Podcast English Lessons

Total Podcasts: 588

Here are some examples of the latest podcast English lessons. If you want to see the full English lesson articles, then you can browse them all here. Or click on an image below to jump to that article.

📮 phrases

A photograph of a farther with his son drinking cider in apple orchard in autumn. What English phrases go into your favourite alcohol?

English Phrases And Alcohol From Around The World Ep 427

Today we discover what goes into alcohol from around the world as we explore the associated English phrases used in and around alcohol in the UK. There is a lot going on inside this English lesson which uses the Adept English listen and learn approach to learning to speak English fluently.


April 22, 2021

💬 Words: 2267

Length 12 min

📮 idioms

A photo of a full moon over the sand dunes in the Sahara desert. Todays English language lesson is all about moon related English idioms.

Over The Moon And Other English Idioms Ep 426

As you know I love helping English language learners, you could say I’d go to the moon and back to help students learn English. Many moons ago I started Adept English to help speed up English language learning for as many students as possible. When I shared my ideas with some of my teaching friends, they said I might as well howl at the moon. I started small and didn’t promise the moon, and now we’ve grown and helped many people.


April 19, 2021

💬 Words: 2240

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A photograph of Edinburgh castle, although the Duke of Edinburgh would stay at Balmoral castle. A topical English conversation lesson.

Fond Farewell And Travel Dreams Conversational English Lesson Ep 425

In today’s English lesson we talk about the British Royal family and going on holidays. I’ve included a lot of topical interest in the conversation to give you an insight into where the UK is right now. Although there is some sadness at the loss of Prince Philip. There is also a lot of excitement with shops re-opening, lock-down restrictions being relaxed and the possibility of going on holiday being discussed.


April 15, 2021

💬 Words: 2175

Length 11 min

📮 listening

A very orange photograph of a surprised looking lady. A conversation were we practice listening in the English and learn what in English is much easier to learn than other languages.

Is English Listening Practice Easy Compared To European Languages Ep 424

If you have been listening to our English listening practice podcasts for a while, you will often hear me complain about the illogical rules the English language uses. It is a source of frustration for many new English language learners. And I share that frustration.


April 12, 2021

💬 Words: 2247

Length 12 min

📮 listening

Young woman studying in a coffee shop. We often think of learning as studying, but in reality our brain is always learning even when we are not conscious of it.

Conversation In English On Psychology Of Intensive Learning Ep 423

Your brain is an amazing machine. Just like any machine, with a little care and attention and a little understanding, you will get the most out of it. Today’s conversation in English is about listening to English, practising your listening comprehension and learning new English vocabulary. It’s also about understanding a little more about that amazing machine between your ears.


April 08, 2021

💬 Words: 2191

Length 11 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a peacock with feathers out. As we take a deep dive on the many types of blue in todays English conversation practice.

English Conversation Practice On Words That Help Describe The Colour Blue Ep 422

Maybe it is the plunge in temperature that made me think about today’s colour, or maybe the wonderful flowers that have coloured my garden. The result is an English conversation practice podcast that takes a thorough analysis into the many types of a single colour. I will leave you to listen to the podcast to find out which colour I talk about.


April 05, 2021

💬 Words: 2105

Length 11 min

📮 grammar

Sunset at Dunraven Bay a large beach at Southerndown on the south coast of Wales. As we tackle tiny English words that cause English language learners difficulty.

Little English Words That Often Cause Difficulties Ep 421

Once more we delve into the nuance of English language. Taking what appears to be at face value the simplest of English words and navigating their often illogical use. So today we have an ESL English grammar lesson on teeny English locational prepositions. As usual, we provide lots of examples, which you can listen to, and at the end we have a test to see just how well you understand the topic.


April 01, 2021

💬 Words: 1671

Length 9 min

📮 phrases

A lady sits on a sofa with a laptop filling out the UK 2021 census. Today we practice English phrases and vocabulary related to filling in forms.

English Phrases And Vocabulary Used In The UK 2021 Census Ep 420

With so much of our time spent trying to protect our private data, especially online. It may come as a surprise to you that UK law requires us citizens to complete a rather intrusive census once every 10 years. So we go from being a checkbox ninja, trying to keep our names and email from being used to having to pay a big fine if we don’t tell all of our private details to the government.


March 29, 2021

💬 Words: 2053

Length 11 min

📮 fluency

Could not resist using a great photograph of these lovely spring flowers. As we learn more English conversation through listening.

Spring Has Arrived Ep 419

Today we help you learn English conversation with a talk about Spring, gardens and flowers. Improving your English comprehension, vocabulary and pronunciation is the focus of today’s lesson. So put on your headphones on and find 10 minutes to invest in your English language learning.


March 25, 2021

💬 Words: 2213

Length 12 min

📮 fluency

A photograph of a ultramarathon runner in the mountains during a workout. As we talk about the time it takes to learn to speak English.

Learning The English Language Is A Marathon Not A Sprint Ep 418

So how long does it take to learn to speak English? Learning to speak the English language is going to be a marathon, not a Sprint. Here at Adept English we help you get a great time for your marathon, but we cannot change the race into a sprint. Even when our brains were at peak language learning efficiency as very small children. Where our focus was totally on learning language and interacting with our parents, we still took many months to speak our first words.


March 22, 2021

💬 Words: 2844

Length 15 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a lady with eyes closed. Sometimes stress and anxiety gets the best of you in this English listening lesson.

Improve Your English Listening While We Talk About Anxiety Ep 417

I think it says quite a lot about our societies that we have emoji icons for anxiety. Worrying is a part of everyone’s life, without exception. For some, worry can spill over into a dominating force in their lives. Today we are going to practice English listening comprehension skills and the topic we will talk about is anxiety.


March 18, 2021

💬 Words: 2203

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a young woman smelling flowers in shop. Out English language learning topic today is all about smells.

Strange Smells In This English Listening Practice Lesson Ep 416

Today we talk about strange smells in our English listening practice lesson. I’ve never lost my sense of smell or taste, but recently a relative of mine lost their sense of smell and that started a really interesting conversation. A conversation I thought you might enjoy if I shared it with you as part of your English listening practice this week.


March 15, 2021

💬 Words: 2235

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A view of the gulf of Naples by night, with a volcano in the background. Today we have a hot English conversation about volcanos and lava.

Volcanos and Lava In A Conversation With English Listening Practice Ep 415

We have many interesting geological structures in the UK, but we are missing one. The UK has no active volcanos, thank goodness. However, you don’t have to travel far to find volcanos and today we are going to discuss this as our English listening practice topic.


March 11, 2021

💬 Words: 1926

Length 10 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of two students reading book together standing outside a school. My guess is today they would be wearing masks, but hopefully having fun.

How to do Passive Voice for English Verbs in Present and Past Tenses Ep 414

Today, in the UK, children are going back to school. We wish them all good luck and thank goodness they can meet up with friends and get socialising again. While I am sure it will take time for schools to get back to normal, just getting out of the house and running around with some friends will be a huge physiological uplift for them.


March 08, 2021

💬 Words: 2619

Length 14 min

📮 listening

A photograph of various sweet biscuits popular in the UK and the US. In todays English lesson the topic is British biscuits while we practice our English listening skills.

Discover British Biscuits In This Listening Practice English Lesson Ep 413

In today’s English lesson we talk about British biscuits. As you probably know the UK is a nation of tea drinkers, it’s an important part of our national culture. So knowing the difference between a cookie and a scone or a biscuit is probably worth listening to while you improve your English-speaking part of your brain.


March 04, 2021

💬 Words: 2692

Length 14 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a female student listening to an audio book on her headphones. You could be improving your spoken English by listening to our new updated 500 most common English words audio book course.

Learn To Speak English Efficiently Through Focused English Listening Ep 412

Over the years we have had many comments and conversations about which language has the most words, or the biggest vocabulary. The topic is complicated. There is no simple answer because it is a question which is not specific enough to get a correct answer. In today’s English listening lesson, we talk about how you need to focus on the words that matter in speaking English. We talk about the most efficient approach to learning what you actually need in order to speak English fluently.


March 01, 2021

💬 Words: 2334

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of someone about to throw an orange ball for two eager dogs. Today we tackle the most common English phrasal verbs which use to throw in them.

More English Phrasal Verb Practice Ep 411

Help with English phrasal verbs is a regular request for our podcasts ideas list. I completely understand why. New English language learners often run into this bizarre scenario where they understand some English words in isolation. Yet they suddenly see or hear these same words combined into a phrasal verb that means something completely different. How confusing and annoying, so today we explain some commonly used English to throw phrasal verbs.


February 25, 2021

💬 Words: 2500

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of friends with smartphones leaning against a wall. Our topic is love and how we have moved online during the pandemic as we learn to speak English.

Practice Your English Speaking Learning About Love In A Global Pandemic Ep 410

I’m sure we all agree that love and relationships are important to us human beings. We are, after all, a social animal. The pandemic, and the way we are trying to control its impact on us, is affecting many things. Today we practice English speaking learning about how people are getting around the lack of physical contact during lockdowns.


February 22, 2021

💬 Words: 2581

Length 13 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of two panda in a green grass field. The grammar example used in this English grammar lesson uses a panda to help get the point across.

When A Panda Walks Into A Bar You Know English Grammar Can Be Fun Ep 409

So today we take a fun look at English grammar. Traditional English grammar and fun is normally a contradiction. However, I promise that in this English lesson we take a fun look at English punctuation. I will also explain the Oxford comma and use this as an excuse to talk about lovely pandas.


February 18, 2021

💬 Words: 2017

Length 11 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of modern high-rise residential buildings seen in Munich, Germany. Let us hope that the cladding on these buildings is fire safe.

An English Speaking Practice Topic That Could Save Your Life Ep 408

Today we have a lesson which should help provide you with some English-speaking practice and maybe help save your life. Now it’s rarely you get to put those two valuable benefits into a single sentence. With more people living in blocks of flats its important to know about the Grenfell fire.


February 15, 2021

💬 Words: 2857

Length 15 min

📮 listening

A photograph of an old man and his glasses. With age comes wisdom and silliness in equal measure. In this English lesson to practice English conversation comprehension.

Practice An Everyday Conversation With English Speakers Ep 407

This English lesson is a conversation in English about news in the UK. All you have to do is sit back and listen to the native English speaker and comprehend what you hear. Listen to the lesson several times until you understand all the vocabulary and you comprehend the meaning of the sentences. Simple conversations, like this one, can be difficult to follow when you are learning to speak English. Practice listening to conversations in English will help train your brain to recognise the sounds and English speaker makes, even before you understand all the words.


February 11, 2021

💬 Words: 2113

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of a fluffy Norwegian forest cat, which looks very much like a Siberian forest cat. As we discuss English cat idioms.

Why Are There So Many English Idioms About Cats Ep 406

It’s pretty safe to say the British love their pets. With over 40 percent of British households owning a pet, it is no surprise the English language contains a lot of idioms relating to pets. So today we pick a side, sorry dog lovers, we’re going with cats! A whole English lesson on English idioms that relate to cats.


February 08, 2021

💬 Words: 2328

Length 12 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a British home-made blueberry crumble with oatmeal, learning to speak English and how to cook yummy food.

A Yummy English Speaking Topic Mmm Puddings Ep 405

It’s been cold here in the UK and nothing makes the cold outside fade away faster than British comfort food. I’m sure, wherever you come from, you have a similar process of making things just a little better with some pleasant kitchen smells and tasty dishes. Well, in my house we like a good pudding and a family favourite is a fruit crumble with lots of custard. So today’s English speaking topic is about a classic British pudding and the English vocabulary you would use in an English kitchen.


February 04, 2021

💬 Words: 2124

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of a schoolgirl playing chess. As we discuss the etymology of Checkmate in our English lesson.

Common English Words That Come From Arabic Ep 404

You might have heard of the term we stand on the shoulders of giants. You might use this term in science, where a new breakthrough idea made possible by the work and discoveries of prior scientific efforts. Well, today we show languages are similar and how common English words have benefited from many languages.


February 01, 2021

💬 Words: 2073

Length 11 min

📮 fluency

A photograph of a happy indian student with smartphone learning sitting in university library. As we talk over the 7 rules of Adept English.

7 Rules To Learn English Language And Habits That Help Ep 403

As January comes to a close. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. It’s technically still the start of the year so I thought I would talk with you about your English language learning plan for 2021. Starting from the beginning I want to talk you through the steps you should be taking and the English language learning habits that will make your life easier.


January 28, 2021

💬 Words: 2350

Length 12 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of an African American man sitting in front of computer coding, programming, web developer. Nearly all programmers are in part, English speakers.

English Speaking Is Popular And Very International Ep 402

Today our English pronunciation lesson focuses on why the English language is so popular and continues to grow as a popular international language. We see it every year at Adept English, more and more people are choosing to learn English as their second language. So why is the English-speaking world growing?


January 25, 2021

💬 Words: 2429

Length 13 min

📮 grammar

Photograph of a woman taking selfie by holding digital camera at green forest. An English conversation comprehension practice lesson about going for a walk in the UK during a pandemic.

Listening To Native English Speakers Will Improve Your English Grammar Ep 401

A common question we get from new language learners, especially those who are new to our way of acquiring a language through listening, is so what about learning English grammar? The good news is that the more you listen, the better your English grammar will get.


January 21, 2021

💬 Words: 2129

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

Summer poppies in Norfolk UK. Our 400th Listen and learn English language learning podcast.

Common English Words To Charge Or Not To Charge Ep 400

The English language has a habit of taking a simple short word and using it in a multitude of ways. Today we focus on a common English word and do a thorough analysis to explain all of its common uses. As always, we aim to make our English lessons fun and interesting enough for you to repeat listen, which is key to learning any new language.


January 18, 2021

💬 Words: 2538

Length 13 min

📮 listening

A photo of a toy red car in snow. This whole English practice conversation is about a very long and difficult car journey.

You Are Hardwired To Listen To Stories And Conversations In English Ep 399

Today’s English lesson is simple. All we ask is that you sit back and enjoy a short English listening practice story. You will listen to a conversation in English and try to comprehend all the key vocabulary used, and at the end we have short test so you can test how well you did (and check you paid attention).


January 14, 2021

💬 Words: 1936

Length 10 min

📮 listening

A graphic of a doctor holding model of brain in clinic, as we explain the science behind the Adept English way of learning to speak a English.

What Happens In Your Brain When You Learn A Second Language Ep 398

Well, it has been a busy start to 2021, we’ve received a lot of emails with lots of questions. I thought one of the more interesting ones was a question from Han in China, who asked why does listening and learning a new language like you learned your first language work? Why is it better than other approaches to learning to speak English, or any language, fluently?


January 11, 2021

💬 Words: 2984

Length 15 min

📮 listening

Dusk at Eilean Donan castle, a place for the wealthy to hide as people start to suggest it's the wealthy who should pay for the pandemic. And English listening mp3 lesson.

English Listening Mp3 Lesson On Who Pays For The Pandemic Ep 397

Today’s English listening mp3 lesson is going to talk about the English language used when talking about taxes and how people in the UK are discussing who is and how we are going to pay for the enormous costs associated with dealing with the pandemic and the impact of shutting the UK economy down.


January 07, 2021

💬 Words: 2223

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

Hike in the Patagonian mountains, Argentina. New beginning, start of a new English language learning year 2021.

Basics Of Grammar In English The Mechanics Of The Able Suffix Ep 396

We start 2021 with an English lesson that takes us back to the basics of English grammar. We’ve had some fun over the holidays with fairly easy listening English podcasts and we need to pick up the pace and get our brains back up to speed as we head back to work, school and or college.


January 04, 2021

💬 Words: 2282

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of people drinking from champagne glasses. Happy New year 2021 from Adept English. We talk about English phrases in this lesson.

English Phrases For A Happy New Year 2021 Ep 395

Well, as we say goodbye to 2020, and are on the eve of welcoming 2021, I wish you all a better year from now on. In the UK, we are preparing for the least festive and celebratory New Year’s eve in my lifetime. 2020 is going to go out with a whimper for many people. 2020 was a great year for Adept English. Today we continue helping people learn new English phrases as we learn to speak English through listening.


December 31, 2020

💬 Words: 2020

Length 11 min

📮 fluency

Sunset from Hushinish on the Isle of Harris in the Western Isle of Scotland and looking across to the isle of Scarp.

Learn About English Language Shortened Names Ep 394

So it’s cold and frosty in the UK today, but no snow and definitely not a white Christmas, so I guess the weather reporter got it wrong again. No surprise there. As for today’s English lesson, I thought I would do one to help explain how we shorten people’s names in the UK.


December 28, 2020

💬 Words: 2040

Length 11 min

📮 listening

Portrait of a smiling young African woman, thinking about today's Adept English quiz!

Practice Your English Conversation With A Little Quiz Ep 393

I am sure many of you are busy with the coming holiday, I know I am. It is nearly time to say goodbye to 2020 and what an odd year it has been. As always, I am determined to see the weekly English lesson podcasts go out as normal over the holidays.


December 24, 2020

💬 Words: 1888

Length 10 min

📮 listening

The skyline of London, UK with the Tower Bridge and the Shard after sunset. As we talk about Brexit, weather the pandemic and other things in the news.

Learn English While You Catch Up On The News Ep 392

In this English lesson, we take a snapshot of the news across the UK and the world at large and discuss what is happening in a conversational style. Although much of the news recently has been about the pandemic, and we will talk a little about that, it is not all about that. There are plenty of things happening in the world beyond the pesky virus.


December 21, 2020

💬 Words: 2180

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

Winter in the Lake District a classic scene where you can imagine thin ice, as we talk about cold English idioms.

English Idioms Associated With Cold Weather Ep 391

The weather in the UK is suddenly getting cold, with our first proper frosts. Apparently we are getting weather from Sweden and Norway and we might even have a white Christmas, which has not happened in a long time. I guess, this is why I’m hearing so many English idioms related to cold at the moment. It was the Prime Minister who was On Thin Ice in the Brexit negotiations with the EU. Or the NHS being Snowed Under with extra work because of the Pandemic.


December 17, 2020

💬 Words: 2131

Length 11 min

📮 speaking

A woman in a black protective medical mask in a Santa hat at the window of a city shop with purchases in multi-coloured paper bags. English Christmas songs.

The Unofficial Top British Christmas Songs Everyone In The UK Knows Ep 390

For what seems the briefest of moments, the UK went back to almost normal at the start of December. The government relaxed lock-downs, people went shopping and could meet up with friends and family, even socialise and go to the pub. However, all that has stopped now. So let's turn this into a positive English language lesson where we can practice speaking English.


December 14, 2020

💬 Words: 2455

Length 13 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a woman talking to professional psychologist at therapy session in his office.

Learn About Your Brain While You Use It Listening To Conversations In English Ep 389

After our podcast on neuroscience, we asked if anyone wanted more on how your brain works and why we do the things we do. We got a lot of feedback saying, yes please tell us more. So today we have another English lesson that talks about your brain, while we use the knowledge about how your brain works to deliver another interesting English conversation that improves your English language.


December 10, 2020

💬 Words: 2391

Length 12 min

📮 pronunciation

Young smiling man in casual wear and eyeglasses listening to lecture in earphones while preparing for an IELTS test.

English Tutorial About Skill Assessment Tests Like IELTS Ep 388

In this English lesson we are going to talk about and explain the main English language tests used to by UK government, for visas, UK collages and employers to help assess the English language skills of applicants. You could also think of this as an English tutorial on acronyms, as there are a lot of them in this lesson.


December 07, 2020

💬 Words: 2343

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

Red and ripe British apples on a tree, one of the many foods and drinks made in Britain. Discussed as part of this English food phrases lesson.

Provenance And Other English Phrases Related To British Food Ep 387

Today we talk about provenance, and other food related English phrases. Provenance, which is from the Latin “pro-venire” and later the French “provenir” the phrase is now a well-used part of the English language.


December 03, 2020

💬 Words: 2031

Length 11 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a middle aged doctor injecting an older patient, or as we say in the UK, giving them a jab.

Practice English Talking About The Jab Ep 386

The first documented successful vaccine was in 1796, the British doctor Edward Jenner could prove immunity to small pox using the relatively mild cowpox virus. Today’s English talking practice is about what we in the UK call, the jab.


November 30, 2020

💬 Words: 2663

Length 14 min

📮 phrases

Path in Keukenhof flower garden with blooming tulip flowerbed - one of the world's largest flower gardens at sunset. Lisse, the Netherlands. Flowers make me happy.

Enjoy Poppycock Balderdash And Piffle As You Learn Spoken English Ep 385

Today we have an odd lesson where we talk about some old-fashioned English words and English phrases, which admittedly you might not hear that much, but when you hear them, you might be interested to know what they are, and how to pronounce them. Just relax and smile as you learn spoken English with us today.


November 26, 2020

💬 Words: 1765

Length 9 min

📮 fluency

A photograph of two older boys eating ice cream, and a jealous young boy looking at them.

Explore Envy And Jealousy As You Learn English Language Fluency Ep 384

I think Aristotle once said to be jealous is reasonable, but envy leads only to bad things. But you have to ask yourself why? Aren’t these the same things? Well no, we often confuse the meaning of these words and today we are going to spend some time explaining why they are different. Using some contemporary English language and explanations which will help you remember the difference, and of course we will improve your spoken English while you learn the English language.


November 23, 2020

💬 Words: 2621

Length 14 min

📮 grammar

Photo of young beautiful woman in eyeglasses posing and looking at camera isolated over grey wall.

Basics Of Grammar In English Managing Your Contractions Ep 383

If you hear the word Contraction and you have no context to the conversation, then you would probably think about pregnancy and giving birth. However, this is Adept English and we are talking about basic English grammar today, specifically English language contractions.


November 19, 2020

💬 Words: 2328

Length 12 min

📮 listening

A photograph of a woman working online from home, a common thing in the UK 2020

English Lessons That Make Learning To Speak English Easier Ep 382

We like to keep our English listening lessons contemporary and interesting. There is no point learning English vocabulary from a book that’s five years old, everyday English language is always changing, and the vocabulary in use today is very different to that being used even a few years ago.


November 16, 2020

💬 Words: 2752

Length 14 min

📮 listening

A side view full length portrait photograph of active senior couple running in park along lake. As we talk about longevity in our English lesson today.

Adept English Learning Language Skills Through Listening Ep 381

Living a long healthy, happy and meaningful life is something I assume all of us would want. But imagine if you lived to be 100, or even 1000? In today’s English language listening lesson we talk about longevity.


November 12, 2020

💬 Words: 1881

Length 10 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of Lochan na Stainge at Glencoe in the Highlands of Scotland, it seems apt for a conversation about Kilts.

Learn English Speaking As We Discuss Scottish Kilts Ep 380

Adeptenglish helps people learn to speak English fluently. We do this using a technique you are all familiar with, as you have already used this language learning approach to learn your first native language. We all learned our first language by listening and interacting with our parent or careers.


November 09, 2020

💬 Words: 1993

Length 10 min

📮 listening

A magnificent photograph of the stars at night from a camping site in a forest. Learning more than just how to speak English fluently.

Learn How To Speak English While We Talk About OSIRIS REx Ep 379

Humans are quite remarkable. Unhappy with the wonder of travelling through our solar system on a blue spaceship called earth, we seek to go beyond what seems impossible and make it possible. So imagine launching a spaceship from earth, the size of a van, 200 million miles into space to meet a huge rock travelling at over 60 thousand miles an hour. Today we learn how to speak English and find our more about OSIRIS REx.


November 05, 2020

💬 Words: 2054

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of a retro steam train, a form of transport you might get off and get on.

Get Phrasal Verbs Much More Than A List Of Prepositions Part 2 Ep 378

One of the challenges of learning to speak English is that native English speakers use short English phrases which often have multiple meanings. The confusion arises when you take some prepositions and verbs, that mean one thing on their own and another when used together.


November 02, 2020

💬 Words: 2529

Length 13 min

📮 listening

A bearded man in a bath surrounded with bubbles. Archimedes supposedly had his eureka moment in a bath.

A Eureka Moment In Our Conversation With English Listening Practice Ep 377

Today’s English lesson we are going to talk about a famous Greek word and our conversation will cover some new English vocabulary, and set out an everyday conversation with English listening practice.


October 29, 2020

💬 Words: 1919

Length 10 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of an African man with dreadlocks glancing away, learning why hair is important while we learn how to speak English.

Learn Why Hair Matters While Learning How To Speak English Ep 376

When thinking about a topic for a new English lesson I often listen to what my friends are talking about or maybe my children and sometimes I seek our ideas from the current UK news? It’s important to me I find something contemporary, something that native English speakers are talking about today, using everyday English. Because the best content for a new English language learner to learn how to speak English fluently, is to listen to and use English that’s being spoken right now my millions of British people.


October 26, 2020

💬 Words: 2511

Length 13 min

📮 pronunciation

Close-up portrait of funny girl with wireless headphones on head with closed, apt for today's tongue twister English pronunciation practice.

Practise English Pronunciation With Tongue Twisters Ep 375

We haven’t had a lesson focus on English pronunciation for quite some time, so today we launch into what most people find hard to pronounce clearly and correctly. Even native English speakers will make mistakes doing these English pronunciation practice pieces.


October 22, 2020

💬 Words: 1794

Length 9 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a brightly coloured world globe, todays English speaking topic of time zones.

Today We Learn About Time Zones As We Learn To Speak English Ep 374

I don’t know if it was thinking about how to the British talk about time in last week’s English lesson or because of something I saw on the news. However, today the learn to speak English topic has a time theme as it is on time zones.


October 19, 2020

💬 Words: 2382

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of an old-fashioned analogue alarm clock, used to help describe the common English words used to tell the time in Britain.

Learn The Common English Words Used To Tell The Time In British English Ep 373

Time waits for no-one. Time is money. Time is something we all talk about constantly, we use it all the time (pun intended!) in everyday life. As always, native English speakers use shortcut phrases when talking about specific time scenarios, common English words which describe obvious times of the day which are worth knowing. So today we are going to practice our use of English time vocabulary for both digital times and analogue times.


October 15, 2020

💬 Words: 2457

Length 13 min

📮 listening

A photograph of orange leaves on the trees as Autumn sets in. Part of this English lesson on how to stay happy.

How to Stay Happy In A Winter Lockdown English Lesson Ep 372

In today’s English lesson, we talk about things that can help keep you happy. Winter in the UK can be cold and wet, with a lot of your time spent indoors. So we British are quite used to keeping ourselves amused and entertained indoors. However, this winter we will miss an important part of the recipe that keeps us happy, we won’t be going to other people’s houses or having people round to socialise with.


October 12, 2020

💬 Words: 2627

Length 14 min

📮 idioms

A vibrant photograph of bright orange carrots, which are the star of our English lesson on an English idiom.

An English Idiom You Should All Know Ep 371

I think it’s true that positive rewards are a better motivation for most people, rather than negative ones. However, if you need someone to do something, and suitable rewards cannot encourage them to act, you sometimes need to highlight negative or even threatening outcomes. Especially if people will not do what you need them to do. Now that took quite a lot of English vocabulary to explain a simple scenario, a native English speaker would prefer to use an English idiom, a metaphor which explains the scenario in a much simpler idiomatic way.


October 08, 2020

💬 Words: 2161

Length 11 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a football. In todays lesson we discuss the problems UK football is having as we learn English speaking.

Learn English Speaking As We Talk About Saving UK Football Ep 370

In today’s lesson we are going to pick a topic from the British headline news and talk about it using everyday English vocabulary. It’s about football, and we learn English speaking through listening to the conversation with a focus on how the words are spoken. Listening to this lesson several times will help you with your automatic English comprehension.


October 05, 2020

💬 Words: 2368

Length 12 min

📮 listening

Man looking stressed out and depressed; mental health concept, stress, anxiety, depression, emotion. All discussed in our listening practice English conversation.

Neuroscience While We Practice Listening To Conversations In English Ep 369

It’s not every day you get to say you’ve listened to a podcast on neuroscience. If you invest the next ten minutes of your life to this podcast. You will not only practise listening to an English conversation in English, to improve your English comprehension. You might also change the way you live to help keep your brain in tip-top condition as you grow older.


October 01, 2020

💬 Words: 2240

Length 12 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of a laughing man with headphones sitting at table. Used to highlight one of the English acronyms used in this English spoken natively lesson.

Learn About Acronyms While Listening To English Spoken Natively Ep 368

If you're investing your valuable time learning to speak a new language, like English, you are much better off listening to English being spoken by a native English speaker. If you intend to use your new English language skills, then practicing your English language skills with the people you are eventually going to be speaking with is a much more efficient approach to learning.


September 28, 2020

💬 Words: 1871

Length 10 min

📮 listening

Portrait photograph of a happy African Muslim woman in headscarf in new car, part of this English conversation listening practice lesson.

UK Black Box Car Insurance A Conversation With English Listening Practice Ep 367

Frustration with technology, outrageous costs and the freedom to drive are in today’s English listening lesson. Today’s lesson takes the form of a conversation with English listening practice that will engage your interest and keep you interested in listening. All you have to do is sit back and listen, and listen as many times as you can.


September 24, 2020

💬 Words: 2278

Length 12 min

📮 idioms

A photograph of horses in Iceland. Wild horses in a group. Horses on the Westfjord in Iceland. Discussed in this English lesson when we talked about furry coats to help survive in the cold weather.

Horse Idioms English Lesson Ep 366

A recent comment on YouTube, which suggested that idioms make English interesting, got me thinking about English idioms. It has been a while since I last did an English idiom lesson, so today we are going to talk about a horse idiom I heard being used on BBC Radio 4.


September 21, 2020

💬 Words: 2201

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of a lady speaker giving a presentation in hall at university centre workshop, basic English grammar.

Direct And Reported Speech The Basics Of Grammar In English Ep 365

We recently had a question put to us about direct and reported speech. Understanding this is important. It is a basic part of grammar in English. So today we run through lots of examples of both types of speech. Although we try not to spend much time on grammar, as you learn this through listening anyway, sometimes it helps some people and we are here to help.


September 17, 2020

💬 Words: 1764

Length 9 min

📮 fluency

A photograph of a hairdresser washes customer hair in basin. An English conversation about SLS in shampoo.

Lets Talk About Shampoo As We Help You To Learn English Conversation Ep 364

If you’ve listened to Adept English before, you know that we try to make our English lessons interesting. And today, as we help you learn English conversation skills, we talk about hair. Yes, the hair we all have on our heads and if you care about how your hair looks, it’s going to be useful information that could change the way you wash your hair forever.


September 14, 2020

💬 Words: 2437

Length 13 min

📮 listening

Portrait of young businesspeople with face masks working indoors in office, a conversation about risk in this English language listening lesson.

Learn How To Speak English In Your Own Time Ep 363

There are lots of places that will help you learn to speak English, some are good and some are bad. However, there are very few good ones that help you learn HOW to speak English for FREE, using a modern approach to language learning. So you can do this in your own time at your pace.


September 10, 2020

💬 Words: 1927

Length 10 min

📮 fluency

Prague at the sunrise, a beautiful city sets the backdrop to our discussion on facts about languages as we learn to speak English fluently.

Discover Interesting Language Facts As You Learn English Language Fluency Ep 362

In today’s English lesson our goal is to learn and improve English Language Fluency through listening to a topical conversation spoken by a native English speaker. As usual, we try to make the lesson interesting as we expect you to listen to the lesson several times, you can learn more about why we ask you to do this here.


September 07, 2020

💬 Words: 2105

Length 11 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of a tea set on white wooden table, used to help describe the use of less as a suffix.

Using A Suffix With Common English Words Ep 361

Today we talk about using a suffix or prefix. We discuss how to spot them in use, how to use them and what they mean. To help explain things, we take a common suffix and explain how to apply it with lots of examples. As usual with the English language, there are some special grammar rules, so we also explain these special cases.


September 03, 2020

💬 Words: 1888

Length 10 min

📮 listening

View of the picturesque St Lukes Mews alley near Portobello Road in Notting Hill, London. Example British houses in London.

The Rooms In Your House - A Conversation With English Listening Practice Ep 360

Today’s English listening practice lesson is all about a typical English home. The lesson is an everyday conversation with English vocabulary and English listening practice in a discussion about the rooms and layout of a British home. With listeners from all around the world, living in many types of home, I suspect that there will be some new English vocabulary to learn.


August 31, 2020

💬 Words: 2564

Length 13 min

📮 listening

A photograph of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, discussed in this English language listening practice lesson.

Thoughts About Chernobyl Miniseries While We Do Some English Listening Practice Ep 359

In today’s English listening practice, we talk about a popular TV mini-series called Chernobyl. It’s a story about true bravery in the face of impossible odds. Although the BBC didn't made the series, it’s really good, so if you like what you hear in today’s English lesson it might be worth checking out.


August 27, 2020

💬 Words: 1683

Length 9 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of the BBC Media City Buildings In Manchester. Adept English learn grammar naturally.

Listen And Learn English - Learn Grammar The Natural Way Ep 358

In today’s podcast we will focus on your English comprehension. Your ability to listen to English being spoken and your understanding of the conversation. The conversation is about something very British, the BBC, so there will be lots of interesting vocabulary and grammar terms to learn.


August 24, 2020

💬 Words: 2208

Length 12 min

📮 speaking

A landscape photograph of the medieval village Saint Cirque La Popie in France, close to where my sister lives in France.

British English Speaking Practice A Journey To France Ep 357

For the briefest moment this summer, it was possible to travel by plane within Europe from the UK. As tempting as it is to make this English-speaking practice conversation about the nightmare journey, I will resist temptation and talk about a more positive aspect of the trip.


August 20, 2020

💬 Words: 2083

Length 11 min

📮 listening

A photograph of A level students getting their results, part of this practice conversation in English lesson.

Practice Conversations In English - How To Mess Up Your Exams Ep 356

Today we will talk about the slow motion train wreak that is the UK A Level exam results for England. Although we will have a measured conversation in English, I really want to shout and scream, because it’s just so unfair.


August 17, 2020

💬 Words: 1949

Length 10 min

📮 listening

A photograph of colourful vintage soda bottles, an example of antiques, in this English listening practice lesson.

Discover What I Do For Fun While We Do Some English Listening Practice Ep 355

We’ve done quite a lot of English grammar recently, and although we try to make it interesting, it’s grammar, so for most people it’s a bit boring. Today we will just pick a British topic and talk about something interesting, and all you have to do is listen and practice your English listening skills.


August 13, 2020

💬 Words: 1890

Length 10 min

📮 grammar

A close up photograph of our tomato plant, home grown from seeds. Used to help practice English grammar.

Listen And Learn To Speak English - Learn Grammar The Easy Way Ep 354

It’s hot here in the UK. Much hotter than we British feel comfortable in. Add to the sunny weather a lot of working from home and you end up with a very good looking garden, or plant pots. A while back we mentioned that during lock down we would try to grow some vegetables from seeds and in today’s English grammar lesson we give you an update on how we got on.


August 10, 2020

💬 Words: 1851

Length 10 min

📮 phrases

A photograph of vanilla ice-cream, a classic comfort food. Used to help with our English lesson on English phrases about comfort food.

English Phrases - What Is Your Comfort Food? Ep 353

In today’s English lesson we explore some everyday English phrases in and around comfort foods. I have a few favourite foods, depending on the situation. So listen to this English audio lesson to help improve your spoken English fluency and find out what type of food I like on a cold rainy day in Britain.


August 06, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma