🗃️ Download English Fluency Lessons

We have 87 English speaking audio lessons and pdf transcripts in the English fluency section. All ready to be downloaded right now.

All of our English audio lessons and transcripts are free. We encourage you to download these files to your mobile phone so you can keep learning to speak English on the move with no mobile data charges.

To help prevent automated downloading we have to ask you a simple maths question to make sure your a human, we hope you don't mind. If you want to download a lot of files all in one go then you should take a look at our podcast bundles, where for a small fee (to cover our network costs) you can download 50 lessons (both lesson audio and pdf transcript) for a few pounds.

A while ago we were asked to how to get the best out of each of these lessons, and we produced a dedicated lesson which helps you maximize the benefits of listening to a lesson, you can jump to that great article here.

Lets talk about shampoo as we help you to learn english conversation ep 364

🛒Older Podcasts

If you’ve listened to Adept English before, you know that we try to make our English lessons interes…...

Discover interesting language facts as you learn english language fluency ep 362

🛒Older Podcasts

In today’s English lesson our goal is to learn and improve English Language Fluency through listenin…...

Raspberry and blackberry for pet tortoise, part of the discussion on UK obsession with pets.

Find out about british pets while learning how to speak english ep 348

🛒Older Podcasts

If you are learning to how to speak English fluently you need to listen to lots and lots of everyday…...

A photograph of young black children with a megaphone. Used as part of our discussion on racism in this English lesson.

Lets focus on world news while we listen and learn english language ep 338

🛒Older Podcasts

How about we talk about the news to help us listen and learn the English language? With the huge rea…...

A photograph of fluffy pine branches in the sun, used in an English language practice discussion about getting enough vitamin D

Sensible learning for english listening practice skills needed for english fluency ep 333

🛒Older Podcasts

One of the many advantages of using the Adept English listen & learn approach to learning to speak E…...

A photograph of a fireman running towards a fire, using in talking about heroism as part of an English fluency practice lesson.

English lesson focused on ism words to help english speaking fluency ep 320

🛒Older Podcasts

In today's English lesson we will use ism words to practice our English fluency. We could have chose…...

A photograph of a young smiling woman holding a small American flag on a sunny day used in a English practice conversation.

English for conversation strange times make unpredictable popularity ep 319

🛒Older Podcasts

Here at Adept English we specialise in helping you with the speaking and listening part of learning …...

A photograph of a family spending time together painting and decorating. With more and more people being asked to stay at home, what are we going to do with that spare time?

Get creative in quarantine and learn to speak english while you do ep 314

🛒Older Podcasts

The UK is finally getting serious about limiting person-to-person contact to help prevent the spread…...

Created with the help of Zola and Bulma