Improve Your English Fluency-Essential Role Of Phrasal Verbs Ep 640

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Phrasal verbs are vital! Without them, you might only understand half of what's being said!

🚀 Did you know English has over 10,000 phrasal verbs? 🚀

Do you think phrasal verbs are an irrelevant part of English? You couldn't be more wrong! Without them, you might only understand half of what's being said! Traditional language learning typically overlooks phrasal verbs, leaving you stumped in real-life conversations! Our unique lesson helps you:

  • 🎯 Understand the nitty-gritty of Phrasal Verbs.
  • 💬 Engage in everyday conversations with ease.
  • 🗣 Speak English confidently and fluently.
  • 🌐 Connect with native English speakers effortlessly.

✔Lesson transcript:

This English lesson, focusing on phrasal verbs, aims to enhance your everyday conversation skills and help you speak English fluently. The lesson provides several real-world examples of how these 'come' phrasal verbs are used in everyday conversation, a practical way to learn their usage.

#LearnBritishEnglish #FluentInEnglish #PhrasalVerbsLesson

Adept English's approach to learning is 'adept learning' - focusing on the most commonly used words and phrases first to make the most of your study time.

Participating in this lesson will unlock a vital aspect of English fluency for you: the understanding and use of phrasal verbs. These combinations of words are absolutely essential in everyday conversation, and they are often a stumbling block for learners.

Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.
⭐ Oliver Wendell Holmes, an American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Don't miss this chance to enhance your English skills like never before! 🚀💡🌐🗣

More About This Lesson

Have you ever found yourself puzzled by the colourful world of English phrasal verbs? You know, those tricky phrases like 'come around' or 'come up with' that seem to pop up everywhere in conversation, yet somehow always slip away when you need them most. Well, worry no more! Our latest English lesson is here to demystify these elusive phrases for you.

This podcast lesson is your guide to improving your understanding of English phrasal verbs - common in everyday conversation, but often confusing for learners. With real-world examples, it helps you understand these phrases, making informal spoken English less daunting. Ready to bridge the gap between formal written English and informal spoken English? Tune in now and master the language as it's truly spoken!

Phrasal verbs are a fundamental part of everyday spoken English. They are used extensively in daily conversations, and a lack of familiarity with them can hinder comprehension and the ability to express oneself naturally. Therefore, mastering phrasal verbs is not just about achieving a more 'native-like' fluency but also about enhancing overall understanding and effective communication in English.

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.
⭐ Maya Angelou, an American poet, and civil rights activist.

By focusing on phrasal verbs, you'll elevate your spoken English from a formal, textbook level to a natural, conversational one. You'll be able to express yourself more fluidly and understand native speakers better, as you'll be familiar with the phrases they use frequently.

Moreover, this lesson will help you build the confidence to engage in real-life conversations. You'll no longer be flummoxed by the informal dialogues that traditional language courses often overlook. So, embrace this learning opportunity and step closer to your goal of speaking English fluently!

  • With regular practice and exposure to different contexts, you'll grasp the nuances of phrasal verbs, enhancing your ability to convey your thoughts accurately. Remember, every mistake is a stepping stone to mastery.
  • You don't need to learn all 10,000 phrasal verbs at once. Start by focusing on the most common ones used in daily conversation, as highlighted in the Adept English lessons. Each phrasal verb you master brings you one step closer to fluency.
  • Embrace the challenge of spoken English as a chance to broaden your language skills. Through these lessons, you'll become adept at understanding and using phrasal verbs in informal settings, bridging the gap between your written and spoken English.
  • By delving into these lessons, you'll acquire a better understanding of phrasal verbs, allowing you to connect more deeply with native speakers. You'll soon be able to join any conversation confidently, feeling included and valued.
  • Remember, every bit of effort you put into mastering phrasal verbs gets you closer to fluency. Consistent practice, like listening to these podcasts repeatedly, will reinforce your understanding and usage of phrasal verbs, ensuring your continual progress in English.

Imagine effortlessly blending into chats with native speakers, surprising them with your understanding of their language's peculiarities. Ready to dive into the sea of over 10,000 phrasal verbs and come out fluent on the other side? Join us on this language adventure and unlock the door to truly fluent English. We can't wait to embark on this journey with you!

Unleash your fluency! Discover the magic of phrasal verbs and transform your English conversations. 🚀 Don't miss out, follow us and subscribe today!

Questions You Might Have...

Think of this English lesson as a treasure hunt. Mastering phrasal verbs is like finding precious gems hidden in the sand of everyday conversation. Each phrasal verb you learn is another dazzling gem added to your collection, making your English communication shine brighter and more fluently. It might be a challenge, but remember, the more gems you gather, the richer your English language becomes!

  1. What is the purpose of this lesson? The purpose of this lesson is to help you enhance your English conversation skills by focusing on phrasal verbs. Mastering these can greatly improve your fluency in British English.
  2. What are phrasal verbs and why are they important? Phrasal verbs are a combination of words (a verb + a preposition or verb +adverb) that when used together, usually take on a different meaning to that of the original verb. They are a vital part of English language, especially in everyday conversation.
  3. How does mastering phrasal verbs enhance conversation skills? Phrasal verbs are commonly used in English conversations. By mastering them, you will be able to understand and communicate more naturally and effectively, enhancing your fluency.
  4. Is this lesson suitable for beginners in English? While the lesson is aimed at enhancing fluency, it is designed to be accessible to all learners. Beginners may find it challenging but it will provide a solid foundation for mastering common English phrasal verbs.
  5. How does this lesson help with speaking English fluently? By focusing on phrasal verbs, which are extensively used in everyday English conversation, this lesson provides you with practical tools to sound more natural and fluent when speaking English.

Most Unusual Words:

  • Flummox: To confuse or perplex someone.
  • Influenza: A highly contagious viral infection, often referred to as the flu.
  • Arrogant: Showing an overbearing sense of self-importance or superiority.
  • Adeptly: Skillfully, proficiently.
  • Anaesthetic: A substance that causes loss of feeling or awareness, often used during surgeries.
  • Monotony: Lack of variety or change, leading to boredom.
  • Jargon: Specialized language used by a specific group or profession.
  • Conciseness: Expressing something in a few words, clear and succinct.
  • Phrasal verbs: A type of verb phrase that includes a main verb and a preposition or adverb, or both.
  • Regain: To get back something lost or spent.

Most Frequently Used Words:


Listen To The Audio Lesson Now

The mp3 audio and pdf transcript for this lesson is now part of the Adept English back catalogue . You can still download and listen to this lesson as part of one of our podcast bundles.

Transcript: Improve Your English Fluency-Essential Role Of Phrasal Verbs

Let’s focus on some common verbs that cause English language learners problems!

Hi there. A little test of your English understanding first of all today, in this podcast! Do you understand the following conversation? ‘Why don’t you come over for supper tonight?’ ‘Oh, I can’t, my son has come down with the ‘flu’.

Or this one? ‘Did you come up with any ideas for your birthday party?’ ‘No, my husband doesn’t want to do a big party, but I’m sure he’ll come around!’.

What’s problematic about these sentences? Well, they all use the common verb ‘to come’, but they’re being used as phrasal verbs - that’s PHRASAL. And it means ‘verb phrases’ - ‘to come over’, ‘to come down with’, ‘to come up with’, ‘to come around’ - they all sound similar, but they all have different meanings. Understanding this podcast is valuable for you, because it addresses a common challenge faced by language learners like yourself. You may be great at formal written English, but you struggle with informal spoken English because you don’t know phrasal verbs that well! The trouble is, you don't use these phrasal verbs that much in formal, written English, but you come across them ALL THE TIME in spoken English. Whoops - ‘to come across’ means ‘to meet’. In fact, they’re so common that we can barely get through three sentences without using a phrasal verb. There you are again ‘to get through’ means ‘to come to the end of something difficult’.

Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

It’s estimated that there are over 10,000 phrasal verbs in the English language, so mastering them is your key to truly understanding everyday conversation. 10,000 phrasal verbs - according to the Cambridge English Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 1997! So they’re worth spending a bit of time on.

That’s a lot - but you don’t need to know all of them. As ever, the most common ones are most important. The purpose of Adept English is to help you ‘learn adeptly’, remember?! And that’s also the idea behind our course, The Most Common 500 Words in English. That is ‘adept learning’ - it helps you learn the most common words first. Don’t waste time - learn ‘adeptly’. Go to our website at, to have a look at that course, if you haven’t done it.

Boost Your Learning With Adept English

Did you ever think that mastering phrasal verbs might actually be more important than perfect grammar when it comes to truly connecting with native English speakers? And traditional language learning courses don’t really pay much attention to phrasal verbs. It means you, as an English language learner, may do well at exams and in lessons, but you feel flummoxed when faced with real-life English conversation? That verb ‘to flummox’, FLUMMOX means ‘to confuse absolutely’! That’s a lovely word. So, is this you? Do you find yourself great at formal written English, but get 'flummoxed' by ordinary English conversation? Phrasal verbs will be part of your difficulty. Today let’s cover those phrasal verbs that use the verb ‘to come’.


A photo of a young man. Discover the magic of phrasal verbs and transform your English conversations. Don't miss out, subscribe today!

©️ Adept English 2023

Those phrasal verb sentences again?

OK, so let’s pick up those sentences I said right at the beginning . Here they are again:-

Why don’t you come over for supper tonight?’ ‘Oh, I can’t, my son has come down with the ‘flu’. ‘Did you come up with any ideas for your birthday party?’ ‘No, my husband doesn’t want to do a big party, but I’m sure he’ll come around!’.

Phrasal verb ‘To come over’

So the first one ‘Why don’t you come over for supper tonight?’. When we say to someone ‘Come over’ or ‘Come over this evening’, or ‘come over for dinner’, we’re giving them an invitation. We’re saying ‘Come to my house’. So ‘to come over’ usually means ‘travel the distance to where I am, come here and see me’. ‘Oh my cousins came over last week and we played board games.’ Or ‘It’s ages since you came over to my place’.‘To come over’ - you could say ‘to visit’ instead - it means the same, but that’s more formal. In informal conversation, especially when inviting someone - we wouldn’t say ‘I invite you’ or ‘Please visit me’ - though we might use these words in writing. So that’s ‘to come over’.

And phrasal verbs are sometimes confusing because they can have more than one meaning. You can use ‘to come over’ to talk about the impression someone makes. You might say ‘In the interview, she came over as very anxious’. Or ‘He can come over as a bit arrogant when he talks about his job’. So it’s ‘to give the impression of’, ‘to come over as’. Another meaning? If I said ‘ Ugh, I’ve come over all dizzy’ - that’s DIZZY - I’d be talking there about an internal feeling, a sensation. ‘Dizzy’ means ‘light-headed’ - like when your blood pressure is low. Or if you’re giving a leaving speech at your work and unexpectedly you start to cry, you might say ‘Ooh, I’ve come over all emotional!’.

Phrasal verb ‘to come down with’

Next one. ‘Oh, I can’t, my son has come down with the ‘flu’. So ‘to come down with’ it’s easier to work out - because after the ‘with’ you usually hear the illness that is being talked about. Here ‘my son has come down with the ‘flu’, FLU - or influenza. In the last couple of years, perhaps it was more likely that someone ‘came down with COVID’. Or your child might ‘come down with’ chicken pox or ‘a high temperature’. I suppose the literal meaning here - if you feel ill, you may want to lie down. Another thing we might say when someone is ill, usually with a ‘flu type illness or a stomach bug - he was ‘laid low’. So again that same idea - you feel ill, you want to lie down and go to bed. So that’s ‘my son has come down with the ‘flu’.

Phrasal verb ‘to come up with’

Third sentence. ‘Did you come up with any ideas for your birthday party?’ So again, it’s guessable perhaps from the context, the rest of the sentence. You ‘come up with’ an idea or you ‘come up with a plan’. Basically, ‘to come up with’ means that ‘to think of some ideas or plans about something’. Another example - ‘My boss is very good at coming up with extra things for me to do’. If you ‘come up with something’, it’s perhaps rather creative or inventive. ‘My aunty is always coming up with new recipes’. Or ‘My uncle is good at coming up with new ideas for small businesses’. Every week, I ‘come up with’ something new for the podcasts.

Another meaning for this same phrasal verb form - ‘to come up with’ can mean ‘to manage to find something or produce something that’s needed’. You might hear ‘It took him five weeks to come up with the money to pay off his car’. Or the police need to come up with more evidence before they can press charges!’ So that’s ‘to come up with’.

Listening Lessons

Phrasal verbs ‘to come around’, ‘to come around to’ and ‘to come round’

Fourth one. ‘No, my husband doesn’t want to do a big party, but I’m sure he’ll come around!’.
In this sort of context, ‘Oh, he’ll come around’ means that ‘I’m confident he’ll change his mind. He’ll gradually form another opinion. He’ll agree to it in the end. ‘He’ll come around’. Another example - my friend was really upset when her husband wanted to move house. But now she’s come around to the idea, because they’re moving nearer to their daughter’.

And this last one - don’t confuse ‘to come around to’, with another phrasal verb ‘to come round’ - which like ‘to come over’ means ‘to visit’. An example? ‘Last night, my neighbour came round to my house and we drank a bottle of wine’. And another possible meaning of ‘to come round’ (rather than ‘to come around to’), you might use ‘to come round’, meaning ‘to regain consciousness’. So, an example? ‘When she came round from the anaesthetic, she didn’t know where she was’. Or ‘He was knocked unconscious playing rugby, and didn’t come round until he was in the hospital’.

So make sure you know the difference in meaning here. ‘To come around to’ - means ‘to warm to an idea’, ‘to change your opinion and become more positive towards a plan’. Whereas ‘to come round’ mean may ‘to visit someone, usually informally - ‘Come round to my desk and we’ll have a chat!’ Or ‘to come round’ may mean ‘to regain consciousness’.

More podcasts on phrasal verbs?

If you’d like more input on phrasal verbs, then you can find more podcasts on our website at - go to Lessons, type in ‘phrasal verbs’ into the search at the top of the page. Podcast 446 ‘Phrasal verbs with to get’. Podcast 411, ‘Phrasal verbs with to throw’. Podcast 551, ‘Phrasal verbs with to fall’ - just as a couple of examples. There are more!

Download The Podcast Audio & Transcript

Mastering phrasal verbs will help you gain the confidence to navigate real-life English conversations, and connect with native speakers on a deeper level. Although I’ve only covered four sentences here, I’ve given you eight different phrasal verbs which use the common verb ‘to come’. And these uses are so common - they’re very useful to you.

Listen to this podcast a number of times, until you start to remember the different meanings. It may help to pause the podcast each time I give you a new phrasal verb, and then you can see if you can remember its meaning.


As usual, let us know what you think.

Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at



The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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