📖 English Lessons Section

Each Podcast is its own English lesson

Hi there you are listening to Adept English and this is a listen and learn podcast. My name is Hilary and I created this listen and learn method to help you speak English fluently. It's much more enjoyable if you learn English in the way that your brain naturally wants to learn. I live in the United Kingdom. I'm a native English speaker. And I love helping the hundreds of thousands of students who listen to us every month.

Every week we give you two English lessons in the form of podcasts. So listen to Adept English. You'll be on your way to speaking fluent English in no time.

📮 grammar

A visit to a green spring garden on an Easter weekend. Every day, we use countless verb tenses in English conversation. In today’s lesson, I’ll walk you through how native English speakers use tenses.

Learn English Verb Tenses Needed To Talk About Your Plans With Others Ep 531

Are you looking for the perfect resource to help you get confident in all those English verb tenses? In this lesson, you’ll find ALL the verb tenses typically used during an everyday English conversation. It’s crammed to capacity with examples of present simple and present perfect verbs, past simple forms, modal verbs and many more.


April 21, 2022

💬 Words: 3450

Length 18 min

📮 listening

A man meditating in a green forest. An English language Listen & Learn podcast about the links between your mind and body. Improve your English listening skills while you learn a little more about why your brain works the way it does.

English Conversations For English Learners-Why Having A Big Brain Is Not Always An Advantage Ep 530

A podcast to help you learn English naturally and improve your English listening skills. Today we learn why we poor humans suffer more from fight or flight and why having a clever brain isn’t always an advantage. So while you learn new English vocabulary, build your long term English language memory and work on your listening comprehension, you will also gain an interesting insight into how we humans work at a mind and body level.


April 18, 2022

💬 Words: 2876

Length 15 min

📮 speaking

US Military personnel using communications equipment. Learn English speaking Fluency with the Adept English language learning podcast. Giving you the confidence to speak English fluently.

A Sensible Attitude To Achieving Your English Speaking Fluency Goals Ep 529

If you want to learn to speak English fluently as quickly as possible, listening to this English podcast is a great place for you to start. We offer practical, free and proven English language learning techniques that hundreds of thousands of English language students listen to every month. Today we talk about what your expectations of how long it takes to learn to speak English fluently should be.


April 14, 2022

💬 Words: 3090

Length 16 min

📮 pronunciation

A photograph of drummers learning rhythms. This podcast will help your English pronunciation be natural-sounding English using the Listen and Learn approach you love.

Learn To Pronounce And Speak English The Listen And Learn Way Ep 528

Many of your emails tell us that fixing your English pronunciation is one of the biggest issues you have as you move to spoken English fluency. Today I’m going to explain why learning English pronunciation is so difficult for some people. I’ll explain what you can do to fix well understood English specific pronunciation problems.


April 11, 2022

💬 Words: 2987

Length 15 min

📮 fluency

A photo of a young student snoozing on a study desk with a dictionary. In this English language podcast I give you practical techniques to help leave your translation approach to learning behind and move to language fluency.

Avoid The Number 1 Barrier To English Language Fluency-Translating In Your Head Ep 527

Do you ever stop listening to someone while they’re speaking because you’re too busy translating what they’ve said? You are not alone! Lots of English language learners fall into the trap of language translation. The good news is you can learn to stop that slow translating process and move to true spoken English fluency with the strategies I set out in this English podcast lesson.


April 07, 2022

💬 Words: 2349

Length 12 min

📮 phrases

A montage of faces representing different personalities. Learning these new English words and personality types can help you understand your work colleagues and friends better.

How Learning New English Words Can Help You Form Better Relationships Ep 526

Listening to today’s English language podcast and taking the suggested personality test will help you learn about the personality types you will encounter in your daily life. Learn about your own personality type, and its strengths and weaknesses, along with some useful common English vocabulary.


April 04, 2022

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma