🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Article 525

We found 525 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #Article. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 speaking

A lady laying on grass with her eyes closed taking advantage of the spring sun, used to help visualise our English conversation on light nights.

Practice English Conversation With A Discussion On Light Nights Ep 332

Today we practise English conversation and the topic is light nights, the last time we talked about light nights was way back in the spring of 2016. We talk about the sun, and its effects on us British and everyone in northern Europe.


May 25, 2020

💬 Words: 2046

Length 11 min

📮 listening

Summer vacation holiday. Travel tourist woman on vacation in Greece. Traditional Mediterranean house, used to help visualise our English conversation practice.

Will You Miss Air Travel And Holidays In This English Conversation Practice Ep 331

The Adept English listen & learn system of learning is based upon lots and lots of listening to native English speakers. Today’s English lesson is just a simple English conversation practice lesson, where we talk about something interesting and all you need to do is listen to the lesson, (sounds easy doesn't it!) but the catch is you need to listen repeatedly to get the most out of this lesson.


May 21, 2020

💬 Words: 2060

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

Attentive red fox focusing on the hunting in the autumnal and gloomy forest, used to help explain the English idiom beat around the bush.

English Lesson On Popular Idioms That Get To The Point Ep 330

Well, it’s been nearly a month since we last discussed an English idiom, so in today's English lesson we will jump right in and learn some phrases you would almost definitely hear in everyday English conversations at work or home.


May 18, 2020

💬 Words: 1817

Length 10 min

📮 pronunciation

Classic scones with cream and berry jam, as we use a cooking recipe to help practice the pronunciation of difficult English vocabulary like scone and recipe.

Practice Your English Accent-Words Even Native English Speakers Get Wrong Ep 329

In this English language lesson we pick some difficult to pronounce English words and practice listening to them and saying them in a lesson about making scones. Sometimes the best way to practice difficult English vocabulary is to mix them into an interesting context which we all know and understand, in this case cooking.


May 14, 2020

💬 Words: 1574

Length 8 min

📮 listening

Anxiety mental disorder a portrait of a troubled woman, the topic of discussion in our English language listening practice.

Coping With Anxiety While We Do Some English Listening Practice Ep 327

In today's English listening practice we talk about something interesting in these days of self isolation, we cover some new English vocabulary and we practice our English listening skills. Listening to 10 minutes of quality English audio will help in you at least three unique ways and if you repeat listen & learn, you will boost your English comprehension even more.


May 07, 2020

💬 Words: 1723

Length 9 min

📮 grammar

Woman sitting at bar using a mobile phone, used in an English grammar lesson about either and neither.

How English Speakers Give And Take Options Ep 326

Today we will learn about choices, and how English speakers typically talk about choices in English. When we get given a choice in a discussion, it’s handy to know what vocabulary a native English speaker would use to respond.


May 04, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma