6 Simple Tips To Improve Your English Ep 752

A young person listening to English lessons while they work. Track your listening time to see your English improve week by week.

📝 Author: Hilary

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💬 3198 words ▪️ ⏳ Reading Time 16 min

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Learn English Language While You Multitask!

Join us in our latest English language lesson and discover six powerful techniques to improve your English. These tips will help your language skills, making learning fun and effortless.

🎧 Why Listen?

  • Effective Techniques: Learn how to maximize listening time and turn everyday tasks into learning opportunities.
  • Grammar & Vocabulary: Enhance your English comprehension with practical advice.
  • Conversation Skills: Improve your speaking and pronunciation with real-world examples.
  • Self-Explanation: Master the art of understanding and summarizing spoken English.
Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.
⭐ Benjamin Lee Whorf

Imagine turning everyday chores into valuable learning time or measuring your progress with simple steps. Ready to transform your daily routine into an English-learning adventure? Find out more inside!

✔️ Lesson transcript: https://adeptenglish.com/lessons/learn-english-language-with-these-six-techniques/

Perfect your skills with repeat listening. Integrate learning into your daily routine. Achieve your language goals with our proven methods.

The more languages you know, the more of a person you are.
⭐ Charley Darren Redding

Follow and subscribe to our FREE English language podcast, wherever you listen or watch your podcasts. Transform your English language learning today!

More About This Lesson

Learn how to improve your English with six simple techniques. These methods will help you integrate English into your daily life, making learning both natural and enjoyable.

Language is not a language if it doesn't have speakers to breathe soul into its syllables.
⭐ Carlos Fuentes
  1. Measure your listening time weekly to track improvement.
  2. Combine listening with daily chores to make learning effortless.
  3. Use transcripts or subtitles occasionally to anchor words.
  4. Repeat favourite phrases to encourage speaking.
  5. Focus on one piece and listen repeatedly to reinforce learning.
  6. Use self-explanation to deepen understanding.

Engaging with these techniques offers several advantages. Use your daily routine to improve your English without needing extra study time. Tracking listening time helps you see steady improvements. Repeating phrases and using transcripts can build your confidence in real conversations.

A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.
⭐ Gaston Bachelard

Combining learning with chores and using repetition strengthens memory retention. Focusing on interesting content and self-explaining keeps you motivated and makes learning enjoyable.

So are you ready to improve your English? Follow these techniques and transform your daily routine into a learning adventure. Subscribe to our podcast for more tips and start your journey to fluency today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How can I track my listening time to improve my English comprehension and speaking skills? To track your listening time, start by recording the number of hours you spend listening to English each week. This helps you see your progress and set achievable goals. Use a journal or an app to log your listening hours. Just like measuring exercise or weight loss, tracking your listening helps you stay motivated by showing your improvement over time.
  2. Can I combine listening to English podcasts with daily chores? Absolutely! Combining listening to English podcasts with daily chores is a great way to make language learning part of your routine. Whether you're cooking, cleaning, or commuting, listening to podcasts during these activities maximizes your learning time without requiring extra effort. This method ensures that you stay engaged and make the most of your day.
  3. How does reading transcripts help in improving spoken English? Reading transcripts while listening to podcasts helps reinforce your understanding of the language. It anchors new words and phrases in your mind by showing you their written forms. Spend a bit of time with the transcript during one of your listening sessions to improve both your spoken and written English. This technique helps you notice and remember words you might otherwise overlook.
  4. Why is repeating phrases I hear in podcasts beneficial for learning English? Repeating phrases you hear in podcasts is beneficial because it mimics the natural language learning process of children. When you repeat phrases, you practice pronunciation and internalize sentence structures. This repetition helps you become more comfortable speaking English and builds your confidence in using new words and expressions.
  5. What is the 'Power of Self-Explanation' and how can it help me learn English? The 'Power of Self-Explanation' involves listening to a podcast and then explaining what you heard to yourself in English. This technique helps deepen your understanding of the language by making you actively think about what you hear. Summarizing the content, asking yourself questions, and reflecting on the meaning improves comprehension and retention. For more details, listen to podcast 699 from Adept English.

Most Unusual Words:

  • Novel: Something new and different.
  • Comprehension: The ability to understand something.
  • Grasp: The understanding or control of something.
  • Effort: The amount of energy or work put into something.
  • Mundane: Very ordinary and not interesting.
  • Anchor: Something that keeps you firmly in place.
  • Contradict: To say the opposite of what someone else has said.
  • Fluent: Able to speak a language easily and smoothly.
  • Reinforce: To strengthen or support something.
  • Summarise: To give a brief statement of the main points.

Most Frequently Used Words:


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Transcript: 6 Simple Tips to Improve Your English

6 techniques to improve your English!

Hi there. How about I do a podcast today that’s actually on English language learning? ‘That’s novel!’, I hear you say. Let’s talk today about six techniques you can use to improve your English. So this podcast covers six techniques that will take your language skills forward. Learn how to make the most of your listening time, turn everyday tasks into opportunities to learn and hear some ideas on effective repetition to increase your understanding. All of these techniques are as well as subscribing and listening to our Adept English podcast, of course! So while I’m on that - it helps us enormously if you subscribe. We’re a little tiny company, no big advertising budget.

So we’ve got to where we have by hard work, keeping at it but also because of the loyalty of our listeners. So we’re here because of you! Thankyou for that. But if you’ve not done this already, please would do the following things to show your appreciation? Subscribe to our channel on YouTube. Subscribe on Spotify or wherever you listen. This a free, no-cost way of supporting Adept English to continue and it really helps us reach more listeners. The other thing you can do - please share our podcast on Spotify. And any comment and answer our poll questions is also really helpful. So thankyou in advance for doing those things.

Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

So what are six techniques that I’m recommending today to help you take your English language learning forward? Here they are in a list for you.

1. To motivate - measure your listening like you measure your exercise - and see the improvement!

Number one. Why not measure your listening time each week so that you can your see steady improvement in English comprehension and speaking skills. Log your listening time so that it's measurable. ‘To log’, LOG means ‘to record, to count or to measure’. How long did I spend listening to English this week? Then perhaps you can set targets, goals. You know how it goes - the more listening you do, the more your understanding of English improves. And it's not just your understanding, it's your ‘grasp’ of the language, GRASP, your ‘command’ of the language - lots of listening helps your speak better English too! But what I’m suggesting - it’s a bit like if you’re trying to improve your level of fitness or trying to lose weight. If you measure yourself, say you weigh yourself before you start to reduce your weight, or you measure how much exercise you do or how fast you run, measuring means that you can see your improvement. And that’s motivating. You see the improvement and you see how far you’ve come. And you can see the relationship between your effort, EFFORT - ‘how much you put into it’ and the improvemen t- that’s motivating! So my first suggestion is to keep a log of the amount of listening you do each week. The amount of English language practice. And if you have a busy week and you don’t do much listening, no problem! Just reset and start again the next week. We all have to work around ‘real-life’ and all its demands.


A young person learning English while they do chores. Turn chores into learning time by listening to our podcasts.

©️ Adept English 2024

2. Please tell us what else you’re doing while listening to Adept English!

Number two. Is related to this. Combine listening to our podcasts with your daily chores and tasks to make language learning an effortless part of your routine. People keep listening for longer if they’re doing something else at the same time. This is similar to Rule 3 of the Seven Rules of Adept English - ‘Use your dead time!’ Meaning that if you're having to spend time cleaning or cooking, travelling or exercising, these are activities that don't use all of your brain. A ‘task’ TASK means ‘a job you must do’ or we talk about ‘chores’, that’s CHORES when it’s things you have to do in your house. They don’t take all of your attention and you’re probably somewhat bored while doing these activities anyway.

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To make you sound like a computer - you’ve ‘got spare processing capacity’ at these times. And we all have these mundane, everyday things that we must do, so listening and learning at the same time may even mean you look forward to doing these tasks and chores. So both these activities - the tasks and chores on the one side and your English language listening practice on the other - well, they both benefit from being done both at the same time. It can feel satisfying, ‘time well spent’. I certainly do this with my language learning! I listen in the car when I'm driving, especially on long journeys, but also daily on school runs. But I listen too when I'm cooking or cleaning. Listening tends to be better if I do it like this - I’m less likely to lose concentration. So that’s number 2 - turn mundane tasks into valuable learning time

You don’t always need to see me!

But another part of this - half our Adept English content is videos and I know that you like to have a look at me. It’s good to put a face to the voice. But once you’ve had a good look at me on our videos, everything we publish, all our material we put out can be just listened too as well, just audio. You don't need to put aside time to sit watching me on video. And even if you are an avid watcher on YouTube, you can just listen here too. Obviously this is a ‘Thursday podcast’, so this is only audio, but our Monday podcast which I’m sure you’re familiar with is almost always video. So that message again - just listen. If you listen while you’re doing something else, you’ll listen more.

3. Is it important to sometimes listen with transcripts or subtitles?

Number three. Having said all that, spend a bit of time - perhaps one of your listens - with the transcript or subtitles in front of you. Most people we serve really just want to improve their spoken English, but this approach ensures that we pay some attention to how words are written down. And often that helps 'anchor' words - that’s ANCHOR - words you’re less sure of, much more firmly stay in your mind. And just noticing when something is written differently to what you would expect - that's helpful too. And it happens a lot in English. This idea sounds to contradict the last point, where I’m saying ‘give listening the highest priority’. But what I mean here is unless you're right at the start of your learning, where you may need the subtitles to understand at all, just do this once or twice for each piece that you listen to. That way, you’re improving your ability to understand and have conversations, but you’re doing a bit of work on your written English too.

4. Do you ever repeat English phrases because you enjoy saying them out loud?

Number four. Go with the flow - repeat what you hear. If you listen enough, you'll find that you want to repeat certain English phrases. Just go with this. Like children who tend to have favourite words, when they’re learning their own language, sooner or later a certain phrase or word that you hear makes you want to say it. Go with it! This is important. The action of listening makes you want to start to speak. And that’s really important. My German is far from fluent, but favourite words I love to say in German 'Gesundheit!' ‘Ausgezeichnet!’ and ‘funkelnagelneu’! It’s a pleasure saying those. Think about what words and phrases you really enjoy saying in English - and just enjoy saying them!

5. Have you tried focusing on a single piece of English content repeatedly?

Number 5. Sometimes just to focus on one single piece of English and repeat listen to it, a lot, over a period of time - this is a good idea. Find one podcast, a piece of listening that really interests you gives you a good feeling or that you particularly enjoy. And stick with it! Listen to it over and over and over again. If you take this podcast for example, it may not be your favourite topic, you may prefer a different one. But if you were to list all the words I've used in this 11 minute podcast and if you were to list all the grammar rules which I’ve used in this podcast - it would be a lot of what you need to know about English! Repeat listening means that without realising it you're learning or reinforcing huge amounts of grammar and vocabulary.

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That's why it's so important! Much of what you need to know about the English language is contained - all within an 11 minute podcast like this one. It’s just making sure that you hear it enough times to know it well enough!

6. Can you summarise a podcast in English to yourself after listening?

For number 6, ‘Techniques for improving your English today’, I return to something that I’ve spoken about before. It’s what I call ‘The Power of Self-Explanation’. And I covered it in more detail in podcast 699. In short, this is listening to a podcast and noticing what you notice, every surprising pronunciation or notice each word that you don't understand. Really think about what you’re hearing. Ask yourself 'what is the speaker saying here, what do they mean?' And can you summarise the meaning to yourself - in English of course! This may mean a conversation with yourself in the shower or the car or even when you're out walking. Ask yourself questions about the podcast you just heard. It’s best done in private so people don't think you've gone mad. But this one is huge and there’s much more to say about this technique for learning a language. Have a listen to podcast 699 if you want to know more.

We Can Stop Cancer Returning-Improve Your English

So there you have it. Six techniques to help your English language learning fly! As ever, give us feedback. Let us know which ones work for you, whether you’ve used the techniques at all. And if you’ve got any techniques to share, we’d love to hear them from you too.


Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at adeptenglish.com




The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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