🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 110 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english lesson. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
🏷️ English Articles By Tag
We found 110 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english lesson. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.
In today's English lesson we will use ism words to practice our English fluency. We could have chosen any words really, but these are interesting and worth learning about anyway, but the point of the lesson is to practice out English listening comprehension and keep practising common English vocabulary so your English listening becomes automatic.
April 13, 2020
Today's English lesson is proof of several things. One, Adept English is always trying to be on time with its lessons, and two mathematics is all around us. If you just expect Adept English to be reliable and are not that keen on maths, then maybe learning about a UK song that’s hundreds of years old and still just about everyone in the UK could sing along, will get you listening.
December 26, 2019
One of the biggest problems with the modern internet is that people often assume bigger is better. I’m here to argue that when learning how to improve your English language learning, quality is more important than quantity.
September 23, 2019
A lot of English language students confuse these common English words: travel, travelling, trip, journey, tour, voyage, cruise. So let’s find out why and listen to these common English words being used correctly.
August 12, 2019
Some people are great at keeping secrets, some are just awful. Which are you? Today we talk about an English idiom that’s used to describe the act of telling a secret. We’ve included lot’s of practice sentences and explain how to use it best.
August 08, 2019
Last year it was all about how cold the UK got, this year we are all about the UKs hottest day on record. So this is an interesting English language learning lesson all about how the British handle too much sun.
August 01, 2019