Learn English Youtube 71

We found 71 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #learn english youtube. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

๐Ÿ“ฎ fluency

A photograph of young black children with a megaphone. Used as part of our discussion on racism in this English lesson.

Lets Focus On World News While We Listen And Learn English Language Ep 338

How about we talk about the news to help us listen and learn the English language? With the huge reaction to police brutality and racism, the effects of locking people in their homes for lengthy periods of time and the horror of starvation. There is plenty to talk about and lots of listening practise in this weeks lesson.


June 15, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2363

โณ Length 12 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ fluency

A photograph of fluffy pine branches in the sun, used in an English language practice discussion about getting enough vitamin D

Sensible Learning For English Listening Practice Skills Needed For English Fluency Ep 333

One of the many advantages of using the Adept English listen & learn approach to learning to speak English fluently is you also get to learn about something new thatโ€™s not necessarily about the English language. Itโ€™s just sensible learning for English listening practice so you have the skills needed to speak English fluently.


May 28, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2144

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ fluency

A photograph of a lady doctor wearing a mask, used to help talk about the vocabulary needed to talk about COVID-19 in English

Online Language Learning With English Podcasts-Covid19 Vocabulary Ep 310

With just about everyone now talking about the SARS-CoV-2 (Virus type), COVID 19 (The disease), more commonly known to all; of us as The coronavirus. It was only a matter of time before we mention it in our podcasts. So today we discuss the typical English vocabulary used when talking about COVID-19. We also describe what stage the UK is in preparing for the disease.


March 09, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2166

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ fluency

A photograph of the sun rising over Shanghai city, to help explain English language acquisition.

Use Your Brain for Language Acquisition Smart Learning For English Ep 291

Time to get back to basics and explain why language acquisition works so well over language learning. If your new to us, welcome to a new way of speaking English fluently and if youโ€™re a regular listener, hello, and jump in and listen and learn your way to better English.


January 02, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2092

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ fluency

A photograph of brightly coloured wild flowers set against a deep blue sky used as the cover image for learning to speak English language

Listen And Learn Your Way to Speaking The English Language Ep 272

How to become more confident when you speak English? If you want to learn to speak the English Language, you need to listen to it being spoken by native English speakers. You need to listen and be able to understand what is being said, this needs to be a smooth operation, fast, fluid and automatic with no translation.


October 28, 2019

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma