🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Article 563

We found 563 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #Article. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 phrases

A photograph of businesswomen working in a bright modern office, standing, talking, smiling and shaking hands. English phrases and questions you might encounter in an English language interview.

Job Interview Preparation Practice English Phrases Ep 460

Doing part, or all, of a job interview in a second language is difficult. It’s an unusual scenario for someone with English as a second language. You don’t normally have to sell yourself when you speak English, but in an interview, you do! So jump in and start listening to more interview language and English phrases and questions in today’s podcast English lesson.


August 16, 2021

💬 Words: 2167

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of a turkey, a really ugly bird. English idioms are the topic of today's comprehensible input English podcast lesson.

English Animal Idioms In This English Language Acquisition Listening Practice Ep 459

So you’ve decided that listening to the English language is a good way to improve your English language skills. You’re keen to pour the new strange sounds and words into your pristine brain. Great! But before you jump in, be mindful of what you are going to listen to. Even though today’s English language learning podcast is a nice and easy idioms topic. There are a lot of more complex things going on as you listen. The lesson is working on your unconscious mind, not just your conscious mind.


August 12, 2021

💬 Words: 2318

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

An aerial view photograph of the speed boat in clear blue water at sunny day. Practice listening to ESL English grammar contractions.

ESL - English Grammar Contractions That Native Speakers Use Ep 458

Learning the English language to a level where you can use and understand the subtlety of vocabulary, sentence structure and ESL English grammar. Just like a native English speaker, is our goal here at Adept English. When you can listen to and start English conversations that you might have with a close friend or a partner, this is a key part of being fluent in English. The subtlety of English language contractions is what we work on in today’s English language listening lesson.


August 09, 2021

💬 Words: 2310

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A farmer wearing a straw hat learning against a tractor in a field. As we talk about Jeremy Clarkson Diddly Squat farm in our English language listening lesson.

British TV Worth Watching In This Listening Practice English Lesson Ep 457

In today’s English listening lesson we talk about someone who is famous and who has made much of their money being a clown, suddenly try to be taken seriously. The UK has a great climate for farming, but the climate is changing and that brings many challenges to an important part of British life.


August 05, 2021

💬 Words: 2416

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

Photo of smiling woman using headphones and smartphone. Practice copying what I say in this English speaking topic.

More Irregular Verb Practice In This English Speaking Topic Part 2 Ep 456

Back in an English language lesson podcast in May I started talking about tricky irregular English verbs, and we used this to help with your English-speaking practice. Today’s podcast is a follow up to that English lesson with more English-speaking practice to help you with this area of English that some English language learners can find difficult.


August 02, 2021

💬 Words: 2280

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A photograph of young millennial people using mobile smart phone wearing disposable face mask. English listening lessons packed with comprehensible input that helps you acquire new languages.

Why Do I Need So Much English Listening Practice Ep 455

With mobile phone ownership in the UK so high it makes perfect sense to use mobile phones in the fight against COVID19. In today’s English listening practice lesson we talk about the pros and cons of using technology to help the UK’s NHS reduce the spread of the coronavirus.


July 29, 2021

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma