๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Download English Speaking Lessons

We have 69 English speaking audio lessons and pdf transcripts in the English speaking section. All ready to be downloaded right now.

All of our English audio lessons and transcripts are free. We encourage you to download these files to your mobile phone so you can keep learning to speak English on the move with no mobile data charges.

To help prevent automated downloading we have to ask you a simple maths question to make sure your a human, we hope you don't mind. If you want to download a lot of files all in one go then you should take a look at our podcast bundles, where for a small fee (to cover our network costs) you can download 50 lessons (both lesson audio and pdf transcript) for a few pounds.

A while ago we were asked to how to get the best out of each of these lessons, and we produced a dedicated lesson which helps you maximize the benefits of listening to a lesson, you can jump to that great article here.
Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

How to improve english speaking break phrasal verbs ep 237

๐Ÿ›’Older Podcasts

Today we will work on English phrasal verbs, specifically the verb break. Itโ€™s quite a fun one becauโ€ฆ...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

British accent practice ep 230

๐Ÿ›’Older Podcasts

When you learn to speak a language, like English, you spend your early days just trying to remember โ€ฆ...

Ielts listening practice online time in english ep 228

๐Ÿ›’Older Podcasts

Getting the time and giving the time of day is something we English speakers do all the time. So itโ€™โ€ฆ...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Ielts speaking test topic a trip to amsterdam ep 218

๐Ÿ›’Older Podcasts

If you want the best IELTS speaking test score you can get, then you need to practice listening and โ€ฆ...

Every Adept English lesson will help you learn to speak English fluently.

Do i need to learn the british accent ep 217

๐Ÿ›’Older Podcasts

British people expect you to talk **funny** because everyone in the UK speaks English differently. Bโ€ฆ...

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma