๐Ÿ”– English Grammar Topic

#Grammar 62

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๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of some colourful water colour paints. Used to help illustrate conditional verbs in English grammar.

Study English Learn Grammar Through Listening-It Is All Conditional Part Three Ep 322

In todayโ€™s podcast we keep a promise made back in podcast 202 and finish our work on English conditional verbs. So today's podcast is an English listen and learn lesson on English grammar.


April 20, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 1918

โณ Length 10 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of a happy young girl playing with a brightly coloured flower, used to help explain comparative adjectives happy, happier and happiest.

Improve Your Spoken English-Learn Grammar With Us Today Ep 312

Today we will practice some English grammar, specifically around comparative adjectives. Given all the coronavirus reporting, we thought we would explain the English vocabulary being used, things like Biggest, Strongest and when this language is suitable and correct.


March 16, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2102

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of a group of friends enjoying a meal, this is used an example of a having a meal in the future to help explain future English language tenses.

Learning English-Conversations About The Future Ep 308

Today we will cover tenses in English conversation. If you donโ€™t know what an English tense is, then jump right in as we explain it in the lesson. If you know about the 12 English language tenses, then you probably know it can be difficult using them in English conversation, and this lesson explains why and how to use English language tenses properly.


March 02, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2196

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of a grass field with a heavy winter frost with the sun rising above the trees in the distance.

Correct Vocabulary For English Grammar-English Made Simple Ep 301

Itโ€™s 2 degrees Celsius here in London today and it feels colder because there is a steady wind. I hope you're all warm and safe and ready to tackle the boring part of learning a language, and that is grammar. English like any other language has its own vocabulary to describe its own grammar rules. It helps to know what the most common of these words is and what they mean. In today's English lesson we cover the most important and frequently used.


February 06, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 1870

โณ Length 10 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of camels in the foreground with the Egyptian pyramids in the background.

Homophones Are A Part Of The Grammar Of English Ep 298

Today we have a lesson designed to help you learn to speak English fluently and to help with some tricky parts in the grammar of English. Here at Adept English we use listening as our main way to learn English, but what happens when words sound exactly the same?


January 27, 2020

๐Ÿ’ฌ Words: 2093

โณ Length 11 min

๐Ÿ“ฎ grammar

A photograph of a couple fetching the weekly shopping in large bags from the boot of their car. Used in explaining the use of pronouns and the basics of grammar in English.

Basics Of Grammar In English A Pronoun That We Use All The Time Ep 292

Itโ€™s been almost a month since we last covered the basics of grammar in English, we want you to acquire English grammar naturally through listening alone, but unfortunately, sometimes English grammar needs a little explanation to help answer some obvious questions.


January 06, 2020

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma