📖 English Lessons Section

Each Podcast is its own English lesson

Hi there you are listening to Adept English and this is a listen and learn podcast. My name is Hilary and I created this listen and learn method to help you speak English fluently. It's much more enjoyable if you learn English in the way that your brain naturally wants to learn. I live in the United Kingdom. I'm a native English speaker. And I love helping the hundreds of thousands of students who listen to us every month.

Every week we give you two English lessons in the form of podcasts. So listen to Adept English. You'll be on your way to speaking fluent English in no time.

📮 listening

A smiling boy holding cup and string telephone to ear. Learning English from genuine conversations has never been so easy. You won’t find a better conversation lesson to improve your English Listening skills.

Listening Practice-A Conversation In English About The Tonga Volcano Eruption Ep 507

An English listening practice lesson where we have a conversation in English about an interesting topic. With volcanoes in the news, today’s listening and comprehension lesson is a conversation in English about the Tonga volcano eruption. If you want to improve your English listening comprehension skills, pick up some interesting vocabulary and learn some interesting facts, then all you need to do is listen and learn.


January 27, 2022

💬 Words: 2331

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

A boy looking confused with a note stuck to his forehead. If you love learning English grammar, but hate learning all the little details, you'll love this podcast. We look at 20 irregular verbs that help you become a better English speaker.

20 Irregular Verbs To Make You A Better English Speaker With English Grammar Listening Practice Ep 506

Today we listen and learn English irregular verbs. In just 15 minutes we are going to explain, with lots of examples, 20 of the most common irregular verbs. All you need to do is find your headphones and relax and listen. The best way to deal with these tricky verbs is to recognize them as they are being used. Lots of listening, and lots of examples of the verbs being used will help make you familiar with the past simple and past participle verb forms. See how well you do in the quiz, check the answers at the end and start listening!


January 24, 2022

💬 Words: 2475

Length 13 min

📮 speaking

A photograph of the Dom and the TV Tower in Berlin . If you’re interested in hearing the difference between understanding English and speaking it, then the next few minutes is for you. I’m going to show you what moving from understanding English to speaking it sounds like.

English Speaking-How To Go From Understanding English To Speaking It Ep 505

Today we move from understanding English to speaking it. I will show you, with the permission of one of our German listeners, what moving to speaking English sounds like. And just to be fair, I will show you what I sound speaking German, as I move from understanding German to speaking it. If you’re at this stage of learning to speak English, it’s definitely worth listening to the end of today’s podcast.


January 20, 2022

💬 Words: 2601

Length 14 min

📮 phrases

A pensive lady waiting for a job interview. Your CV/resume is the first chance you have of securing a job interview. A great CV/resume is a must when applying for jobs in English.

The PERFECT CV Or Resume For English Language Learners-English Phrases You Will Need To Know Ep 504

Today, we will help English language learners who are searching for a new job. We explain what makes a great CV/resume. Covering all the English phrases , vocabulary and language used in a modern, professional job application. We are going to help you answer the question- How do you get employers to choose you over all those other people who want the same job?


January 17, 2022

💬 Words: 2641

Length 14 min

📮 listening

A woman balancing. Are you trying to learn English? Would you like to put your skills to the test? Let’s practice our English listening comprehension while we learn about staying alive for longer.

Train Your English LISTENING Skills-Living Longer And Learning Easier Ep 503

Let’s practice our English listening comprehension while we learn about staying alive for longer. Today I talk about some really interesting brain science, and a free, straightforward exercise, that every one of us can do to help us live longer. If you want to live longer and improve your English fluency? Then listen to this podcast.


January 13, 2022

💬 Words: 2372

Length 12 min

📮 grammar

A photograph of an African business woman sending an email. Learn English grammar through this podcast that covers all the rules you need to know, with plenty of examples, to use modal verbs correctly.

3 Simple Rules for Using MODALS Correctly-Learning English Grammar Ep 502

Today we fix any mistakes you might make with English modal verbs. With just 3 simple rules, you will eliminate the main issues you can think of when using these tricky verbs. If you have been having problems with learning English modal verb grammar, you must listen to this podcast.


January 10, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma