🔖 English Idioms Topic
We found 36 items which have been tagged with #idioms. Click on one to jump into that resource.
We found 36 items which have been tagged with #idioms. Click on one to jump into that resource.
If you think listening is not important to helping you speak English then you are wrong! Listening to native English speakers is one of the most important things you can do to improve your English speaking. If you are not making progress with the English-speaking part of your English language learning, then it is probably because you are not listening to enough English.
October 31, 2019
Some people are great at keeping secrets, some are just awful. Which are you? Today we talk about an English idiom that’s used to describe the act of telling a secret. We’ve included lot’s of practice sentences and explain how to use it best.
August 08, 2019
Today we have some fun with English fruit idioms that you will hear in everyday English conversation here in Britain. There are a lot of fruit themed idioms in use today, far more than you would expect. I guess we all like fruit and it’s something we all have in common so it’s a powerful way of communicating something we would (or should) understand.
July 22, 2019
When we talk about English idioms, you might think this is a little used or useless part of your English language learning. Something you will probably never come across. You would be wrong!
June 13, 2019
Today we learn all about the use of Vanilla as a British English idiom in this comprehensive lesson! However Be careful what you say! You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there. - Joel Osteen.
June 06, 2019
If you search for English language idiom articles on the Internet, you will find a lot of them titled; 100 idioms… or 1,000 idioms… or a million English idioms. They are useless, they are just a list of idioms with a basic description, they give you no value. You need not know 1,000 cooking idioms you need to know the 5-6 most commonly used today, right now in everyday English conversation.
May 13, 2019