British Movies And News English Listening Practice Ep 663

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💬 4110 words ▪️ ⏳ Reading Time 21 min

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What Secrets Do British English News and Movies Hold For You In Today's Podcast?

Do Banks Have the Right to Judge Your Politics? Can You Really Speak Fluent English in 500 Words? Find out today, subscribe and dive into the thrilling world of English with us! No more textbook jargon, experience English as it's truly spoken. #RealWorldEnglish

🔥 We're here to help you ACE British English 🇬🇧, by immersing yourself in the most exciting media sources - news and films! Imagine not just understanding, but truly feeling the pulse of the culture, the nuances, the humour, and the depth in conversations.

With our lessons:

  • 👉 You'll dive head-first into real-world English from newspapers and films.
  • 👉 Develop an authentic British accent.
  • 👉 Understand complex vocabulary and sentence structures.
  • 👉 Boost your confidence in speaking and understanding British English.
I never learned from a man who agreed with me.
⭐ Robert A. Heinlein

✔Lesson transcript:

Are you ready to conquer English, one of the world's most spoken languages? Strap yourself in for an engaging journey with us today! This lesson will navigate you through the fascinating world of global news, introducing real-world vocabulary while training your ears to understand diverse accents. It's a golden opportunity to level up your English skills while staying updated with the world around you.

And here's a secret - closer to the end of our lesson, we'll share some exciting tips on how to effortlessly incorporate English learning into your everyday life. So stay with us, and uncover the keys to mastering English that language schools don't tell you. Remember, every minute you spend with us is a step closer to fluency. Let's embark on this adventure together!

To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.
⭐ Chinese Proverb

Take learning everywhere with you, and transform your commute into a classroom. #PodcastLearning. So why wait? Dive in now, and start your exhilarating English learning journey! Unleash the English speaker in you! 🎯

More About This Lesson

Unleash the power of your curiosity for news and blockbuster movies to help you learn English fluency! Dive into the enthralling stories of the week, movie ) releases, and transform your English language learning experience into an exciting journey. It's not just an English class, it's an adventure into the English language.

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.
⭐ Frank Smith

Things you will learn in today's English listening lesson:

  1. Learn common colloquial phrases used in UK banking from Farage's banking experience.
  2. Discover rich scientific vocabulary from the Oppenheimer movie discussion.
  3. Hone your legal English terms with the Singapore drug trafficking case analysis.
  4. Improve your understanding of debate language during the digital currency discussion.
  5. Enhance your English pronunciation with key names like Nigel Farage and Oppenheimer.
  6. Boost your language of criticism and feedback from the Barbie movie backlash.
  7. Master the art of persuasive language through the digital currency debate.
  8. Diversify your vocabulary with terms from cinema industry during movie box office analysis.
  9. Grasp cultural references like Black Mirror and their usage in conversation.
  10. Learn about past simple tense with the historical reference in the Oppenheimer movie.

Benefits of our listen & learn approach to learning

This unconventional approach to learning English presents you with numerous benefits. It uses real-world contexts for natural, engaging, and contextual learning. Not only do you learn new vocabulary and grammar rules, but you also understand their usage in context. This method also enhances your listening skills, comprehension, and your ability to understand English in different contexts and accents.

  • You'll learn English as it's used in real-life, not just decontextualized vocabulary and grammar rules.
  • Exposure to a variety of topics will enrich your vocabulary and enhance comprehension.
  • Lessons explain complex vocabulary in an understandable way, boosting your understanding of language nuances.
  • Lessons offer exposure to different English accents, aiding in understanding diverse pronunciations.
  • The approach keeps the learning process engaging and interesting, keeping tedium at bay.

Several fears often hold back language learners. These include fears of sounding unintelligent, making mistakes, misunderstanding or being misunderstood, not understanding different accents, forgetting what you've learned, and the process being uninteresting. This method addresses all these fears by making the process engaging and by building your confidence gradually.

Moreover, this method addresses common misconceptions about learning English through real-world contexts like exploring news or discussing movies. It reinforces the fact that you don't need to understand every word to improve your English skills and that this method is useful for learners at all levels.

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.
⭐ Phil Collins

Lastly, scientific research backs this approach. Contextual learning enhances language comprehension and recall. Exposure to different accents improves comprehension in real-world situations, and understanding the culture can significantly enhance language learning ability.

Are you ready to make English lessons exciting, accessible, understandable, and fun? Do you want to stay updated, expand your vocabulary, and inch towards English fluency? Then don't wait any longer. "Boost your English fluency by diving into real-world topics! Tune in, learn & grow. Join us for engaging dialogue on latest news & movies, expanding your vocabulary. Discover the heart of British culture with our engaging lessons. Subscribe now! #BritishEnglishUnveiled

Questions You Might Have...

Diving into this English lesson is like exploring a bustling London market. The stalls are filled with colourful news stories and fresh movie releases, offering a chance to taste native English expressions, idioms, and phrases. Like an explorer, you listen in and attune your ears to the language's music, absorbing the embedded culture. The more you explore, the more new vocabulary words you discover and add to your basket, enriching your language skills.

  1. How does listening to a podcast improve my English fluency? When you listen to a podcast like this one, you immerse yourself in natural, conversational British English. You'll pick up vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and become familiar with the rhythm and intonation of the language, which all contribute to fluency.
  2. How can I improve my vocabulary with this transcript? The transcript deals with various topics such as banking news, movie reviews, and other current affairs. By reading or listening to diverse topics, you naturally come across a wide range of vocabulary. Always look up unfamiliar words and try to use them in your own sentences.
  3. How does this podcast help me understand English better? This podcast gives you the chance to hear English spoken at a regular speed. Plus, it covers different topics, exposing you to various contexts and expressions. As you become familiar with the language, your comprehension skills will improve.
  4. How often should I listen to this podcast for maximum benefit? Ideally, try to listen to English content every day. This podcast in particular recommends repeated listening until you understand all the words. The more exposure you get, the quicker you will improve.
  5. Why does the podcast mention a "Listen & Learn" course? The "Listen & Learn" course is designed to teach you the 500 most frequently used English words. The podcast suggests that learning these words can significantly improve your ability to start conversing in English, as they account for around 80% of everyday conversation.

Most Unusual Words:

  • Oppenheimer: A surname, usually referring to Robert Oppenheimer, known as the "father of the atomic bomb."
  • Cryptocurrency: Digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.
  • Blockchain: A system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.
  • Colloquial: Language or words used in an informal conversation rather than formal or written language.
  • Backlash: A strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.
  • Eurozone: The group of European Union nations whose national currency is the euro.
  • Referendum: A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.
  • Allegedly: Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is not proof.
  • Trafficking: The illegal trade or dealing of goods, often drugs or people.
  • Vocalist: A person who sings or the lead singer in a band.

Most Frequently Used Words:


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Transcript: British Movies And News English Listening Practice

Learn English through listening to slow news!

Hi there. Today, let's do a slow news podcast, so that you can practise your English understanding. I'll select some news stories from the last week, some of which you may be familiar with and you can practise your understanding. Great new real-world vocabulary for you.

That is my piggy bank from childhood. It's one place to put your money. One way of 'banking'. But in reality, most of us use actual banks. Let's get into a shocking news story about banking.

And stay with me until the end of this podcast. I will be offering a fun comparison between two vastly different movies, both released in the UK this week. Imagine Barbie and Oppenheimer competing for audience attention.

So a chance to learn more about popular culture and expand your vocabulary related to cinema and film reviews. And stay tuned to the end of this podcast to know my personal opinion on these movies and some interesting facts about them.

Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

Let's break a common myth about moving to speaking English!

Before we get started, let's break a common myth. You don't need to know thousands of words to start speaking English. Surprised? Research shows that the most frequently used 500 words account for up to 80% of English conversation. Now, imagine if you had these 500 words at your fingertips, ready to go? It would be a magic key to unlock basic conversation in English. So, we have prepared a special 'Listen & Learn' course, covering these 500 words. It's on our website at Go check it out. If you're just starting to speak English as well as understanding it, it can be a game-changer for you.

Boost Your Learning With Adept English

Did you know Nigel Farage was 'de-banked' for his political views?

To our first news story then. It's about something we use daily, but rarely talk about - banking. And perhaps you've heard of Nigel Farage, the MEP or used to be? And staunch campaigner for Brexit, a very divisive figure.

His recent argument with a bank in the UK, NatWest has stirred up a big controversy. Vocabulary? Banking. It's all about the industry of banks and the ability to use banks. That's 'banking', where we store our money. What does 'divisive' mean, D I V I S I V E? Well, when someone or something divides opinion, causes disagreement. We say it's 'divisive'.

So, our Mr Farage is indeed 'Marmite'. People love him or hate him. Nigel Farage was an influential campaigner for Brexit, but also when he was an MEP, he was the one who told Herman von Rompuy, President of the European Council, 'You have the charisma of a damp rag.' Farage was also very insulting about Belgium and about Herman van Rompuy's inflated EU salary. Farage is not afraid of saying what he thinks then! So post Brexit in the UK, Farage is a divisive figure. Many people worry that his views on immigration edge into racism.


An image of bank ATM machines in a wall. Boost your English fluency by diving into real-world topics! Tune in, learn and grow.

©️ Adept English 2023

Did you know 'The Queen's Bank' is the rich people's bank?

Anyway, the news story was that he was 'de-banked' by a division of the NatWest Bank in the UK. The division called Coutts, C O U T T S. Imagine if you were 'de-banked'!

Now NatWest is one of the main banks in the UK and one, and one which had to be rescued by the government in the banking crisis of 2008. So the taxpayer still has a 39% share in NatWest Bank, which makes it a little bit more accountable, shall we say? It must justify its actions.

And the division of NatWest called Coutts - and there's a fair bit of snobbery around this one - it used to be known as 'the Queen's Bank'. And Coutts is basically where rich people put their money, the bank that rich people use. You have to have a minimum amount before you can bank with Coutts.

Anyway, Coutts took the decision to de-bank Nigel Farage, to 'cancel him' as a banking customer, if you like!

The head of NatWest, Dame Alison Rose, when questioned, discussed the reasons with a BBC news reporter, breaking the first rule of banking, namely that people's details and accounts be held 'confidential', that's C O N F I D E N T I A L, meaning that you don't share customer details with anyone.

Should banks have the right to refuse customers based on political views?

Apparently it was because of Nigel Farage's political views, which were 'not consistent with Coutt's values' and this was why he was de-banked. Anyway, a whole storm blew up. Dame Alison Rose has had to resign from her senior role, running NatWest Bank. She was paid 5. 25 million pounds in her salary last year.

'But you can't take banking services away from someone', argued Nigel Farage, 'because you don't agree with their political viewpoint'. You may or may not like Nigel Farage, but I think he's right on this one! And he did receive an apology from the BBC.

Would digital currency give banks too much control over our lives?

In an age where we seem to be heading away from the concept of cash, C A S H, which means 'coins and notes', and going headlong towards digital currency, this sort of thing just underlines the power that the banks would have over our lives if digital currency were the only currency. Surely you can't refuse someone a bank account because you disagree with them? If you know the series Black Mirror - great for English language practice, this sounds a little bit like one of their plots, their plot lines around 'social credit', perhaps.

Is the death penalty for drug trafficking too harsh a punishment?

Second news story. Among nearly 200 nations worldwide, only four enforce drug trafficking related death penalties. So, the BBC News website reported this week that Singapore executed its first woman in 20 years for drug trafficking. Vocabulary? 'To execute', E X E C U T E means 'to put to death', 'to kill', in other words.

A 'drug trafficker' means 'someone who brings illegal drugs into a country'.

So this execution drew attention and protest in Singapore, because it was a woman being executed. Saridewi Djamani, age 45, was found guilty of trafficking heroin, H E R O I N, in 2018.

Did you know cannabis traffickers can face execution in Singapore?

It's less unusual for men to be executed for drug trafficking in Singapore, but the protest is really against the death penalty. A 'death penalty' means there's an option for the courts to sentence to death. So Singapore has some of the world's toughest penalties for drug trafficking. They can even execute traffickers for bringing in cannabis. That's C A N N A B I S, if they bring more than half a kilo into the country. Strange, because in parts of the US, cannabis is actually legal, though I do think there is evidence of harm, H A R M, with cannabis. It's not a completely innocuous drug. Not as bad as heroin though.

The death penalty is seen by many as too much, too harsh. British businessman Richard Branson saw fit to make comment. He gave his opinion on Twitter, saying ' Small scale drug traffickers need help as most are bullied due to their circumstances'.

Or should I say X, rather than Twitter, as Elon Musk seems to have renamed it this week?

Anyway, Amnesty International also commented, saying that 'Alongside China, Iran and Saudi Arabia, Singapore is one of only four countries to have recently carried out drug related executions'.

Movie news - Barbie or Oppenheimer?

What about movies that are showing this summer in the US and the UK? Two very different films were released this week. My daughter went with her friends to see Barbie or 'the Barbie movie'. And my son went with a friend to see Oppenheimer. Two more different movies you couldn't imagine. And the term Barbenheimer has been invented to represent the competition between these two films.

'It's estimated that there are over a billion Barbie dolls in circulation around the world!'

I think you probably know who or what Barbie is. An American doll, sold since 1959 by US company Mattel and known the world over. It's estimated that there are a billion Barbie dolls in circulation around the world. That's a scary thought!

And there's her relationship with Ken too. Barbie and Ken are a famous couple.

I'm a little 'Barbie-resistant' - why so?!

So yes, when my daughters were growing up, there were Barbie dolls around our house. For a period of time, every Christmas, the latest toy from Mattel would appear on their Christmas lists. They didn't always get it either! It often looked like a lot of plastic to me, at an inflated price too.

And with the emphasis too much on appearance. Barbie was also around when I was growing up. I did have at least one Barbie doll, but my parents were resistant. They found Barbie too plastic, too American, too pink, too appearance-focused, rather than 'education and achievement focused', which was what they wanted! They preferred to buy me the more 'English Rose' doll called 'Sindy'.

Well, it seems that those parental values did rub off on me, as I've always been slightly 'Barbie-resistant' and had gritted teeth around my daughter's Barbie dolls.

Is the 'Barbie' franchise promoting unrealistic body image standards? Perhaps no longer.....

However, in recent years, Mattel have responded to criticism tha t Barbie 'didn't represent real women'. And they've produced Barbie dolls with a hearing aid, a prosthetic leg, and a wheelchair. More recently, Mattel released a Barbie with Down's Syndrome to make its range more diverse. They are trying then!

And the reason for the Barbie movie may be more to do with falling sales of the toy, falling sales of the doll.

Anyway, Barbie persists and it seems that the Barbie movie will do quite well. People dress up as Barbie to go and see it!

Listening Lessons

The story of J Robert Oppenheimer

The other film on offer, Oppenheimer. This stars Irish actor Cillian Murphy, the star of the British TV series Peaky Blinders, if you know that one? And Oppenheimer is playing to great reviews. My son enjoyed it too. The film is the story of American physicist, J Robert Oppenheimer, who was instrumental in developing the first nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project. Robert Oppenheimer was friend of Albert Einstein. He was also Jewish, so part of his motivation to develop the bomb was the fear that the Germans would develop it first.

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When the bomb was developed, Harry S. Truman used it against Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japanese surrender in World War II. This put Oppenheimer into the public eye as 'The Father of the Atomic Bomb'. Oppenheimer never got over the guilt around what he'd invented and being the scientist behind that mass destruction. He referred to himself, 'I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds'. ' This is a quote from Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. And the use of this quotation has met with controversy in India.

Which film would you choose?

So which of these films would you watch? My choice? Oppenheimer every time! It wouldn't be Barbie. But deep breath -_ _the film Oppenheimer is three hours long. I'd have to 'psych myself up' before going to see that one!

Anyway, that's my round-up of last week's news. Let us know how you found this podcast and don't forget to listen to it a number of times until you understand all the words.


It's not just about understanding the words, but also the rhythm, the intonation, and the accent of British English.

Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at



The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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