Speak British English Confidently With Lots Of Interesting Listening Practice
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Work on your English fluency and explore the fascinating origins of weekday names in this captivating lesson, perfect for new learners. Dive in and uncover hidden stories!
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✔Lesson transcript: https://adeptenglish.com/lessons/english-listening-practice-from-gods-to-weekdays/
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This type of practice can help you to become a more fluent and confident English speaker, even if you don't have a perfect grasp of grammar rules. It's important for you to understand that listening and speaking are interconnected skills that develop together, and that progress can be made with consistent effort and practice.
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If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
⭐ Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa.
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More About This Lesson
Are you eager to improve your English and discover fascinating facts about the language? This lesson will captivate you while boosting your fluency. You'll uncover the origins of weekday names and explore how ancient cultures, invasions, and celestial bodies shaped the English language. As you listen, you'll also improve your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary. Dive into this engaging lesson, perfect for new English learners, and uncover the hidden stories behind the words we use every day. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and be amazed!
- Research has shown that listening to English speakers at a faster speed than one is comfortable with can actually improve one's listening comprehension abilities over time. This technique is known as "extensive listening."
- Exposure to various English accents, including regional and non-native accents, can improve one's listening comprehension and understanding of spoken English.
- Active listening, where one focuses on the speaker and responds appropriately, can improve one's overall communication skills in English, including speaking and writing.
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
⭐ Tony Robbins, American author, and life coach.
Start enhancing your understanding of the English language's history and diversity. Explore the origins of weekday names and how different cultures and languages influenced them, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the language. This not only broadens your vocabulary but also helps improve pronunciation and listening skills, ultimately contributing to your overall language proficiency and confidence.
- With this listening practice lesson, you'll improve your ability to understand native speakers and become more confident in your conversations.
- By listening and repeating key phrases, you'll improve your pronunciation and sound more like a native speaker.
- Through regular listening practice, you'll gain familiarity with different British English accents, making it easier to understand them when you encounter them in real-life conversations.
- With this lesson, you'll gain more confidence in your speaking abilities, which can help you feel less shy or embarrassed about speaking English in social or professional situations.
- By regularly practising your listening skills with this lesson, you'll learn to identify key words and phrases in fast-paced conversations, making it easier to keep up and participate in the discussion.
English listening practice is essential for new language learners, and the Adept English Learn English Through Listening podcast is the perfect place to improve your British English language fluency. With engaging content, expertly crafted lessons, and proven methods for rapid improvement, you'll be well on your way to unlocking English fluency. Don't miss out on your chance to shine in English – join the Adept English community today and embark on your journey to language fluency!
Questions You Might Have...
This lesson and others like it will not only enhance your understanding of the English language's history and diversity but also contribute to your overall language proficiency and confidence.
- What is English listening practice? A: English listening practice is a process of actively and intentionally listening to English language content to improve comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation.
- Why is English listening practice important? A: English listening practice is important because it helps learners to improve their comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. Listening to English content also helps learners to become more familiar with the language, which can improve their communication skills.
- How can I improve my English listening skills? A: You can improve your English listening skills by listening to English language content on a regular basis. This can include listening to podcasts, watching TV shows or movies, or practising with a language partner.
- What are some common mistakes people make when practising English listening? A: Some common mistakes people make when practising English listening include not focusing enough on what is being said, not practising regularly enough, and not actively engaging with the content.
- How long does it take to improve English listening skills? A: The length of time it takes to improve English listening skills depends on a variety of factors, such as the learner's level of proficiency, how often they practice, and their dedication to the process. However, with regular practice, most learners can see improvement within a few months.
- What kind of English content should I listen to for practice? A: You should listen to English content that is appropriate for your level of proficiency. This can include podcasts, TV shows, movies, news broadcasts, and more.
- Can I improve my English listening skills without a teacher? A: Yes, you can improve your English listening skills without a teacher. There are many resources available online, such as podcasts and language learning apps, that can provide you with opportunities for listening practice.
- How do I know if I am making progress in my English listening skills? A: You can measure your progress in English listening skills by regularly testing yourself with quizzes, listening exercises, or by tracking your comprehension of English language content over time.
- What are some effective English listening practice techniques? A: Effective English listening practice techniques include active listening, taking notes, practising with a language partner, and listening to a variety of English content.
- Can I practice English listening while multitasking? A: While it is possible to practice English listening while multitasking, it is generally more effective to practice in a quiet and focused environment where you can fully engage with the content.
Most Unusual Words:
- Inconsistencies: irregularities or differences that make something less perfect or predictable
- Pronunciation: the way a word is spoken or the act of saying words correctly
- Influenced: affected or changed by something or someone
- Celestial: relating to the sky or outer space
- Interchangeable: able to be used in place of each other, easily switched or replaced
- Fluency: the ability to speak or write a language easily, smoothly, and accurately
- Goddesses: female gods or divine beings in mythology
- Anglo-Saxons: a group of people who lived in England from the 5th century, with Germanic origins
- Vikings: seafaring warriors and traders from the late 8th to early 11th century, mainly from Scandinavia
- Norse: relating to the people, language, or culture of Scandinavia, especially ancient Norway and Iceland
Most Frequently Used Words:
Word | Count |
English | 17 |
Norse | 12 |
Latin | 9 |
Podcast | 8 |
Different | 7 |
Language | 7 |
Names | 6 |
Listen To The Audio Lesson Now
The mp3 audio and pdf transcript for this lesson is now part of the Adept English back catalogue . You can still download and listen to this lesson as part of one of our podcast bundles.Transcript: Listening Practice Unlocks British English Fluency Success
A promise of a podcast on the days of the week - from podcast 617
Hi there. Recently I gave you a podcast 617, on the origins of the English language, how mixed up English is. It's a mix of lots of languages and how this explains the inconsistencies in English. Well, I promised you a shorter podcast on the days of the week and the origins of the weekday names in English and here it is.
Hello, I’m Hilary, and you’re listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.
Using weekdays to look at European language influences
Let's look at some of the differences between the weekdays in English and some other European languages. If nothing else, this podcast may make you laugh or cry or at least amuse you, as I'm going to attempt to pronounce the days of the week in languages, I don't speak. So have a look on YouTube or on Spotify if you want to see me do that on video.
You can watch me struggle with this pronunciation and find out that I'm just as prone to pronunciation errors as you are, when I'm in a different language. And while you're doing all that and listening to this podcast, your brain will be doing its English language practice. Brilliant!
A photo of a young woman listening to English lessons. Elevate your English skills with our comprehensive listening practice. Learn British English today. #EnglishLanguage
The days of the week in English
Okay, so this is possibly one of the first things that you learn when you start to learn English - the days of the week, along with the months of the year. So you probably know already Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
And your days of the week may sound something similar or be completely different, depending upon what your language is.
The one to watch in English is, of course, 'Wednesday'. Children in British school learn to say Wed-Nes-Day, so that helps them remember the spelling, W E D N E S D A Y - 'Wednesday'.
Roman influences on our weekdays firstly
So the story of some of our days of the week starts with the Romans. And the language of the Romans was Latin, L A T I N. And this has become part of the English language because the Romans invaded and were a big influence for hundreds of years. And Latin also came into the English language as Christianity arrived too. That's later on in history. The Romans called their days of the week after the planets. That's P L A N E T S or Celestial Bodies. The planets make up our solar system and they have names like Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn.
Where did 'Saturday' get its name?
And like those ones, many of the planets are called after Roman gods and goddesses. So Saturday is so-called in honour of the planet and the god Saturn, S A T U R N. This was 'dies Saturni' in Latin.
So in Dutch, this is ' Zaterdag'. 'Sabato' in Italian, 'samedi' in French, ' Samstag' in German. And 'Sabado' in Spanish. So all of those languages follow a similar pattern.
Where did 'Sunday' and 'Monday get their names?
Sunday and Monday are easy too. They're 'the sun's day' and 'the moon's day'. And this is reflected in the other Anglo-Saxon languages. 'Zondag' and 'Maandag' are Sunday and Monday in Dutch. ' Sontag und Montag' in German.
In Latin Sunday was 'dies solis'. So 'sol, solis', meaning 'the sun', and Monday was 'dies lunae' from 'luna', L U N A, meaning 'the moon'. And you can see this in the Spanish for Monday, ' Lunes'. Italian, 'Lunedi' and French 'lundi'. All of them quite literally, 'moon day'.
A split between the Latin-based and German-basesd languages
And you see this split between the Latin and the Germanic or Norse language influence actually, in quite a few of our days of the week. So the 'Romance Languages', that's Spanish, Italian, French are more purely Latin influenced. And tend to have their origins in the Roman gods and goddess names or planet names for the days of the week. Whereas the English or Germanic languages may follow the Anglo-Saxon or Norse equivalent.
If you remember, Britain was invaded not just by the Romans, but also by the Anglo-Saxons resulting in Germanic language influences. And later the Vikings V I K I N G S, meaning that we also have lots of words in English, which come from the Norse language. That's N O R S E.
And these invasions have influenced the names of our days of the week. So for the remaining days of the week, English is different from the 'Romance Languages', different from the Latin origin. So the next four days belong to the Norse gods.
Where did 'Tuesday' get its name?
Tuesday is the day of 'Tui', T U I, a Germanic god of war, or alternatively 'Tyr', T Y R, the Norse god of war. And the Anglo-Saxons used this to replace the Latin for Tuesday, which was 'dies Martis', literally 'the day of the god Mars', M A R S. Also like the planet, of course.
Mars was the Roman God of war. And again, you can see this in the Latin based or 'Romance Languages'. In Spanish Tuesday is 'Martes', ' Martedi' in Italian and 'mardi' in French.
But in Norse languages like Swedish, it's 'Tisdag', w hile in Dutch, it's 'Dinsdag' and in German 'Dienstag'. I hope I'm not destroying these pronunciations too much, but I'm sure you'll let me know! ' Dienstag' and 'Tuesday' don't immediately seem to be that similar, but actually the letter T and the letter D are often interchangeable between different European languages. If you think of the shape that your mouth makes - T and D - it's almost the same letter. It's just one's voiced, one's unvoiced. Useful to know. So 'Tuesday' and 'Dienstag' are the same word origin.
Don't forget our podcast bundles are a bargain that will aid your learning
Before I continue, just a reminder that if you're enjoying this podcast and our podcasts are helping you to learn English, then don't forget to look at our podcast bundles. Go to our website at adeptenglish.com and Courses is the page you want. And you'll find that for a tiny price you can buy a bundle of 50 podcasts, which will mean that you've got top quality English listening for quite a long time. Well worth it! It's putting in all that time listening, which gives the greatest boost, the greatest help to your fluency in English, especially when you come to speak.
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Where did 'Wednesday' get its name?
Next, Wednesday or 'Wed-Nes-Day', if you want to spell it, is the day of the Norse god, 'Odin', O D I N, who's also called 'Wodan', W O D A N.
But for the Romans, it was their god, 'Mercury', M E R C U R Y, like the planet that gave Wednesday its name, 'dies mercurii'. ' So French for Wednesday is 'mercredi'. And Italian for Wednesday is 'mercoledi'. Always following the Latin more closely, of course.
So it's Wednesday in English and 'Woensdag' in Dutch. And the Germans decided to go their own way on this one - 'Mittwoch' just literally means 'midweek'. 'Mittwoch'.
Listening Lessons
Where did 'Thursday' get its name?
Our next day of the week, Thursday is 'Thor's day'. That's T H O R. And that is the Norse god of Thunder. And Thursday is 'Torsdag', 'Torsdag' in the Norse languages. That was my attempt at Swedish by the way! Again, this was a substitute for the Romans' own thunderbolt-throwing god, Jupiter. So in Latin Thursday was 'Jupiter's day' or 'dies Jovis'. So again, we have that split between the Latin-influenced 'Romance Languages' and the Germanic languages. So 'jeudi' in French for Thursday, ' Jueves' in Spanish. And 'Giovedi' In Italian. But if you go to the Germanic languages, 'Donderdag' is the Dutch and 'Donnerstag' in German. You might know that 'Donner und Blitz' in German is 'thunder and lightning'. So, of course the Dutch and German Thursdays are named after the god of thunder. It's funny how they swapped out the Roman god of thunder for the Norse god of thunder for the same day.
Where did 'Friday' get its name?
Last of all, Friday honours Frigg, F R I G G, a Norse goddess and the wife of Woden. So 'Vrijdag' is Friday in Dutch. And 'Fredag' in Swedish, and of course Friday for us.
But for the Romans, Friday was the day of Venus, the goddess of love and the planet is Venus as well. So that was 'dies Veneris'. So in Italian it's 'Venerdi'. 'Viernes' i n Spanish, and of course 'vendredi' in French.
But again, those Germanic-based languages have gone with a different goddess, with the Norse goddess 'Frigg'. So we have 'Freitag' in German. And as I said, 'Vrijdag' in Dutch and Friday in English.
So that's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, all covered.
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If you like this podcast, let us know. I can also do one on the months of the year, if you'd like that. They also have very mixed origins and their names come from different places. The months of the year are like the days of the week , complicated, not uniform, not logical, and with different source languages, just like English all over!
So use this podcast to practise your English listening. If it amuses you please share it with someone else. And if yours is one of the languages I've attempted to pronounce words from, then hopefully this podcast will have made you smile!
Enough for now. Have a lovely day. Speak to you again soon. Goodbye.
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- Podcast 617
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