English Listening Practice - Learn English Fast with UK's Hot News Topics!
Hey there, you! Yes, you! What if I told you that the key to learning English isn't buried in dusty textbooks but right here, in the latest news? ⚡️ Listen up, because Adept English has got something sizzling for you
. Hilary, your soon-to-be favourite British voice, delivers not just news but also the golden nuggets of the #englishlanguage that'll make you fluent before you can say "Boo." 🎧
Why Should You Jump In?
- 📰 News You Can Use: Grasp the latest happenings while absorbing rich British vocabulary.
- 🎯 Aim for Fluency: Our listen & learn system packs a punch; it's like giving your language skills an adrenaline shot!
- 🤓 Break Down Big Words: Hilary doesn’t just read the news; she breaks down challenging words so they stick.
- 📈 Level Up Your Game: Hot debates and real-world examples keep you at the edge of your seat, making learning a thrill ride.
- 💸 Free Resources: Get our 'Seven Rules of Adept English' course for absolutely nothing, zilch, nada!
✔Lesson transcript: https://adeptenglish.com/lessons/english-listening-practice-slow-british-news-sept2023/
The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.
⭐ Mark Twain
Are you tired of the same old ways to #learnenglish? Want to jump start your fluency
while staying updated on real-world issues? Then you're in the right place. Get ready to revolutionize your English learning with Adept English's latest podcast. We're diving deep into a raging debate in the UK—a debate that could actually affect your safety!
You won't just learn English today; you'll learn about the culture, the issues, and the real words British people use in their daily lives. Stay tuned—because missing this means missing out on the secret formula to learning English while engaging with current events.
Tough times never last, but tough people do.
⭐ Robert H. Schuller
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More About This Lesson
Tired of monotonous English lessons that lull you to sleep? Say hello to Adept English, your one-stop solution for learning the English language while staying up-to-date with current events in the UK. We don't just teach—we transform you into an English-speaking ace, helping you tackle real-world issues like the Dangerous Dogs Act and sustainable steel production.
Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital—the world's best talents and greatest ideas.
⭐ Jack Welch
Things you will learn in today's English listening lesson:
- Introduction of topical vocabulary: The lesson introduces vocabulary like "aggressive," "breed," and "temperament," useful for real-world discussions.
- Real-world news stories: Utilizes current events to make the lesson engaging and relatable.
- Word spelling and definitions: Spells out challenging words and provides definitions to enhance vocabulary.
- In-depth discussion: Takes a nuanced look at a topic, teaching learners to discuss complex issues.
- Cultural insights: Shares British perspectives on issues like public safety and industry, enriching the learner's cultural understanding.
- Explains idiomatic expressions: Phrases like "give dogs a bad name" are explained, which helps in understanding nuances.
- Invites listener interaction: Prompts like "Do you agree?" encourage active mental engagement.
- Grammatical structures: Natural use of different tenses and sentence constructions offer a broad learning scope.
- Pronunciation: A natural flow of spoken English helps listeners fine-tune their pronunciation.
- Technical language: Discusses specific terms like "carbon neutral," expanding specialized vocabulary.
Benefits of our listen & learn approach to learning
- Real-world Learning: Immerse yourself in British culture, vocabulary, and contemporary issues.
- Actionable Vocabulary: Learn words and phrases you'll use every day, not abstract terms.
- Stay Informed: Catch up on British and global news in a way that helps your language skills.
- Flexible Learning: Listen on your schedule; no need to follow a rigid timetable.
- No Fear Learning: We ease your worries about complex vocabulary and British accents.
So, press play, and unlock a treasure trove of learning. Get your ears tuned and your brain engaged. Trust the process, you're on the right path!
- Fear No More: We help you conquer fears like missing out on current events or not understanding complex words.
- Seven Rules: Our free course guides you on the path to English mastery.
- Listen & Learn: Your brain absorbs the language naturally as you listen, similar to learning to swim by being in the water.
A dog is not 'almost human,' and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such.
⭐ John Holmes
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- Engaging and Practical: Our podcasts aren't a chore; they're an interactive and thought-provoking experience.
- Boost Your Vocabulary: We focus on handy British English terms, helping you to communicate better.
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Ready for a transformative English-learning experience? Don't wait! Press play, soak in British culture, and advance your English skills in no time. Subscribe to Adept English today!
Questions You Might Have...
Tuning into Adept English's latest podcast is like strapping into a high-speed train, zipping through the British countryside. Each stop? A current debate—whether it's the dilemma of dangerous dog breeds or the environmental tightrope in steel production. Hold on, because you're not just reaching a destination; you're sharpening your English skills at every turn. It's an intellectual adventure, riding first-class in the language of Shakespeare, and exiting the train not just more informed but linguistically empowered. Don't just ride; transform. 🚄💡
- What is the primary goal of the Adept English podcast? The main objective of the Adept English podcast is to help you, the listener, become fluent in British English. The podcast covers various topics, like dangerous dog breeds and steel production, to make it not just educational but also engaging. As you tune in, you're killing two birds with one stone—learning new vocabulary and staying updated on current debates.
- How does the Adept English podcast help with language fluency? The philosophy behind Adept English is a 'listen & learn' system. By listening to the podcast, you immerse yourself in both the English language and British culture. Each episode breaks down more difficult words to improve your comprehension, helping you gain fluency naturally. All it takes is attentive listening.
- What is the "Seven Rules of Adept English" course, and is it free? Yes, the "Seven Rules of Adept English" is a free course aimed at maximizing your benefits from Adept English listening materials. No matter what language you're learning, these rules provide proven tips to enhance your language acquisition. Just visit the Adept English website to sign up and tap into this free resource.
- Why are debates on topics like dangerous dog breeds included in the podcast? While the primary focus is language learning, Adept English believes in enriching the content. Topics like dangerous dog breeds provoke thought and offer vocabulary that you might not encounter elsewhere. It's an interactive way to practice your English comprehension while engaging with contemporary debates.
- How does Adept English tackle current issues like climate change in their podcasts? The podcast not only covers the language but also delves into pressing matters like climate challenges in steel production. This makes the content relevant and encourages you to think critically. Plus, it exposes you to specialized vocabulary you'll need to discuss complex issues.
Most Unusual Words:
- Fluency: The ability to speak a language smoothly and easily.
- Comprehension: Understanding what you read or hear.
- Aggressive: Ready to attack or argue; not friendly or calm.
- Temperament: The usual way someone feels or behaves.
- Smelted: The process of melting ore to get metal.
- Carbon Neutral: Making no impact on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- Devastation: Great damage or destruction.
- Dementia: A medical condition affecting memory and thinking skills.
- Amyloid: A type of protein that can build up in tissues and organs.
- Necroptosis: A type of cell death.
Most Frequently Used Words:
Word | Count |
Steel | 14 |
These | 13 |
Which | 9 |
English | 7 |
There | 7 |
Well | 6 |
Other | 6 |
Scientists | 6 |
Adept | 5 |
Listen To The Audio Lesson Now
The mp3 audio and pdf transcript for this lesson is now part of the Adept English back catalogue . You can still download and listen to this lesson as part of one of our podcast bundles.Transcript: Boost Your English Fluency With News You Cannot Ignore
Learn English by listening to the news
Hi there. Imagine unlocking a secret door to English fluency, all while catching up on the news. Sounds good? Well, let's make that a reality today with this podcast. I'm here to give you a news round-up in British English, with all sorts of useful vocabulary for you to learn. If you're on the path to fluency in English, then Adept English is here to help you get there. We know that you like news podcasts and this is a great way for you to practise your English comprehension.
Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.
The Seven Rules of Adept English - works with any language!
Don't forget if you're keen to become fluent in English, the best way to do this is through listening to English material like this, which includes help with understanding the more difficult words. If you need a further explanation of how to benefit from Adept English listening materials, then sign up for our free course, the Seven Rules of Adept English. Actually, it doesn't really matter what language you're trying to learn. These rules and this advice still apply! It works and it's really the only way to become fluent in a language like English. So check out that course on our website today, adeptenglish.com. And yes, you heard me right, it's free!
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Did you know that one dog breed is responsible for 6 out of 10 dog attacks in the UK?
Well, this week in the news. There's been a history in the UK of banning so-called 'dangerous dogs'. There are certain breeds, that's B R E E D S, or types of dog, which tend to be more aggressive. That's A G G R E S S I V E. And 'aggressive' means 'angry and prone to attack'.
So certain dogs are by nature more aggressive. And in 1991, the UK introduced the Dangerous Dogs Act. This law banned four types of dog, all considered highly aggressive. This week, it was being discussed again. A video went viral. This video was of a dog, an American Bully XL, attacking people in a petrol station.
This huge dog weighs nine stone or 60 kilos and can easily overpower an adult. And this huge dog also now accounts for 6 out of 10 of the dog attacks that happen every year in the UK. Attacks on people, that means.
A photo of a hiker wearing red, walking in bad weather. Learn handy British English words as you catch up on current events! From politics to social issues, expand your lexicon while staying informed.
Should the American Bully XL be added to the list of dangerous dogs?
So the debate started, should the American Bully XL be added to the other four types of 'dangerous dog' and effectively be banned? The Dangerous Dogs Act makes it illegal to breed these dogs, own these dogs, even give them away or abandon them.
So the word 'breed' means 'the type of dog' and the verb 'to breed', 'to make puppies happen', if you like, that's 'breeding'. So American Bully XL dogs are naturally aggressive by temperament. 'Temperament', T E M P E R A M E N T, means 'their character'.
So two sides to this debate. There was a video shown on the news of a girl who was attacked by an American Bully XL. And an interview with a mother whose son died because of one of these dogs. And in fact, just on the morning that I'm recording this podcast, another man has died in the Midlands, in the UK after being attacked by a dog.
Should breeders and owners be trusted to ensure dogs are safe?
And of course there were interviews with a number of people on the other side of the argument. They say that it's not the breed of dog that matters, but how the dog is bred and handled. Do you agree, or do you feel that certain types of dogs are just too risky?
I agree that any type of dog can be dangerous if it's badly or wrongly treated. It can bite people, in other words. But to me, the problem is much more likely with these aggressive dog breeds. And they're much more capable of damage if they do become aggressive and attack people. They do more damage than a Cocker Spaniel, for instance.
I also question the motive of anyone wanting to own a dog like this. It's a bit like owning a weapon. It's as though the dog is designed for fighting and attacking. If you want a large and powerful dog, why not own a Great Dane? Great Danes, despite their huge size and their power, are not known for attacking people.
The supporters of the American Bully XL say ' With the correct breeding and handling, these dogs are perfectly safe'.
For me, statistics speak - it's not worth the risk! Buy a Great Dane or a Cocker Spaniel instead!
My argument is that you cannot guarantee that dog breeders and owners will be responsible, and in fact many of them aren't. If these dogs account for six out of ten dog attacks, perhaps it makes sense to ban them. There are, after all, hundreds of dog breeds that you can own. These dog breeds give dogs a bad name, and I think the arguments defending them are pretty thin. Are we saying, then, that it's OK if several people die in the UK each year, just to protect the right of certain owners to own dogs such as these? I don't think so. That doesn't seem balanced to me! I'm normally less inclined to state intervention, but with this example, I think there's a case!
UK Steel Industry at risk again
Next news article that caught my eye. Tata Steel in Port Talbot in South Wales. That's the main steel producing plant or factory in the UK. And it's under threat again. Steel, S T E E L, is a metal, a mix of iron and carbon. And steel is used in the construction of buildings, in ships and trains and cars and bicycles. And in the production of electrical appliances and weapons. In other words, it would be very difficult for us to do without steel. But the steel industry in the UK has long been under threat and it's needed lots of government money, government intervention to keep it going.
A personal interest!
I notice these news items because many years ago I used to work for British Steel, as it was then, in Port Talbot, at that South Wales site! I wasn't working on the blast furnaces! That's where the steel is 'smelted' or made. A 'furnace', F U R N A C E - that's a place where massive heat is produced for industrial purposes.
So, no, I didn't work on the blast furnaces. I worked in the IT department and I was a computer programmer there. I've observed in the years since that the steel industry in the UK has struggled to make money, struggled to be profitable. Often because it's in competition with the rest of the world, particularly China. who seem to be able to make steel much more cheaply than we can here in the UK.
Steel production must become carbon neutral
So why are jobs at Tata Steel in Port Talbot in South Wales under threat again? Well, it's that drive to reduce CO2. The aim is that steel plants must produce steel while being 'carbon neutral' and without burning fossil fuels.
What fossil fuel is used in steel production? Well, it's something called 'coke', C O K E, which comes from coal. That's not 'coke' as in Coca Cola the drink, or 'coke' as in the drug cocaine! Coal is C O A L.
So the aim is to switch to 'carbon neutral' furnaces, as steel production is responsible for 7 percent of greenhouse gases in the world. I think this is quite a challenge, given that huge temperatures are needed to smelt steel. (250-350C!)
The news item was more about the threat of job losses. I know that that's a concern, but you can't have government supporting an industry indefinitely. But I agree it's fair for the steel industry to ask for government support, government intervention, if they're asked to become 'carbon neutral'.
There is a steel plant just opened in Sweden, the first one of its kind in Europe, which will produce so-called 'green steel', meaning 'steel produced entirely by electrically-powered blast furnaces',
If we want to continue to make trains, planes, cars, buildings, electrical appliances, and weapons, and we want to be carbon neutral, then there's no choice but to do this, of course!
Earthquake in Morocco
This week, there have also been two terrible disasters in the world, which I just wanted to acknowledge. The first one, of course, was the earthquake in Morocco. which was just heart-breaking. A friend of mine was staying in Marrakesh last week. She sent me videos of people sitting and lying on blankets on the pavements in Marrakesh and videos of damage to buildings in the city.
But it seems that the biggest losses of life were out in the villages in the Atlas Mountains, where whole areas were devastated and whole villages appear to have been lost. I saw interviews with men who'd been working away and who returned to find that their whole family had died in the earthquake. Just horrible.
Floods in Libya
The other disaster, of course, was the floods in Libya. The city of Derna, D E R N A, appears to have been hardest hit. And as I record this podcast, the loss of life and the devastation are still being counted. The floods happened in part because of record rainfall. Storm Daniel hit Libya on Sunday and brought 40 centimetres of rain within 24 hours. Usually rainfall for this area for the whole of September is around 1. 5 millimetres. So these were extraordinary circumstances. The other problem was that dams, D A M S, also burst further upstream than the affected cities. A dam is 'a barrier, which holds back water'.
And the dams upstream of these cities were just not able to hold the water back. I attach the BBC News article which shows the view from the air before and after the floods. You may have seen these pictures already, but you can clearly see the devastation.
Listening Lessons
An Alzheimer's breakthrough - by British and Belgian scientists (and not directly pharma-funded!)
On a happier note to end, scientists in the UK this week announced what appears to be a big breakthrough in the battle to understand dementia diseases like Alzheimer's. A breakthrough, B R E A K T H R O U G H - t hat's a compound word. A breakthrough is 'a suddenly faster piece of progress'. That's 'a breakthrough'.
So scientists at the UK's Dementia Research Institute at University College, London or UCL and scientists at KU Leuven in Belgium, that's L E U V E N. These scientists have been working together on this. Dementia is something that we should all be concerned with. Who knows which of us will get this terrible disease if we're fortunate enough to live to old age.
For years, scientists studying Alzheimer's have been baffled. 'Puzzled' is a different word for that. They know that there is a build-up of proteins called 'tau', T A U, and 'amyloid', A M Y L O I D, in the brains of people who get dementia. But they have been unable to find how or why this causes the disease.
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Well, this week they announced that they'd discovered that a substance called MEG3, M E G 3, is produced where there's a build-up of tau and amyloid. And this MEG3 substance appears to be what causes the death of healthy, normal brain cells in dementia diseases. Death by 'necroptosis'.
So that means the 'necroptosis' of the healthy brain cells that we want to keep. And this is what happens to Alzheimer's patients. The scientists found that if they block the production of MEG3, this substance, the death of the healthy brain cells didn't happen. Wow. Let's hope that that research brings us closer to finding either a cure or treatment for this dreadful disease.
That's plenty of news to practise on - don't forget to share us on Spotify!
Well, that's plenty of news for you to practise on! And I hope you found it interesting and informative at the same time. Let us know. Give us feedback. We love to hear from you. And don't forget to share our podcast if you're on Spotify. That's a really good way of helping out Adept English. Thank you in advance for that.
Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye
Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at adeptenglish.com
- American bully XL
- Girl attacked by bully XL
- Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
- Man killed in Stonnall American bully XL attack
- Caerphilly dog attack
- Tata Steel: Thousands of job losses
- Tata Steel struggling
- Green steel plants
- Morocco earthquake
- Libya floods
- Scientists discovery
- Exciting Breakthrough In Alzheimer's Research
- Long noncoding RNA MEG3
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