🏷️ English Articles By Tag

#Article 524

We found 524 parts of the Adept English website which have been tagged with tag: #Article. Click on any image from the list below to jump to that part of the webiste.

📮 fluency

A photo of a gas meter and coins piled up. Do you want to learn how to speak English well? Then we can offer the most effective strategies to develop your English language skills.

If You Want To Speak English Fluently And Confidently-You Need To Listen Ep 534

Today we talk about living costs, rising energy bills and the impact of this on people’s lives. Whether you’re preparing for IELTS exams or just want to learn some new English vocabulary, we fill our podcast with tips and advice that will help you enhance your English-speaking skills.


May 02, 2022

💬 Words: 2722

Length 14 min

📮 phrases

A photo of an old fashioned radio on a table. Spice up your English language learning. Learning with music delivers better results than just using plain text, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a bit of music while studying?

Memorising Common English Vocabulary And Phrases Using Music Ep 533

Today we are going to look at a memorising technique that uses music. We are going to see how you can apply this powerful learning approach to making learning English vocabulary and phrases easier. Music is a fantastic way to get new vocabulary into your brain. It’s an easy way to improve your English vocabulary and fluency. This is a method that I have found to be really effective and at the end of the podcast, I discuss the facts that support why it works.


April 28, 2022

💬 Words: 2584

Length 13 min

📮 pronunciation

British and American flags fly over a green field. In today's show, I'm going to outline a few small differences between American and British pronunciation that may surprise you.

British Accents vs American Accents As We Practise English Pronunciation Ep 532

Today we are going to look at the differences between British English and American English pronunciation. Do you really want to sound more like James Bond, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Daniel Craig than a mix of Bill Murray, President Obama, and Ben Stiller? If you want to sound more British when you speak, rather than American, then this podcast will share some secrets that will help you understand why we sound the way we do.


April 25, 2022

💬 Words: 2413

Length 13 min

📮 grammar

A visit to a green spring garden on an Easter weekend. Every day, we use countless verb tenses in English conversation. In today’s lesson, I’ll walk you through how native English speakers use tenses.

Learn English Verb Tenses Needed To Talk About Your Plans With Others Ep 531

Are you looking for the perfect resource to help you get confident in all those English verb tenses? In this lesson, you’ll find ALL the verb tenses typically used during an everyday English conversation. It’s crammed to capacity with examples of present simple and present perfect verbs, past simple forms, modal verbs and many more.


April 21, 2022

💬 Words: 3443

Length 18 min

📮 listening

A man meditating in a green forest. An English language Listen & Learn podcast about the links between your mind and body. Improve your English listening skills while you learn a little more about why your brain works the way it does.

English Conversations For English Learners-Why Having A Big Brain Is Not Always An Advantage Ep 530

A podcast to help you learn English naturally and improve your English listening skills. Today we learn why we poor humans suffer more from fight or flight and why having a clever brain isn’t always an advantage. So while you learn new English vocabulary, build your long term English language memory and work on your listening comprehension, you will also gain an interesting insight into how we humans work at a mind and body level.


April 18, 2022

💬 Words: 2869

Length 15 min

📮 speaking

US Military personnel using communications equipment. Learn English speaking Fluency with the Adept English language learning podcast. Giving you the confidence to speak English fluently.

A Sensible Attitude To Achieving Your English Speaking Fluency Goals Ep 529

If you want to learn to speak English fluently as quickly as possible, listening to this English podcast is a great place for you to start. We offer practical, free and proven English language learning techniques that hundreds of thousands of English language students listen to every month. Today we talk about what your expectations of how long it takes to learn to speak English fluently should be.


April 14, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma