📖 English Lessons Section

Each Podcast is its own English lesson

Hi there you are listening to Adept English and this is a listen and learn podcast. My name is Hilary and I created this listen and learn method to help you speak English fluently. It's much more enjoyable if you learn English in the way that your brain naturally wants to learn. I live in the United Kingdom. I'm a native English speaker. And I love helping the hundreds of thousands of students who listen to us every month.

Every week we give you two English lessons in the form of podcasts. So listen to Adept English. You'll be on your way to speaking fluent English in no time.

📮 speaking

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

British Accent Practice Ep 230

When you learn to speak a language, like English, you spend your early days just trying to remember vocabulary and basic sentence structure. It’s hard work. There are so many things to remember just to say a few English words out loud. You probably won’t have time to think about accents.


June 03, 2019

💬 Words: 2667

Length 14 min

📮 listening

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Listen And Learn How To Use The Ish Suffix Ep 229

Today we help explain the use of suffix and explain one particular suffix “-ish” using examples in everyday English conversation.


May 30, 2019

💬 Words: 1851

Length 10 min

📮 speaking

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

IELTS Listening Practice Online Time In English Ep 228

Getting the time and giving the time of day is something we English speakers do all the time. So it’s important that you feel comfortable hearing and asking for the time in English and the good news is you can get this IELTS listening practice online in today’s podcast.


May 27, 2019

💬 Words: 2536

Length 13 min

📮 listening

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

ESL Short Stories For Adults Mysteries Of The Titanic Ep 227

If you have listened to some of my other ESL story based English listening lessons, you know that listening to a native English speaker is great for learning and remembering new English vocabulary, picking up English grammar automatically and practicing listening to English.


May 23, 2019

💬 Words: 2309

Length 12 min

📮 fluency

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

How To Speak English Fluently And Confidently Ep 226

Collocations may sound complicated or difficult when you first hear about them when learning to speak English. Collocations are just English speakers all agreeing that a single way of saying something is the best way to say it. All the other ways of saying these groups of words are unnecessary.


May 20, 2019

💬 Words: 2169

Length 11 min

📮 grammar

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

A Helping Hand With ESL English Grammar Ep 225

Today we help simplify some English grammar that ESL (English as a second language) learners find difficult. All you have to do is listen, nice and easy. Or you could deep dive into English grammar.


May 16, 2019

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma