British Citizenship Test Part 2 Ep 576

A colourful illustration of a happy British family. The United Kingdom's citizenship test is well worth taking, especially if you're interested in becoming a British citizen.

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Test Your Knowledge On Becoming A British Citizen - Part 2

Today, we'll continue our quiz on UK citizenship and take a few minutes to test your knowledge with example questions from the British citizenship test. Then we'll go through what the answers are so you can see how well you did! So come on, take the test with me and see if you could become a British citizen!

The United Kingdom has been around for a long time, and it encompasses an array of different peoples, cultures, and places, each influenced by the other. The countryโ€™s citizenship test helps newcomers to the UK understand this history. Even if you donโ€™t want to become a citizen, and you just want to learn to speak English fluently, the test is still fun!

In this English lesson, you will learn about historic facts about Britain, its culture, and geography. You will hear lots of English vocabulary in context and be able to practice your listening skills.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and donโ€™t forget to check out our other English lessons here on YouTube and Spotify. If you find what we do of value please consider a small donation, or you can write a nice review of us, and give us a star rating in your podcast/video app. We appreciate your support, thankyou.

Most Unusual Words:

  • Encompasses: This means 'includes' or 'covers'. For example, if a book encompasses a topic, it covers everything about that topic.
  • Reigning: This means 'ruling' or 'being in charge'. A reigning king or queen is the one who is currently in power.
  • Festivals: These are big celebrations or parties that happen for a special reason. They can be about music, food, religion, or culture.
  • Territory: This is an area or land that is controlled by a country, a person, or an animal. It can be a whole country or just a small piece of land.
  • Separatists: These are people who want to break away from their country and form a new one. They want to be separate.
  • Unionists: These are people who want to stay united with their country. They do not want to break away or be separate.
  • Moral: This word has to do with what is right and wrong. Moral rules tell us how we should behave.
  • Unconquered: This means 'not defeated' or 'not beaten'. If a land is unconquered, no one has taken control of it.

Most common 2 word phrases:

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Transcript: British Citizenship Test Part 2

Hi there. Today let's continue learning all those kinds of things that you need to know if you want to pass a British Citizenship Test. So I was looking at a sample set of questions from this test, 24 questions, which was published in a British newspaper, The Independent recently.

So in Monday's podcast, that's number 574 , I covered the first 12 questions and today I'm going to cover the second 12 questions. So if you want to gain some general knowledge about the UK or particularly, if you want to take a British Citizenship Test, then this podcast is for you! But as ever, I'll be covering lots of lovely vocabulary and it'll be great English listening practice for you. So listen on!

Hello, Iโ€™m Hilary, and youโ€™re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

The UK Citizenship Test - Part 2

And I'll give you the answers and an explanation towards the end of this podcast. So the 'life in the UK' test is what you face if you want to gain British citizenship, or you want to settle in the UK. And it's supposed to make sure that you know all about British life.

However, when I looked at it, I found some of the questions really easy. Some of them, I guess, in the middle and a couple of them really hard. And you have to pass 75%. So that's 8 out of 12. So this is something to test yourself on. It's Adept English and our aim is to educate, so this seems like a good thing to do.

I'll give you the test first of all, and you can see how you do, and then I will talk through the answers. And if you're interested, as I say, in the first part of the test, then that was in podcast 574 .

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Don't forget meanwhile, if you would like to support Adept English, then either give us a good review, five stars or write something nice about us on the platform where you listen to Adept English. Or you can also donate to us. So if you go to our website and look at the transcript, there is a link in the transcript where you can make a donation to support us.

Here goes with the test.

Question 13

  1. Roast Beef is a traditional food of which country?
  • A England
  • B Northern Ireland
  • C Scotland
  • D Wales


  1. Roast Beef is a traditional food of which country?
  • A England
  • B Northern Ireland
  • C Scotland or
  • D Wales

Question 14

  1. In 1314, the Scottish led by Robert the Bruce defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn and Scotland remained unconquered by the English.
  • A True
  • B False


  1. In 1314, the Scottish led by Robert the Bruce defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn and Scotland remained unconquered by the English.
  • A True or
  • B False

Question 15

  1. What is not a fundamental principle of British life?
  • A Driving a car
  • B Looking after yourself and family
  • C Looking after the environment
  • D Treating others with fairness.
  1. What is not a fundamental principle of British life?
  • A Driving a car
  • B Looking after yourself and your family
  • C Looking after the environment
  • D Treating others with fairness

Question 16

  1. The UK government has not used the power to suspend the Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • A True or
  • B False
  1. The UK government has not used the power to suspend the Northern Ireland Assembly. So that's the parliament that's based at Stormont in Northern Ireland.
  • A True or
  • B False

Question 17

  1. Which flag has a white cross on a blue background?
  • A the Irish flag
  • B the English flag
  • C the Welsh flag
  • D the Scottish flag
  1. Which flag has a white cross on a blue background?
  • A Irish
  • B English
  • C Welsh, or
  • D Scottish

Question 18

  1. Which two are British overseas territories?
  • A Ireland
  • B Hawaii
  • C St Helena
  • D The Falkland Islands


  1. Which two are British overseas territories? So there's two right answers here.
  • A Ireland
  • B Hawaii
  • C St Helena
  • D The Falkland Islands

Question 19

  1. When is Christmas Eve?
  • A 23rd December
  • B 26th December
  • C 24th December or
  • D 25th December


  1. When is Christmas Eve? It's in December, but is it...
  • A The 23rd
  • B The 26th
  • C The 24th or
  • D The 25th?

You would know this. If you'd spent Christmas in the UK, perhaps.

Question 20

  1. Which of the following is a famous classical music event in the UK?
  • A The Proms
  • B T in the Park
  • C Creamfields or
  • D Glastonbury Festival
  1. Which of the following is a famous classical music event in the UK?
  • A The Proms
  • B T in the Park
  • C Creamfields or
  • D Glastonbury Festival

Question 21

  1. Where is the Cenotaph located? That's C E N O T A P H.
  • A Wiltshire
  • B Dorset
  • C Trafalgar Square - that's in London or
  • D Whitehall. That's also in London.


  1. Where is the Cenotaph located?
  • A Wiltshire
  • B Dorset
  • C Trafalgar Square
  • D Whitehall

Question 22

  1. Where was Robbie Burns from?
  • A Northern Ireland
  • B Scotland
  • C Wales
  • D England
  1. Where's Robbie Burns from?
  • A Northern Ireland
  • B Scotland
  • C Wales or
  • D England

Question 23

  1. Who was the first Britain to win the Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 metres? That means running.
  • A Mo Farah
  • B David Weir
  • C Bradley Wiggins
  • D Sir Chris Hoy


  1. Who was the first Britain to win the Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 metres?
  • A Mo Farah
  • B David Weir
  • C Bradley Wiggins or
  • D Chris Hoy

Last question.

Question 24

  1. In which year did The Allies comprehensively defeat Germany in World War II? Was it...
  • A 1912
  • B 1918
  • C 1939 or
  • D 1945
  1. In which year did The Allies comprehensively beat Germany in World War II?
  • A 1912
  • B 1918
  • C 1939 or
  • D 1945

OK. That's the end of the test. How did you find it? Was it quite difficult or did you find that easy? I'll go through the answers in a way that gives you some interesting facts to learn here.

So any answers you don't know, I'll go through them and maybe then the information will stick in your mind. So...

Question 13 Answer

  1. Roast Beef is the traditional food of which country? Well, it is England. If you're French, you'll definitely know this because French people have in the past referred to the English as 'Les Rosbifs', because apparently we eat Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding all the time! But yes, that is a very traditional English meal.

Question 14 Answer

  1. In 1314, the Scottish led by Robert the Bruce defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn and Scotland remained unconquered by the English. True or false? Well, this one is true. I must confess, I don't know my Scottish history very well, but the fact that I've heard of Bannockburn suggests to me that the Scottish must have won!

Would've got that right. But not confident territory for me.

Question 15 Answer

  1. What is not a fundamental principle of British life? Well, this is quite guessable, I think. A driving a car is the answer. It's one of those sort of constructed, made-up things, these British values. I think they're good values, but you can guess the answer because it's the least moral option, isn't it - 'the right to drive a car'? So I think that's what they want you to say. It's not really general knowledge though, is it that one?

Question 16 Answer

  1. The UK government hasn't used the power to suspend the Northern Ireland Assembly. True or false? So don't get caught by the double negative here. It hasn't - true or false? Well, the answer is B false. So that's a bit of a tricky, double negative. It's false because the UK government has used its power to suspend the Northern Ireland Assembly. I remember this - Stormont is the Northern Irish parliament and it was closed in 2017 because the two main parties in Northern Ireland, they are the separatists, the ones that want to be independent and the unionists, the ones that want to belong to the UK could not agree on the sharing of power.

That's a whole other topic. Again, you probably would only know this if you listen to the UK news, but be careful with those double negatives in questions.

Question 17 Answer

  1. Which flag has a white cross with a blue background? So it's a cross like that. The answer is D the Scottish flag. So you've probably seen it if Scotland play a national sporting event of some kind. So it's a white cross like that on a dark blue background.

What are the other flags of the countries in the UK? You may know them from sporting events. So the English flag is the Cross of St. George - it's a red cross on a white background . Like that, like + sign.

The Northern Irish flag is the St Patrick's Cross. And that is like an X, a red X on a white background. And the flag of Wales is completely different. They have a Welsh dragon. It's understandable as Wales and the Welsh flag are not included in the Union Jack!

So our Union Jack, the UK flag is a composite of the Cross of St George, the English flag, the Scottish flag and the Irish flag, but it doesn't include Wales. That's why they've gone with a, a dragon, something completely different.

Question 18 Answer

  1. Which two are British overseas territories? So you gotta choose two here. The answers are St Helena and D the Falkland Islands.

So A - the answer was Ireland. So the southern part of Ireland or Eire - that's E I R E. That's not part of the UK and in fact it is in the EU, in the European Union. B Hawaii - well, that's certainly not a British overseas territory. It's actually a US state. It's one of the United States of America, Hawaii.

St Helena is worth knowing about - so that is an overseas territory. And D the Falkland Islands. What's known in the UK as The Falklands War or 'Guerra de las Malvinas' to the Argentinians. This war was fought in 1982 over the Falkland Islands and their sovereignty. So yep, they're an overseas territory. I'd never actually met anyone from the Falkland Islands until recently. And a friend of a friend runs a sheep farm there! Very interesting.


A photo of houses on the Falkland Islands. The British Citizenship Test is a comprehensive way to test your knowledge of Britain and its culture.

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Question 19 Answer

  1. When is Christmas Eve? Well, the right answer is C, 24th December. That's easy if you've spent time in the UK, if you spent Christmas in the UK, but more difficult if you haven't because different countries celebrate Christmas on different dates, usually in December, but yeah, different dates. And Christmas Eve of course is the day before Christmas Day.

Question 20 Answer

  1. Which of these is a famous classical music event in the UK? Answer A, The Proms. So this is a bit of a trick question in that all of these answers are genuinely music festivals, but the key word in the question is 'classical'. The only one that's classical music is The Proms.

Question 21 Answer

  1. Where is the Cenotaph located? The answer is D, Whitehall. So this is where the reigning monarch - it's not usually the queen anymore. I don't think she can manage it. So it's usually prince Charles doing this - this is where they lay the wreath for the war dead on Remembrance Sunday in November.

I'll perhaps do a podcast on Remembrance Sunday, but this is when we remember war dead and it's called Remembrance Day and we wear a poppy. So this all happens at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, which is in central London.

Question 22 Answer

  1. Where was Robert Burns from?

Well, the answer is B Scotland. Also known as Robbie Burns, he was a poet, a Scots poet who lived in the 1700s. If you know the song 'Auld Lang Syne', what is traditionally sung on New Year's Eve? Well, the words are his words to that song.

Question 23 Answer

  1. Who was the first Britain to win the Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 metres?

Well, the answer here is Mo Farah. Did a podcast recently on Mo Farah, number 556, if you want to listen to that one. He's got an interesting story. And last question?

Question 24 Answer

  1. In which year did The Allies comprehensively beat Germany in the Second World War, in World War II? So 'The Allies' refers to all the countries who were at war with Germany.

And the answer, the last one D, 1945. Slight trick question. 1939 is when World War II started. And 1918, one of the other options, is when World War I ended. But I think most people would know 1945 for that one.

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How did you do?

So again, how did you do? Was it difficult? Which were the difficult questions? I notice, I don't know a lot about Scottish history, that's my weak area. But whether or not you're going for British citizenship, I think there's some really interesting general knowledge to be learned here. So as normal, listen to this podcast, a number of times until you remember the words.

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Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

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