Podcast English Lessons
Here are some examples of the latest podcast English lessons. If you want to see the full English lesson articles, then you can browse them all here. Or click on an image below to jump to that article.
Podcast English Lessons
Here are some examples of the latest podcast English lessons. If you want to see the full English lesson articles, then you can browse them all here. Or click on an image below to jump to that article.
Whenever you set out to do something new, like learning to speak English, something you want to do that is not part of your lifeโs routine at the moment, you need to prepare yourself. If you want to do something new, like learning a language, then you need to decide what things you need to do, and focus on adding this additional set of routines to your daily life.
August 03, 2020
If your going to speak English at some point you will engage with a company, either as a buyer or seller of some goods or services. Today we will walk through a typical example of an interaction with a small company in the UK. Along the way we will hear and use English business vocabulary that you would expect in an everyday conversation.
July 30, 2020
Today we will pick two confusing English prepositions and practise using them. It might be something you need to help with your everyday English speaking practise or maybe your ESL, English grammar can confuse and we are here to help with lots of English language listening practice.
July 27, 2020
I was talking to a British colleague of mine about Adept English recently and mentioned that one of our English lessons will be on English idioms. They said nobody uses idioms that much anymore, and I laughed because the music on the radio at that very moment was Stormzy, a popular English rapper, was literally rapping a song about an English idiom at that very moment. The English use idioms all the time!
July 23, 2020
If you are learning to how to speak English fluently you need to listen to lots and lots of everyday English being spoken by a native English speaker. Finding lots of interesting English audio to help you practice listening to English and understanding English is harder than you would imagine.
July 20, 2020
Keeping up with English phrases can be difficult. Not only do English words fall in and out of everyday use. The English language often uses the same word, but with a different meaning. Lucky for you Adept English focuses on useful everyday English, so we can help you keep up.
July 16, 2020
Do you want to learn how to speak English well? What if I told you that to speak English all you have to do is dramatically increase the amount of English you listen to.
July 13, 2020
In this lesson we will work on English tenses, and test ourselves on them. When you learn to speak a language through listening you get the benefit of learning the correct grammar automatically. If you use traditional approaches to study English, learning grammar can be difficult. In todays English lesson we hope to show you how listening can make it a little easier.
July 09, 2020
In todayโs lesson we will focus on English language fluency. We often use a news story or something topical to help keep the English lesson interesting, and this week talk about English pubs reopening.
July 06, 2020
Did you know that all 7.5 billion of the people who live on our planet earth learned to speak their first language through listening.
July 02, 2020
We havenโt talked about English grammar in a while, so today we jump in and pick just one English word since and take a thorough analysis into its correct use.
June 29, 2020
It has been a while since we have focused on English pronunciation practise. Today we will focus on words that end with an OGG or EEK sound. Normally, when you listen to enough native English, you will pick up the correct pronunciation, but as always with English there are some words which you pronounce completely differently to the written words.
June 25, 2020
The last time we were talking about English spoken natively was about the UK shutting down, so it seems appropriate to practice listening to English about something involved in the UK opening up again.
June 22, 2020
Today we examine 3 common English idioms. English idioms are a pain to learn for new English language learners. We try to make it fun and interesting, so much so you might like these awkward parts of the English language when we finish with them.
June 18, 2020
How about we talk about the news to help us listen and learn the English language? With the huge reaction to police brutality and racism, the effects of locking people in their homes for lengthy periods of time and the horror of starvation. There is plenty to talk about and lots of listening practise in this weeks lesson.
June 15, 2020
In today's Speaking English class podcast we discuss how the British are changing the way they think about property in the UK. Because of the restrictions on movement of people, especially younger people, have spent a lot of time thinking about their lives and the importance of quality of life.
June 11, 2020
In this lesson we will keep it simple and just practice listening to several common English words, used in everyday conversation. Although the lesson focuses on 3-4 words, their meaning and spelling, you are really listening to 1,500+ English words spoken by a native English speaker.
June 08, 2020
If you are looking to learn to speak English fluently, then youโve found a splendid place designed to help you, you have found Adept English. Thatโs all we do here at Adept English, we focus on helping you to speak English fluently, one of many parts of learning the English language.
June 04, 2020
Recently Nico messaged us on Facebook asking if we could create some English grammar podcasts that covered things like subject verb agreement. Learning to speak English, learning grammar especially, does not have to be difficult to learn. Listen to this weeks podcast to find out why.
June 01, 2020
One of the many advantages of using the Adept English listen & learn approach to learning to speak English fluently is you also get to learn about something new thatโs not necessarily about the English language. Itโs just sensible learning for English listening practice so you have the skills needed to speak English fluently.
May 28, 2020
Today we practise English conversation and the topic is light nights, the last time we talked about light nights was way back in the spring of 2016. We talk about the sun, and its effects on us British and everyone in northern Europe.
May 25, 2020
The Adept English listen & learn system of learning is based upon lots and lots of listening to native English speakers. Todayโs English lesson is just a simple English conversation practice lesson, where we talk about something interesting and all you need to do is listen to the lesson, (sounds easy doesn't it!) but the catch is you need to listen repeatedly to get the most out of this lesson.
May 21, 2020
Well, itโs been nearly a month since we last discussed an English idiom, so in today's English lesson we will jump right in and learn some phrases you would almost definitely hear in everyday English conversations at work or home.
May 18, 2020
In this English language lesson we pick some difficult to pronounce English words and practice listening to them and saying them in a lesson about making scones. Sometimes the best way to practice difficult English vocabulary is to mix them into an interesting context which we all know and understand, in this case cooking.
May 14, 2020
I know it's a cliche but the British love a good cup of tea. I once heard someone describe having cake and a cup of tea being like a picnic indoors. So today we talk about a cream tea, and some British culture around drinking tea while we practice listening to English being spoken and practice listening to English speaking in Britain.
May 11, 2020
In today's English listening practice we talk about something interesting in these days of self isolation, we cover some new English vocabulary and we practice our English listening skills. Listening to 10 minutes of quality English audio will help in you at least three unique ways and if you repeat listen & learn, you will boost your English comprehension even more.
May 07, 2020
Today we will learn about choices, and how English speakers typically talk about choices in English. When we get given a choice in a discussion, itโs handy to know what vocabulary a native English speaker would use to respond.
May 04, 2020
Communication in English is much more stressful when you do it online. Even for native English speakers, itโs a lot harder. So today we talk about why this happens, the common English words used and how we can reduce the stress involved in communicating online.
April 30, 2020
Today we will practice some tricky English word pronunciation. If you listen carefully to the lesson, you will learn one of the key reasons learning English speaking through our listen and learn system is easier than traditional approaches.
April 27, 2020
To speak a new language, you need to understand a lot of what you hear before you speak in that language. English is no different, you really need to be 10 times as good at comprehending what you hear in English before speaking in English becomes more fluent, more automatic.
April 23, 2020
In todayโs podcast we keep a promise made back in podcast 202 and finish our work on English conditional verbs. So today's podcast is an English listen and learn lesson on English grammar.
April 20, 2020
If you are looking for a better way of improving your spoken English then smile, you just found one of the best sources of free English lessons, totally focused on the learning to speak part of learning the English language.
April 16, 2020
In today's English lesson we will use ism words to practice our English fluency. We could have chosen any words really, but these are interesting and worth learning about anyway, but the point of the lesson is to practice out English listening comprehension and keep practising common English vocabulary so yo๏ปฟur English listening becomes automatic.
April 13, 2020
Here at Adept English we specialise in helping you with the speaking and listening part of learning to speak English. Our approach to learning to speak English is modern, interesting and delivers results. We have years of experience in helping people learn to speak English fluently, our listen and learn approach to teaching contains all of our experience and gradual improvements over the years in 7 simple steps.
April 09, 2020
Adept English is all about helping you to speak English quickly and fluently, just like a native English speaker. We have helped 100,000โs of students improve their spoken English through our listen and learn approach to speaking English.
April 06, 2020
What on earth would we all do if we did not have the internet right now? Thatโs what today's English listening practice podcast talks about. Listening is the smart way to learn a new language, and we base our whole approach on our listen and learn system.
April 02, 2020
I hope you are all doing OK. We are one week into the UK lockdown and things are silent in and around London. So if you are like us you will fill your time by listening to podcasts and today in our learn to speak English podcast we will talk about how to avoid sounding boring, or unimaginative.
March 30, 2020
Today we will talk about English acronyms and abbreviations. This is something we all experience daily, it might be on the TV, radio your email or in an SMS (<- did you spot the acronyms?) and given how many acronyms Iโve been listening to on the news late I think itโs worth spending a time in our short English podcast lessons discussing them.
March 26, 2020
The UK is finally getting serious about limiting person-to-person contact to help prevent the spread of the Wuhan Virus. This is making it difficult for us to keep Adept English running, but not impossible. We expect to get our podcasts out as we normally do, they just may be a little later some days. So please keep listening.
March 23, 2020
Today we just relax and talk about an interesting and controversial English topic, Harvey Weinstein, and explore the English vocabulary and the style of a typical everyday English conversation.
March 19, 2020
Today we will practice some English grammar, specifically around comparative adjectives. Given all the coronavirus reporting, we thought we would explain the English vocabulary being used, things like Biggest, Strongest and when this language is suitable and correct.
March 16, 2020
We get a lot of emails and messages on Facebook asking us How to learn English speaking? questions. The quick answer is lots of listening to English being spoken by native English speakers and then getting familiar with hearing English being spoken so you understand much more than you can speak.
March 12, 2020
With just about everyone now talking about the SARS-CoV-2 (Virus type), COVID 19 (The disease), more commonly known to all; of us as The coronavirus. It was only a matter of time before we mention it in our podcasts. So today we discuss the typical English vocabulary used when talking about COVID-19. We also describe what stage the UK is in preparing for the disease.
March 09, 2020
In this lesson we cut to the chase (An American idiom) and give you some solid advice on how you can practically improve your English speaking. As you might already know, we take a more modern approach to language learning here at Adept English. We always focus on high quality, interesting and engaging lessons that efficiently deliver results using modern learning techniques.
March 05, 2020
Today we will cover tenses in English conversation. If you donโt know what an English tense is, then jump right in as we explain it in the lesson. If you know about the 12 English language tenses, then you probably know it can be difficult using them in English conversation, and this lesson explains why and how to use English language tenses properly.
March 02, 2020
One way Adept English differs from more traditional English language lessons is that we like to keep the lesson interesting in and of itself. Every one of our lessons helps you with learning to speak English, but each lesson should also give you a little insight into how we live here in Britain.
February 27, 2020
Today we will look at nouns and verbs related through a common word stem. English has a lot of words that end in -ion, over 3000, so today we have some helpful tips on working with -ion or โshnโ words.
February 24, 2020
Jumping into an informal conversation with English speakers is easy, you just need something to talk about. It could be an opinion, or some fact, something you feel you know something about and as an English language student, you have the vocabulary and listening skills to maintain the conversation.
February 20, 2020
In our English lesson today, we learn about some aspects of conversational English. Talking in casual conversations is different to writing in English. For example, when native English speakers talk informally, they often imply hint and suggest the answers expected when asking questions.
February 17, 2020
Today we will talk about English sentences that make little sense unless you know an idiom or common phrase is being used in the sentence. The English language is annoying. You're a great English student and you know and understand all the English vocabulary being used but you get the meaning of the sentence wrong, because itโs using an idiom.
February 13, 2020
The key to acquiring a language through listening is listening to the language, in this case English, spoken at the right pace for language learners, with the correct pronunciation. Native English speakers are the best source of English listening materials and ideally you want a single voice, with no other noises to distract you.
February 10, 2020
Itโs 2 degrees Celsius here in London today and it feels colder because there is a steady wind. I hope you're all warm and safe and ready to tackle the boring part of learning a language, and that is grammar. English like any other language has its own vocabulary to describe its own grammar rules. It helps to know what the most common of these words is and what they mean. In today's English lesson we cover the most important and frequently used.
February 06, 2020
If you are struggling to find something to talk about in English for a conversation, then keep it simple and talk about something that matters to everyone. Today we will talk about hair, which for most people is an important topic. It might be important for religious reasons, for trendy fashion reasons. It might be important because you have little hair or maybe none. I guarantee it will come up in your English conversations at some point so you need to know at least the popular styles so you can talk about it.
February 03, 2020
One of the best ways of conditioning your brain to hear English and understand English is to listen to native English speakers. The more listening you can fit into your life the more automatic the understanding. The important thing it to listen to normal English conversations, the conversation you would have with friends.
January 30, 2020
Today we have a lesson designed to help you learn to speak English fluently and to help with some tricky parts in the grammar of English. Here at Adept English we use listening as our main way to learn English, but what happens when words sound exactly the same?
January 27, 2020
Today we have an English lesson focused on English speaking. Learning to speak English fluently can only really start when you have done enough English language listening practice and this lesson will help you with this. But before we talk about that I just want to say sorry to the 300,000+ Spotify listeners who have not been getting updates to the podcasts since episode 292, that's since the 6th of January, eek! It's all fixed now.
January 23, 2020
If you are looking for online English tutorials to help you speak English fluently, then youโve hit the jackpot! Adept English has hundreds of free English tutorials covering English pronunciation, fluently, speaking, listening also common phrases, grammar and finally we have lessons that cover idioms.
January 20, 2020
Adept English provides English language listening materials designed to help you train your brain to store important English language information in your long term memory ready for when you talk English.
January 16, 2020
You can speed up your spoken English learning. Adept English has a free English language course called the Seven Rules Course, which will show you how to. English speaking is much simpler if you learn just a few secrets about how your brain works when learning a new language.
January 13, 2020
Today we have a lesson focused on English conversation, a conversation about wild swimming in the UK. Being surrounded by water means most, around 75%, people in the UK learn to swim at an early age. However, many of those swimmers are turning to rivers, ponds, lakes and the sea to swim rather than use the thousands of swimming pools throughout the UK.
January 09, 2020
Itโs been almost a month since we last covered the basics of grammar in English, we want you to acquire English grammar naturally through listening alone, but unfortunately, sometimes English grammar needs a little explanation to help answer some obvious questions.
January 06, 2020
Time to get back to basics and explain why language acquisition works so well over language learning. If your new to us, welcome to a new way of speaking English fluently and if youโre a regular listener, hello, and jump in and listen and learn your way to better English.
January 02, 2020
I hope you are all well and resting to prepare for a new year. Although that might be difficult for some as the world seems to experience more extreme weather. Some places are hotter than ever and come are colder than ever, the UK is wetter than ever, so lets use this as our English lessons topic.
December 30, 2019
Today's English lesson is proof of several things. One, Adept English is always trying to be on time with its lessons, and two mathematics is all around us. If you just expect Adept English to be reliable and are not that keen on maths, then maybe learning about a UK song thatโs hundreds of years old and still just about everyone in the UK could sing along, will get you listening.
December 26, 2019
Adept English wants to help people learn to speak English fluently. We want to help as many people as possible learn to speak English fluently using modern language acquisition techniques. We believe that learning a language should be easy and fun and should focus on getting this done quickly. Thatโs our mission.
December 23, 2019
Today's lesson focuses on practicing your English speaking. We use that tried and tested formula, pick a topic everyone is talking about in the UK right now and talk about it using everyday English. All you have to do is listen and learn.
December 19, 2019
If you are a new listener who has just found us or if your back here because you like our podcasts, welcome and get ready to listen and learn your way into understanding English, learning a language using the Adept English method is just easier. So today we talk all about Christmas cards while we learn our everyday English vocabulary.
December 16, 2019
Itโs nearly Christmas, and the UK is in full on shopping frenzy, it seems the commercial side of Christmas is bigger than ever. As we come to a close of 2019, we thought some English Christmas idioms might interest you while you learn English speaking.
December 12, 2019
In today's listen and learn English lesson we pick an interesting topic, today it is all about why people hoard, and then we hold a conversation in English on the topic. This English lesson type is probably one of our most powerful learning techniques.
December 09, 2019
Looking at an object and hearing the new words used in your target language to describe it is the basis of listen and learn. So here at Adept English we try to always keep our lessons centered on things that will interest you, that you are already likely to be familiar with in your own language.
December 05, 2019
Why, oh why, do English speakers make simple vocabulary so much more difficult to learn than it needs to be? At some point someone decided that taking some prepositions and verbs, that mean one thing on their own would be a good idea to mean something different when you put them together in a short phrase. Lets talk about get phrasal verbs.
December 02, 2019
Are you posh? Did you go to a posh school? Today we talk about the word posh in English. Learning a language also means learning more common slang terms used in everyday conversations and today we dig into the English class system while we explain the word posh.
November 28, 2019
Today we will go back to some basic grammar. English language learners really struggle with English grammar, mostly because English breaks its own grammar rules in special cases. You often find that a rule applies 80 percent of the time and then for just 20 percent of the time special cases apply and the rule is different. Itโs frustrating to have to learn, and it results in grammar mistakes.
November 25, 2019
A lesson on vaping? Not really, today the lessons topic might be on e-cigarettes but really this English lesson is about how you learn English conversation. The key to improving your English conversation skills is listening to native English speakers in conversation and not just once but listening to English being spoken lots of times.
November 21, 2019
In this talking in English lesson we cover the British 2019 general election, and why this election is different. Along the way we explain how elections work in the UK and how things are changing because of the Brexit referendum result. So an interesting opportunity to dust off vocabulary specific to elections and democracy, great for conversational English practice.
November 18, 2019