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Did you know that Finland has more saunas than cars? Or that spending just 15 minutes in a sauna can improve your heart health and help you sleep better? Welcome to Adept English, the podcast where we explore fascinating topics while helping you learn English in a fun and immersive way.
Whether you’re curious about reducing stress, improving circulation, or simply want to learn how to use words like “humidity” and “circulation,” this episode has something for you. Plus, you’ll learn how saunas can bring people together, breaking down social barriers and sparking meaningful conversations.
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Regular sauna use has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and improved longevity.
⭐ Dr. Jari Laukkanen
So, if you’re ready to improve your English while exploring the warmth and wellness of saunas, let’s get started. After all, learning English should be as relaxing as a good sauna session. Simply open Spotify or Apple Podcasts, search for "Adept English", click subscribe, and start listening!
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More About This Lesson
In today’s episode, we’re taking a look into the world of saunas—those steamy, relaxing spaces loved by millions around the globe. You’ll not only improve your English vocabulary and listening skills but also discover the surprising health benefits and cultural traditions tied to saunas. From Finland’s 3.3 million saunas to the psychological effects of disinhibition, this episode is packed with real-world examples and practical language you can use every day.
Strengthen your English skills while learning about sauna-related health studies, vocabulary, and cultural practices, while you:
- Learn vocabulary like "disinhibition" and "debrief" in real-life contexts.
- Practice listening to natural English with clear pronunciation.
- Understand health-related terms like "circulation" and "humidity."
- Hear conversational phrases like "put down their guard" and "overshare."
- Gain cultural insights about saunas in Scandinavian countries.
- Learn grammar through descriptive sentences about health benefits.
- Pick up transitional phrases like "first of all" and "let's cover."
- Hear scientific terms like "hormones" and "inflammation" explained simply.
- Practice understanding numbers and statistics in English.
- Learn to discuss health precautions and benefits fluently.
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Saunas are a natural way to detoxify the body and improve cardiovascular health.
⭐ Dr. Rhonda Patrick
Why is this topic perfect for English learners? Well, it’s not just about saunas—it’s about expanding your vocabulary, improving your listening comprehension, and learning how to discuss real-world topics like health and culture. In this lesson, you’ll pick up advanced words like disinhibition and debrief, while also exploring how to talk about physical and mental well-being. Plus, you’ll gain insights into cultural traditions from countries like Finland and Russia. By the end, you’ll not only feel more confident discussing health topics but also understand how to engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations—just like the ones that happen in a sauna!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What are the health benefits of using a sauna? Using a sauna offers numerous health benefits, both physical and psychological. Physically, it improves blood circulation, helps with muscle pain, and can even enhance heart health. Studies have shown that regular sauna use reduces the risk of heart-related issues and improves overall longevity. Psychologically, saunas help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and promote relaxation by regulating stress-related hormones. Additionally, the high humidity in saunas can benefit your lungs and immune system.
- What precautions should I take before using a sauna? Before using a sauna, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure your safety. Avoid alcohol and medications that inhibit sweating, as these can interfere with your body’s ability to regulate temperature. Limit your time in the sauna to 15-20 minutes, and cool down gradually afterward. Drink plenty of water to rehydrate, as you can lose a significant amount of fluids through sweating. If you have heart conditions, asthma, or are pregnant, it’s best to avoid saunas altogether.
- Why do people feel more open and talkative in a sauna? The phenomenon of "disinhibition" often occurs in saunas, where people feel more relaxed and open to sharing personal thoughts with strangers. This is likely due to the combination of physical relaxation, the close proximity of others, and the temporary nature of the interaction. The warmth and humidity of the sauna create a calming environment, making it easier for people to drop their usual social boundaries and engage in meaningful conversations.
- How does sauna use improve heart health? Regular sauna use has been linked to improved heart health. Studies have shown that frequent sauna sessions can reduce the risk of heart-related deaths and improve overall cardiovascular function. The heat causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Over time, this temporary improvement in circulation can lead to long-term benefits, such as a lower risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues.
- Can saunas help with stress and sleep? Yes, saunas can significantly help with stress and sleep. The heat and relaxation of a sauna session regulate stress-related hormones, making you feel more relaxed afterward. Research has shown that people who use saunas regularly report better sleep quality, with 83% of participants in one study saying they slept better after a sauna. The calming effects of the sauna environment also contribute to reduced stress levels, making it a great way to unwind.
Most Unusual Words:
- Disinhibition: Losing normal social limits, making people talk more openly.
- Jacuzzi: A small pool with hot, bubbling water for relaxation.
- Humidity: The amount of water or moisture in the air.
- Dilate: To widen or expand, like blood vessels.
- Debrief: Talking about an experience to process or understand it better.
- Fibromyalgia: A condition causing muscle pain and tiredness.
- Arthritis: A disease causing joint pain and swelling.
- Inflammation: Swelling or redness in the body, often due to injury or illness.
- Proximity: Being close to something or someone in distance.
- Vagaries: Unpredictable changes or unexpected events.
Most Frequently Used Words:
Word | Count |
Sauna | 27 |
Sauna | 26 |
People | 15 |
About | 14 |
Blood | 13 |
English | 11 |
Saunas | 10 |
After | 8 |
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Transcript: The Surprising Health Benefits Of Saunas And Better English Too
What a good idea a sauna is!
Hi there and welcome to this podcast from Adept English. Do you go to the gym? Do you enjoy a sauna? That's S-A-U-N-A. I'm thinking about rejoining a gym in the next year and I'd like a gym with a nice swimming pool but one of the things that I would really enjoy about a gym - and I've not been a member for a while - having a sauna. The gym I used to go to had both a sauna and a steam room and a jacuzzi, but it was the sauna that I enjoyed the most. Let's have a look today at saunas, what the health benefits are and at the precautions too. Also, the strange 'disinhibition' that happens in saunas. That's 'disinhibition', D-I-S-I-N-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-N. That's a good word and it means 'that strange effect where people lose their inhibitions, they put down their guard and they talk freely to people that they don't know'. If you've had a sauna, you probably know what I mean. So let's have a look at that too. Sauna is an essential part of life for many people. Listen on to find out about not only the benefits for your physical body but also the psychological benefits of sauna. And you'll be learning great English as you go, of course. This is going to be an English lesson that you'll really enjoy. That's what Adept English aims to provide. Here we go.
Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.
Where does the sauna originate?
So saunas are beloved amongst people in the Scandinavian countries, especially Finland. And these are the countries that we associate saunas and cold water swimming with. The idea of sauna goes back hundreds of years and is part of tradition in these countries. But sauna is also part of the culture in countries like Russia and Estonia. One statistic for you, sauna is an everyday event for Finns, people in Finland, who have 3.3 million saunas in a country of 5.5 million inhabitants. Sauna is pretty important there then.
A glass of water, just what you need after a sauna. Discover how saunas boost physical health, reduce stress, and improve sleep.
As I said in my introduction, like many people, my experience of sauna is at the gym. The sauna I experienced was probably electrically heated, powered by electricity, a small heater with rocks on the top. You could splash water onto the rocks to provide greater heat and humidity. This is what seems to make the sauna hotter when you're in it. The more traditional type of sauna is wood burning and is located outside. Let's cover the precautions around sauna first of all.
Enhance your English conversation with Activate Tour Listening
Just before I do that, if you would like to work on your English conversation, Adept English can help you even more than we do in the podcasts. If you'd like to learn the common vocabulary and the grammar that we use in everyday English conversation, look at our course Activate Your Listening. This course includes lots of conversations between two people. And alongside what I always advise - getting a language partner to practise your English with - this course will really help those of you who are getting ready to start speaking English. Your understanding is great, you can understand the podcasts, now it's time to start having conversations. So if you're ready to start speaking, check out Activate Your Listening, that's on our website, adeptenglish.com. You can download this course and start learning in the next hour.
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When a sauna is not a good idea
So the precautions of sauna, first of all. And this is from the website, Harvard Health. Saunas can get as hot as 185 degrees Fahrenheit or 85 degrees Celsius. Whoof, that's hot! And this can raise the temperature of your skin to as much as 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius. And it can do it very quickly. You can lose about a pint of sweat, that's S-W-E-A-T. That's over half a litre of water from your body, even in just a short time in a sauna. So it needs caution. Your pulse rate, that's P-U-L-S-E, well, that rises by 30% or more, meaning that your heart pumps twice as much blood around your body. Most of the extra blood flow is directed towards your skin. That's because your body pushes the blood away from the internal organs and towards the skin as a way of cooling down. Blood pressure or your BP, which is usually given as two numbers. Your blood pressure might be 120 over 70. That's a nice blood pressure. But blood pressure is unpredictable in a sauna. It can go up or down. So that's the first caution. If you have problems with your blood pressure, then sauna is probably not for you.
- Saunas are safe for most people, but this is what the Harvard Health website advises.
- Don't mix alcohol or medications that stop you sweating with sauna.
- Stay in no more than 15 to 20 minutes.
- Cool down gradually afterwards.
- Drink two to four glasses of water after every sauna. You need to rehydrate.
- Don't have a sauna if you feel ill.
- And if you feel at all unwell in the sauna, get out straight away.
People with heart conditions, multiple sclerosis, or pregnant women shouldn't use a sauna. And if you have asthma, A-S-T-H-M-A, which is triggered by high humidity, not a good idea to use the sauna.
And what are the physical health benefits of a sauna?
So that's the precautions taken care of. What about the benefits?
I know that for me, I feel great after a sauna, especially in the winter. I can struggle to get warm in the winter, but after a sauna, I feel as though I've been thoroughly warmed through. And my circulation, that's C-I-R-C-U-L-A-T-I-O-N - and I'm talking here about the system that moves blood around your body - well, after a sauna, it feels like my circulation is working properly for once. Like many women of my age, poor circulation is just something we have. Dead fingers and toes are a thing. No blood in them sometimes, so sauna feels good. I also think I sleep better after a sauna.
And just checking out the research on both of those things? Yes, both effects are scientifically proven. People feel more relaxed after a sauna, and some research in 2020 showed that having a sauna regulates the hormones, H-O-R-M-O-N-E-S, that are associated with the body's stress response. So you're more relaxed after a sauna, better sleep. In a small survey of people who had a sauna once or twice a week, 83% said they slept better after a sauna.
And having regular saunas does also improve your blood circulation. Your blood vessels dilate, D-I-L-A-T-E, or widen, and your blood pumps faster around your body. With repeats, with frequent saunas, this temporary improvement in circulation leads to generally better circulation - no more dead fingers or toes! If you have any muscle pains or conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis, sauna can help. Sometimes just warming a muscle can help with the pain.
Studies have confirmed that a regular sauna is good for health
And regular sauna improves the health of your heart. A 20-year study of middle-aged men who used the sauna regularly showed that it improved their overall heart health. And it showed that the more saunas the men had, the less likely they were to die of problems relating to the heart. And in fact, the less likely they were to die of what's called 'all-cause mortality'. That means 'dying of any other condition' was less likely too. That's amazing! There were half as many deaths from heart attacks in the group who had four to seven saunas per week compared with the group who just had one. So it appears the more saunas, the better. That statistic alone makes you want to go and have a sauna straight away, doesn't it? Another study following men and women who had saunas over 15 years also had similar results.
I've mentioned the word humidity, H-U-M-I-D-I-T-Y. That means 'the amount of water in the air'. And the humidity in a sauna widens the airways and relaxes the lungs. That's L-U-N-G-S. Those are the organs that you breathe with. Again, some great health benefits. Another 20-year study of middle-aged men - what is it with these middle-aged men?! Anyway, a 20-year study found that sauna reduced the risk of lung conditions like COPD, asthma, and pneumonia. Again, what a wonderful benefit! Sauna is believed to boost the immune system, that's I-M-M-U-N-E, and reduce inflammation in the body. Another study, this time 11-year study, showed that four to seven saunas a week - in middle-aged men, of course - reduced problems with inflammation.
The psychological benefits of a sauna and of ‘disinhibition’
But these physical health benefits are not all that's going on in the sauna. I mentioned earlier this idea of 'disinhibition'. Disinhibition, that's a hard word for me to say, it also happens online, where sometimes people are much freer with their personal information than they would be if they were face-to-face, in person, with people they didn't know, or didn't know well. Somehow, this also happens in the sauna. Inhibitions seem to be removed, and people talk about all sorts of things with others that they don't know. It makes me think of the idea of Roman baths, which were obviously popular, and a big part of Roman life. I'm thinking of the Roman baths, which we saw in Herculaneum last summer. It was a social thing too.
Learn English Listening to News Stories
And an article in Stylist magazine, which was published last week, written by Sophia Haddad, had the title, and this is your practice in more difficult English, "From breakup debriefs to the vagaries of new parenthood, everyone overshares at my sauna - and that habit may be extending our lives". By 'breakup debriefs', Sophia Haddad is talking about the breakup of a relationship, and how people often process this by talking about it to other people. A 'debrief', D-E-B-R-I-E-F, is a military term. So slightly humorous when used in this context. Its original military meaning was, when someone was asked lots of questions about a mission they'd just completed. That's a 'debrief'. But now this word 'debrief' is used to refer to how talking about a difficult experience can help us get over it.
Dropping those cultural norms for a short time is good!
Anyway, disinhibition in the sauna. It's a nice place to talk. So people may go together, may go with others that they already know, and be chatting, talking in the sauna, in close proximity to other people who join in. You're sitting right next to one another in a tiny space, wearing your swimming gear, at most. Perhaps it's hard to ignore someone else's conversation in that situation. And then there's the relaxing effect of the sauna. It relaxes people's boundaries and their conversation too. It's as though those normal social rules are dropped. Perhaps the people you see in the sauna, you'll never see them again. So it doesn't matter. They catch you in a moment of openness, and this prompts philosophizing about relationships, the state of the world, life in general. And there's something really positive about that. Sophia Haddad writes about how important that time of week is for people when they have their sauna. She herself has really learned to value it and looks forward to her weekly sauna and the conversation that goes with it, especially so as hers is a London-based sauna. So what happens in the sauna is a real contrast with the way that Londoners usually interact.
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Let us know your thoughts and experiences. Do you enjoy a sauna? Is it a tradition in your country? And have you experienced this 'disinhibition' effect?
Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.
Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at adeptenglish.com
- Are saunas healthy
- Sauna Benefits
- Everyone overshares at my sauna
- Sauna Improve Circulation
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