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๐Ÿ“ฎ phrases

A very stressed woman is working at here computer desk. The English words and phrases used in the UKโ€™s workforce are constantly changing and today we explain the most important ones.

English Words And Phrases You Will Hear Working In The UK 2022 Ep 550

In this listen and learn English podcast we will explain some unfamiliar words and phrases used in the workplace here in the UK. It doesnโ€™t matter if you are serving coffee in a Starbucks or trade a currency desk in Goldman Sachs, practice as a local Doctor or clean an office. If you work in the UK, you will encounter a new workplace culture in 2022, and it comes with an English vocabulary all of its own. So listen to todayโ€™s English lesson and find out how working in the UK is changing for everyone.


June 27, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma