30 Plant Foods To Improve Your English Fluency Ep 746

A painting of a happy face surrounded by fruit and vegetables. Gain valuable insights and expand your English food vocabulary with ease

📝 Author: Hilary

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💬 2665 words ▪️ ⏳ Reading Time 14 min

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English Listening Practice: Eating 30 plants a week is easier than you think!

Can you even name 30 plants you eat weekly? Today's podcast it's all about eating your way to a healthier life AND improving your English skills!

In an easy to follow English lesson you can look forward to:

  • Learn tasty food vocabulary like nuts, seeds, herbs & more from Tim Spector's Zoe Project
  • Discover how eating 30+ plants/week fights disease with gut-friendly bacteria
  • Explore the Mediterranean diet's plant variety for ultimate wellness

We have a new Listen & Learn course! The New Activate Your Listening course is a great way to improve your English conversation skills, watch the video here to find out more.

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.
⭐ Ann Wigmore

As always every one of our lessons comes with a FREE transcript which you can use to work on any words or phrases you don't understand: ✔ Lesson transcript: https://adeptenglish.com/lessons/english-listening-practice-plant-based-diet-vocabulary-lesson/

What if I told you that eating 30 different plants each week could transform your health and improve your English vocabulary at the same time? Join us in our latest episode as we dive into the fascinating world of plant foods and discover their benefits, all while learning essential English food terms. Curious? Let’s explore together!

My favourite overall diet is to eat more plants and drink more water.
⭐ Tom Brady

Don't miss this chance to nourish your mind & body! 🧠 Elevate your English while improving your plant-based path to longevity. Subscribe to our FREE, must-have English resource today! 📚

More About This Lesson

Explore diverse food vocabulary while learning the health benefits of eating 30 different plants a week. Today's lesson combines English language learning with practical nutrition advice.

The more plant foods you eat, the healthier you'll be - it's just that simple.
⭐ Sharon Palmer

The key benefits of participating in this English lesson:

  1. Expand food vocabulary with practical examples.
  2. Understand health and nutrition advice in English.
  3. Learn definitions and context for key terms.
  4. Improve listening skills through clear explanations.
  5. Gain insight into the UK health initiatives.
  6. Learn how to discuss diet and nutrition topics.
  7. Increase comprehension of scientific concepts.
  8. Practice listening to British English accents.
  9. Apply knowledge to personal dietary habits.

Learning plant food names is a straightforward way to expand your vocabulary without feeling overwhelmed. The lesson focuses on familiar topics like food, making it easy to follow and build your vocabulary at a comfortable pace.

The closer one gets to the source of food, the healthier one's diet will be.
⭐ Barbara Kingsolver

Combining vocabulary learning with interesting health advice makes the lesson both educational and enjoyable. By using new vocabulary related to plants and nutrition, you will see improvement in your understanding and speaking abilities. Start with learning plant names and their benefits for a focused and practical approach to vocabulary enhancement.

Follow and subscribe to our podcast wherever you listen or watch your podcasts. Enjoy simple and engaging lessons to improve your English fluency with ease. Subscribe to our podcast and follow us for more valuable English lessons!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the main purpose of this English lesson? The main purpose of this lesson, is; First, it aims to teach you diverse food vocabulary, introducing terms like "nuts," "seeds," "herbs," "spices," and "grains." Second, it highlights the health benefits of consuming a wide variety of plants – specifically, 30 different plant-based foods each week. The goal is to help you expand your English food vocabulary while motivating you to adopt a healthier, more diverse diet.
  2. What is the significance of eating 30 different plants per week? Eating 30 different plants each week is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. As the lesson explains, a diverse array of gut bacteria is essential for overall well-being and disease prevention. By consuming a variety of plant-based foods, you'll be providing your gut with a rich assortment of nutrients, which in turn supports the growth and diversity of beneficial gut bacteria. This straightforward dietary guideline can have a profound impact on your health.
  3. How does the lesson make it easier to achieve the goal of eating 30 different plants per week? The lesson makes this goal more attainable by broadening your understanding of what counts as a "plant." It's not just limited to fruits and vegetables; the lesson also includes nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and grains in this category. By considering these diverse plant-based foods, you'll find it much easier to incorporate 30 different varieties into your weekly diet. This inclusive approach makes the task feel less daunting and more achievable.
  4. What is the connection between this lesson and learning to speak British English fluently? While the primary focus of the lesson is on food vocabulary and dietary recommendations, it also serves as an excellent resource for improving your British English listening and comprehension skills. By actively listening to the podcast, you'll become more familiar with British English pronunciation, intonation patterns, and idiomatic expressions. Additionally, the wide range of food-related vocabulary introduced in the lesson will undoubtedly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English, particularly in culinary and health-related contexts.
  5. How can this lesson help you adopt a healthier lifestyle? This lesson can motivate and guide you toward adopting a healthier lifestyle by emphasizing the importance of a diverse, plant-based diet. By highlighting the numerous benefits of consuming a variety of plant-based foods, such as improved gut health and disease prevention, the lesson encourages you to make conscious dietary choices. Additionally, by providing practical advice on how to achieve the goal of eating 30 different plants per week, the lesson empowers you to take actionable steps toward improving your overall well-being.

Explore the rich soil of diverse culinary terms as you discover how a varied botanical diet boosts your linguistic and digestive microbiomes. Feast on this linguistic buffet!

Most Unusual Words:

  • Tackle: To deal with a problem or challenge.
  • Nutrition: Food and how your body reacts to it.
  • Portion: A serving or an amount of food you eat at once.
  • Benefit: The positive side or advantage.
  • Bacteria: Tiny living things, often only one cell, that can be good or bad for your health.
  • Digestive: Related to the process of breaking down food in your body.
  • Microbe: A very small living thing, such as bacteria.
  • Gut: The part of your body where food is digested, also called the stomach or intestines.
  • Herbs: Green plants, usually leaves, used to give flavors to food.
  • Spices: Substances used to flavour food, such as paprika or ginger.

Most Frequently Used Words:


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Transcript: 30 Plant Foods To Improve Your English Fluency

Expand Your Vocabulary for plant foods and their health benefits

Hi there. Today let’s do something nice and simple, let’s learn plant food names and their benefits to your diet, which will give you some great food vocabulary. Some of our podcasts tackle complex subjects - and it’s nice to have something shorter and easier! So let’s do that today. Did you know that by eating 30 different plants each week, you can significantly improve your health? That's right! Today, we'll explore this fascinating topic and learn some great English food vocabulary at the same time. This advice comes from the Zoe Project, that’s ZOE, a major UK nutrition programme led by Tim Spector.


A montage of vegetables and fruits on a green background. Learn essential food vocabulary while discovering a simple way to boost your well-being

©️ Adept English 2024

The project studies health and how it relates to food. People can join the programme and discover how their bodies react to certain foods, and in turn, the project gathers valuable data to offer general diet and nutrition advice. This is a win-win - people can join the project to find out what foods are best for them - and the Zoe project gets to collect lots of data and then is able to give useful general advice to people on diet and nutrition. The noun ‘nutrition’, NUTRITION means ‘food and your body’s reaction to that food’. One thing that’s become clear through Zoe is that we all react to food in different ways. So one piece of food advice from Zoe is getting to be quite well known now. Let’s talk about the advice to ‘eat 30 different plants a week’. A ‘plant’, PLANT means ‘something that grows in the ground’. ‘30 different plants a week’ - that sounds a lot! Stay with us to discover how that’s a lot easier than it sounds!

Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

Five portions of fruit and veg a day

In the UK we are used to the advice to eat ‘five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.’ A portion, PORTION means a ‘serving’ ‘an amount that you’d eat at once - say like an apple’, that would be ‘a portion’. But what the Zoe programme means here - is 30 different plants in a week. How do you do that then - and what are the benefits, what’s the upside?

New Activate Your Listening Course!

Before I go further, don’t forget our New Activate Your Listening Course - it’s revamped and in a great format, with improved learning material. If you would like your English language conversation skills to take a huge step forward, then this course will really help you do that. On our website at adeptenglish.com, of course.

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Did you know eating 30 different plants a week can boost your health?

So first of all what is the benefit of eating 30 different plants a week? ‘Benefit’, BENEFIT means ‘the upside, the positive’. Well, one of the diets in the world that is healthiest is the so-called Mediterranean diet - and this is full of a variety of plants. But the idea is much more science-based that just that. It appears that this diet of such plant variety is very good for the microbes, the bacteria in your gut. ‘Bacteria’, BACTERIA - tiny living things, possibly only one cell - and we usually associate bacteria with infection, disease and dirt! But actually scientists have learned in the last 20 years just how important the bacteria in your gut, GUT, your digestive system are to your health! Much more important than they’d previously realised. So eating 30 different plants a week is what your digestive system needs. And the effects of ‘good gut bacteria’ are amazing and help our bodies fight disease. One of the most important things is the range of bacteria, so the more plants we eat, the greater the range - the variety, the greater number of types of bacteria in our gut.

Essential English for Cheap Flights

Why us eating 30 different plants a week easier than you think?

So it’s worth doing! But 30 plants a week?! If you realise one key thing, it’s not quite so difficult. The more usual ways of recommending healthy eating talk about portions of ‘fruit and vegetables’. So an example of ‘fruit’, FRUIT would be an orange or an apple or a strawberry. And examples of vegetables include ‘peas, carrots, beans, potatoes’. But when Zoe says ‘plants’ this is purposeful - it means something much broader. It includes anything you eat that grows in the ground. So that means also ‘nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and grains’. So a ‘nut’, NUT would be something like a walnut or a hazelnut. Seeds might be sesame or poppy seeds. Herbs means those green plants from your garden, usually leaves, which give flavour to your food - things like basil and parsley. And ‘spices’, SPICES - well there are a lot of spices in curry, but in plenty other types of food too. Examples would be paprika or cinnamon. And ‘grains’, that’s GRAIN - means anything that is grown in the ground that’s cereal crop, CEREAL - so things like oats, wheat, barley, rice would be examples of grains.

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So when you come to think about that goal of eating 30 plants a week, it’s rather easier if you include all of those things. Every nut, every seed, every herb, every spice and every grain, which we sometimes forget are plant-foods. They all count towards your 30, so it’s much easier when you know that!

How many plants do you eat each week?

How many plants do you think you eat each week? Is it a good diet or do you think you might need to eat more plants?


Let us know. And let us know also whether you like the slightly shorter podcast.

Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening. Please help me tell others about this podcast by reviewing or rating it. And, please share it on social media. You can find more listening lessons and a free English course at adeptenglish.com




The voice of Adeptenglish, loves English and wants to help people who want to speak English fluently.
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