📖 English Lessons Section

Each Podcast is its own English lesson

Hi there you are listening to Adept English and this is a listen and learn podcast. My name is Hilary and I created this listen and learn method to help you speak English fluently. It's much more enjoyable if you learn English in the way that your brain naturally wants to learn. I live in the United Kingdom. I'm a native English speaker. And I love helping the hundreds of thousands of students who listen to us every month.

Every week we give you two English lessons in the form of podcasts. So listen to Adept English. You'll be on your way to speaking fluent English in no time.

📮 listening

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Learn English Wedding And Marriage Ep 254

Today we learn about marriage and weddings in the UK. We talk about what type of marriage is possible in the UK and about some interesting marriage statistics. If you go to the website and look at the full article, you will find a bonus at the end which talks about the sad part of marriage.


August 26, 2019

💬 Words: 2495

Length 13 min

📮 phrases

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

English Words For Hair Colour Ep 253

Today’s English podcast lesson we will talk about the English words used to describe the colour of your hair. We often discuss the colour of your hair when describing what a person looks like.


August 22, 2019

💬 Words: 1860

Length 10 min

📮 listening

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Lets Work On Your Yoko Meshi Ep 252

When you first learn a new language, much of what you do is private, between you and your class, your teacher or just you speaking to yourself inside you head. However, there comes a point in time where you have to use your new language skills in the real world, and a lot of us find this a hard thing to do!


August 19, 2019

💬 Words: 1936

Length 10 min

📮 speaking

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

English Speaking Topics Eton Mess Ep 251

We British love a good pudding! I’m sure this is the same for all the sweet toothed readers. So today we talk about one of the most British of puddings, Eton Mess.


August 15, 2019

💬 Words: 1704

Length 9 min

📮 phrases

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Common English Words For Travel Ep 250

A lot of English language students confuse these common English words: travel, travelling, trip, journey, tour, voyage, cruise. So let’s find out why and listen to these common English words being used correctly.


August 12, 2019

💬 Words: 2070

Length 11 min

📮 idioms

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

This English Idiom Says You Cannot Keep A Secret Ep 249

Some people are great at keeping secrets, some are just awful. Which are you? Today we talk about an English idiom that’s used to describe the act of telling a secret. We’ve included lot’s of practice sentences and explain how to use it best.


August 08, 2019

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma