🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#English Expressions 26

We found 26 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #english expressions. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 idioms

A photo of a full moon over the sand dunes in the Sahara desert. Todays English language lesson is all about moon related English idioms.

Over The Moon And Other English Idioms Ep 426

As you know I love helping English language learners, you could say I’d go to the moon and back to help students learn English. Many moons ago I started Adept English to help speed up English language learning for as many students as possible. When I shared my ideas with some of my teaching friends, they said I might as well howl at the moon. I started small and didn’t promise the moon, and now we’ve grown and helped many people.


April 19, 2021

💬 Words: 2240

Length 12 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of a fluffy Norwegian forest cat, which looks very much like a Siberian forest cat. As we discuss English cat idioms.

Why Are There So Many English Idioms About Cats Ep 406

It’s pretty safe to say the British love their pets. With over 40 percent of British households owning a pet, it is no surprise the English language contains a lot of idioms relating to pets. So today we pick a side, sorry dog lovers, we’re going with cats! A whole English lesson on English idioms that relate to cats.


February 08, 2021

💬 Words: 2328

Length 12 min

📮 idioms

Winter in the Lake District a classic scene where you can imagine thin ice, as we talk about cold English idioms.

English Idioms Associated With Cold Weather Ep 391

The weather in the UK is suddenly getting cold, with our first proper frosts. Apparently we are getting weather from Sweden and Norway and we might even have a white Christmas, which has not happened in a long time. I guess, this is why I’m hearing so many English idioms related to cold at the moment. It was the Prime Minister who was On Thin Ice in the Brexit negotiations with the EU. Or the NHS being Snowed Under with extra work because of the Pandemic.


December 17, 2020

💬 Words: 2131

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

A vibrant photograph of bright orange carrots, which are the star of our English lesson on an English idiom.

An English Idiom You Should All Know Ep 371

I think it’s true that positive rewards are a better motivation for most people, rather than negative ones. However, if you need someone to do something, and suitable rewards cannot encourage them to act, you sometimes need to highlight negative or even threatening outcomes. Especially if people will not do what you need them to do. Now that took quite a lot of English vocabulary to explain a simple scenario, a native English speaker would prefer to use an English idiom, a metaphor which explains the scenario in a much simpler idiomatic way.


October 08, 2020

💬 Words: 2161

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of some walking boots used to help explain the English idiom too big for your boots

English Idioms That Are Too Big For Their Boots Ep 349

I was talking to a British colleague of mine about Adept English recently and mentioned that one of our English lessons will be on English idioms. They said nobody uses idioms that much anymore, and I laughed because the music on the radio at that very moment was Stormzy, a popular English rapper, was literally rapping a song about an English idiom at that very moment. The English use idioms all the time!


July 23, 2020

💬 Words: 1716

Length 9 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of a black forest Pavlova cake with a cherry on top, used to help explain the English idiom the cherry on top of the cake.

Three English Idioms Which Are The Same In French Ep 339

Today we examine 3 common English idioms. English idioms are a pain to learn for new English language learners. We try to make it fun and interesting, so much so you might like these awkward parts of the English language when we finish with them.


June 18, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma